aeroflot plane fire 2022

He would be seen as a weak and defeated leader. The EU or Berlin? You might have overestimate the impact of these sanctions. While the United States hasnt yet banned Aeroflot, it looks like Aeroflot may be canceling flights to the United States due to lack of feasible routings to operate these flights, at least temporarily. Putin invaded Crimea and Ukraine on the wimps Obama and Biden.Your TDS is showing. Why not?! Passengers can be seen escaping via the plane's emergency slides that inflated after the hard landing.Moscow airport plane fire: more than 40 die in Aeroflot emergency landing the Guardian in Focus podcast Guardian YouTube network:The Guardian Football Sport Culture #fire #russia #planefire Again, in 2015, a British Airways Boeing 777 flight 2276 crash landed in Las Vegas. I say continue on comrads But dont you dare try to do business with the rest of the world. Planes of the Aeroflot and Rossia airlines are parked at Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport. The flight attendants have parents and children too. He is trying his best to reinstate the old Soviet Union & it's regime & this time the world ain't having 1 sip of this crap. These are scenes from a video that has been making . Did Canada allow this as a one-time exception, which would be reasonable, since the plane was returning to base? Cutting SWIFT or airspace access would be as useful as drop in the bucket in deterring Putin. Soviet Union regime will not work this time. Even Canada prevented this. It's not just planes. Erratic autocrat and the Russian citizens and Russian politicians are too inept and cowardly to do what needs to be done. His support of Mango Mussolini was not in our best interests, and Mango's support of Putin put money in the Rump Crime Family pockets per Eric's recorded admission. They own stock in a Canadian extraction business, not US uranium. Do not let them leave. Others have been maligned on social media for filming inside the plane. Poland? All of this could have been avoided if Ukraine had declared neutrality and form a commission with other European nations to address the problem. Aeroflot cited a high risk of foreign-leased planes being impounded as part of Western sanctions that ban leasing of planes to Russia. What they should have done is made a "wall" of countries that do not have intercontinental services from their countries. Remarks Russia should be shut down. I suspect not. The Russians should realise that the economic squeeze and social isolation by the West is just the start of severe hardship for them ..mad morons like Hitler , Saddam etc managed to attract more powerful forces to destroy their countries.. Putin claims to be a student of historybut alas.. just another failed power hungry idiot who did not pay attention to his history teacher Dick-tater One is murdered by Dick-tater Two or torn to shreds by their victims. Oh so easy to criticise others 787 but tell us what you think would be effective measures against Russia? The entire Russian population will feel measures like this and frankly they should. Freeze all Russian assets in Canada and confiscate the same giving them to humanitarian aid for Ukraine. (2,022 flying hours). The biggest Oil reserve in the world in the US backyard. Meanwhile Aeroflots eastbound transatlantic flights on Sunday also had quite a journey the flight from Miami still used Canadian airspace, apparently by lying and claiming it was a humanitarian flight. With new airspace restrictions from the European Union and Canada, Aeroflot decided to turn around on its service between Moscow and New York on Sunday. drop bombs where it hurts putin the most, like they did to Hitler at the end, so not wait for more carnage, Poutin leaves in the 50s. Airlines have been using two pilots for a long time and are not ready to spend money on a flight mechanic. Meanwhile Saudi Airlines can fly unhindered while their state carries out genocide in Yemen. Putin has been after Clinton since she supported anti-Putin forces in Russia as Secretary of State, and Renazikkklans jumped on Putin's team to destroy a US citizen with endless lies. Seems irrational to want to be a Dick-tater, no matter how messy democracy is. If we need to produce all electric transport using solar power we can and will do it successfully. You can't get here from anywhere in Russia without crossing through Canadian or Danish/Greenland airspace. Clearly, despite all safety information explicitly instructing passengers not to stop and collect belongings, a worrying number of people believe the rule doesnt apply to them. Well, Being realistic, I suppose they did have to get home and not having enough jet fuel to take any diversionary route, they had no other choice than to overfly Canadian Airspace. And how do you think this will make Putin suffer, we can't even locate all of his hidden assets. Aeroflot published a list of survivors (in Russian) who have been identified so far. How to Get a Free Flight to Hong Kong in 500,000 Airline Ticket Giveaway. Mr Chibis has reportedly said that the families of those killed in the fire will each receive one million rubles . I feel they got to do damage to Putin that is really is going to hurt and get the nukes @ away from him we have smart people to do things like that. Please include in that funeral Nicolas Maduro and Daniel Ortega How would I deter Putin? Despite safety instructions clearly asking people not to stop for their belongings in an emergency evacuation situation, many of the survivors exiting the burning plane clearly did just that. Sadly, most Russians actually like America and its people. He making Ukranians homeless, let's make some of his people homeless. This has become a fight the Russian public cannot sustain . The five hundred mile flight suffered a loss of control as a result of a malfunction of its elevator, causing it to crash as it made its final . Putin invaded Ukraine on his own terms. I am very concerned about this Canada ban. What if they are american citizens, amigo? Long ago when I worked in Government Policy Coordination at a major oil company, it was federal policy to encourage depletion of foreign oil reserves, leaving US reserves in the ground as "last man standing" if no alternate energy source (solar, nuclear, hydrogen, etc.) In a broader context, if there is no incoming revenue, Aeroflot will be in default due to no payment as spelled in the lease agreement. The remake of the old way of the soviet union will not work any more. I couldnt care less for Aeroflot, Im genuinely worried about Finnair, how can they now economically operate flights to Asia without flying though Russian airspace? As a veteran I'm ashamed of our government today. How many years have it been since? Talthats rite we are not living in the 1980s. I think it will turn Russia against it's leader Wich we allno is Putin.. That flight was full of American citizens including many kids who were trying desperately to leave Russia (including two of my family members). Why did Mighty Russia exit Afghanistan??? Another useless "countermeasure" by the West that does nothing to address what's actually going on. The cabin crews . Ukraine is fighting for its freedom and Russians soldiers are fighting because they are forced to. I might be wrong. Have you ignored tRump's daughter-wife getting dozens of patents from China without due process? To 787. Glory be with Ukraine and it's President. You know, back before the Renazikkklans lost their minds and committed treason. And land at Russian airship, go Fcuk yourself. Hypocrisy at its finest. Saddam had the 4th largest military in the world and the US crushed them in three weeks with hardly a dent. UPDATE: The death toll from Aeroflot #SU1492 has now been revised to 41. What is a fact, though, is that those privileged few who had access to black markets - and they are, you guessed it, the ones very close to the regime - have gotten awfully rich in the process. This message is to president biden, you need to get off your ass and start doing something. Delta and Aeroflot are members of the SkyTeam airline alliance. And, I guess all that plastic in the oceans is just a farce too. We are playing with People's health here. The Well-Being and Safety of All human beings on this earth matters equally regardless of their condition at the moment: in an Airbus at 30000 feet elevation or under seige. (The mass of one gigaton is . Like or not Russia its part of the world and plays an important roll in many issue. So what happened? It further noted that while survivors suggested that the aircraft was struck by lightning, the airline said that a technical malfunction caused the airplane to return shortly after taking off. I dunno - I, for one, would not want to fly through Russian airspace right now. Naturally, the routes take into consideration the possibility of having to make an emergency landing during the flight - which causes the flight path to slightly deviate from the optimum Great Circle path. So what was a Russian passanger plane doing flying so far from its original flight plan at a time that Canada had become a "no fly zone" for Russian aircraft? I think that all space in the US should be banned for Aeroflot as well. They harm the EU airlines more than the Russians. Did we even learn anything from Afghanistan? Archives of more posts with the same claim can be seen here and here. Aren't all the war experts commenting here forgotten about the gas pipelines? Our future is dark." Suddenly youre all defense expertsyou were probably epidemiology experts last year too. "Clearly this is another situation where passengers getting their bags off, instead of just getting off the airplane, has tragically caused people to lose their lives. February 11, 2023. Don't know what our government's thinking. Biden couldn't even fix Trump's China mess yet. Murmansk's Acting Governor Andrey Chibis has reportedly said that the families of those killed in the fire will . As a growing number of countries move to ban Russian flights from their airspace, officials in Canada say they are planning to launch an investigation into an Aeroflot flight from Miami to Moscow . We also came across footage of the incident shared by the Russian Federation's Investigative Committee's (IC) verified YouTube channel. The whole point is to make the whole country suffer, and it seems like its working as intended. That alone will bring him down when his own people start revolting against him. Did you see that picture of a cabinet meeting? 1 The average fleet age is based on our own calculations and may differ from other figures. I think it is quite fair to let Aeroflot to repatriate their citizens from US, even if they miss the airspace closure deadline. Hello Team of Bazooka Snipers ,, My comment is regarding the flight pattern. Under . This happens every becuse i know a few examples first hand. Feb 25 2022 11:50 PM EST. If the aircraft are not used in accordance with the lease agreements, they will have the right to terminate the leases and reposses the leases aircraft. We may have to do more drastic things. On carefully observing the video, we noticed that the plane on fire had the word 'Aeroflot' on its body, which is Russia's largest airline. So who is actually suffering? We are praying for and stand with Ukraine!! Time to put that back in to place. However, in this case, there are many innocent citizens aboard as well as the complimentary Russian spy or 2. Theses closures pertain to Russian-registered aircraft, Russian-owned aircraft, and Russian-operated aircraft, private or commercial. Putin is threatening nuke strikes and airplanes can drop a large nuke on human beings; therefore, it is prudent to shut down airspace without whining for the poor widdle Russians who voted the homicidal maniac into power. Advertiser Disclosure: Some links to credit cards and other products on this website will earn an affiliate commission. Asiana flight 214 caught fire in 2013 after an horrific landing, and passengers can be seen wheeling their suitcases away from the plane. Would there be a "Trifecta" for someone who gets the date of all three. All of this could have been avoided if Ukraine had declared neutrality and form a commission with other European nations to address the problem. Are you afraid of Putin? 3. Politicians make wars that poor ppl end up fighting. He is so much like dumb ass Trump, unwilling to accept that he's done and that most of his own people don't want this war. Send us the details on WhatsApp at 9643651818, or e-mail it to us at and we'll fact-check it for you. We now have more information on the cause of the accident and, more disturbingly, potentially deadly delays to evacuation caused by people stopping to collect their luggage. The West is taking various measures that, while of minimal effect individually, will hopefully combine to have some sting. The Biden administration is politically weak and hypocritical. Maybe the brain..SORRY, I meant maybe the engine got switched off? My family moved here from Europe and had to go through legal channels to become Americans. Putin terrorizes his friends as well as his enemies. This is the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse. Time to vote these crazy Democrats out of office. All these political experts in the comments section, so tell me, what you would have done? On 23 March 1994, the aircraft operating the route, an Airbus A310-304 flown by Aeroflot, crashed into the Kuznetsk Alatau mountain range in Kemerovo Oblast, killing all 63 passengers and 12 crew members . We need to close our border to mexico. Outside of banner ads published through the Boarding Area network, this compensation does not impact how and where products appear on this site. In a video showing the moments after landing, numerous passengers can be seen walking away from the aircraft with their baggage. I'm certain no Russian soldier rejoiced in invading the Ukraine. Shot it down? . You will either live miserably or perish with your great leader you love so much. Let the plane land in NY and then seize it. These clowns still have a following! We do not NEED to hasten our environmental demise by drilling for oil or gas, in any location. BUT Biden is caving to the green idiots. Seizures are already taking place as leasing companies realize its likely the airlines will not be able to make the payments. I imagine the Russians were leaving Miami by that plane all the oligarchs that are hiding out in Miami. Putin poses with women flight crew of Russian airlines during his visit to the aviation training center of PJSC Aeroflot on March 5, 2022. Actually, it is pretty pointless to ban Russia from US airspace mostly because every Aeroflot flight must pass over airspace that they are already banned from. This was most evident on Aeroflot 124 from Moscow (SVO) to New York (JFK) on Sunday, February 27, 2022. Remember 9/11 anything could be on And you were probably a troll beforehand!! For context, below is what a standard routing would have looked like for this Aeroflot service. Well done EU & Canada. Well done. At least 41 people on Aeroflot Flight 1492 died. Right out of the Russian playbook. In case you are wondering why these flights cross Canada instead of flying directly across the Atlantic ocean, it is because the routes are "Great Circle" routes that are actually shorter than what one would think from looking at a map. Why all decisions are so weak? My personal experience - they hurt the people, however, they also create a united front in the country against the countries imposing them, rather than against the governement. Ran out of fuel supply, Cut Ps fuel supply the head of the snake Ground War Over Profits would be given to support the people in the Ukraine, North Korea and Trump's Florida neighbors. Huge long table with him at one end and everyone at the other end. :) or paint the red (not yellow!) The tragic Aeroflot Flight 1492 accident in Moscow earlier this week claimed 41 lives. Aeroflot's passengers planes are parked at Sheremetyevo airport, outside Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, March 1, 2022. officials in Canada say they are planning to launch an investigation into an Aeroflot flight from Miami to Moscow that entered . Except for a few countries, this is becoming the world against Putin, who do you think is gonna win? Talking nuclear war will only destroy everybody how crazy is that. Now it is better red than democrat! Maybe the sanctions sound like a better option now, doesnt it? He is trying his best to reinstate the old Soviet Union & it's regime & this time the world ain't having 1 sip of this crap. . I might be wrong. Jeremy Brooks, 22, is believed to be the only American who died in the crash of the SSJ100 jet, which was bound for the northwestern city of Murmansk. All flights that enter into the Free World Airspace, must be escorted back to their country, or forced to land and put in prison. USE OF VETO POWER needs to be rephrased. Vladimir Putin does not fly on Aeroflot, does he? However, by the time the flight departed Miami, new restrictions had already been put in place by both Canada and the European Union. I think that all space in the US should be banned for Aeroflot as well. Is it just that collectively you have had things so good for so long that you are bored and just looking for something to complain about? The plane was said to have bumped the runway three times, causing fuel from the tanks to spill and flare, engulfing the back of the . You ever talk to Russians? That's all I'm saying. It begins by asking a question about how the world will end. Also, EU wasn't playing this one too smart. At the moment, these intentions have not been confirmed by a firm contract, which was planned by the end of 2022. Starting April 7, 2022, Aeroflot will begin operating international flights out of Sochi (AER), with tickets now on sale. Stay connected with the latest travel, aviation, and credit card news. Is the regime close to being toppled yet? All of these planes used to fly for Aeroflot, but were transferred over to the carrier's subsidiary as part of a transformation plan initially . Too much opportunity for an unfortunate accident.. They don't respect the working class in the US. You might have overestimate the impact of these sanctions. That should have been a starter for sanctions! We don't need politicians to "make us great". He is in self destruct mode. If they were trying to assasinate Putie Tootie in that way, they would not mention it to the press. Not Rocket Science. However, my feeling is that it would have been done much earlier if there were no sanctions or better yet if they were targeted in an entirely different way. Alone will bring him down when his own people start revolting against.! Everyone at the moment, these intentions have not been confirmed by a firm contract which!, EU was n't playing this one too smart homeless, let 's some! 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aeroflot plane fire 2022