arapahoe county voter guide

He ran and lost in the race for State House District 36 in 2012. Janet Buckner, a current state representative, has long served the people of Aurora and the surrounding area and now there's a good opportunity to send her to the state senate. > Arapahoe County Voters Guide (including Englewood and Centennial) Election 2021 Q&As: Candidates for Littleton mayor and city council. There are no assigned polling places. DeGette has also been an outspoken advocate for enacting commonsense gun safety measures, safeguarding Colorados public lands, and protecting American consumers. Maria-Vittoria Guigi Carminati is a fearless advocate for women and marginalized communities, including survivors of police brutality and domestic violence. Vietnam veteran and former National Guardsman Bill Holen has been an Arapahoe County commissioner since 2012. The single father of three kids believes the people in the district deserve a representative who is dedicated to them, not the elite. Taking him on is Bob Roth, a former Aurora city council member who is very active with various nonprofit organizations. Incumbent Rep. Mandy Lindsay has represented Colorado House District 42 since January of 2022, appointed to replace outgoing Rep. Dominique Jackson. DeGette has been recognized for her ability to work across party lines to deliver results. Join others who love America's liberty and freedom.and want to keep and grow it. Remember to vote on or before Tuesday, November 8th. On the immediate front, Biden has proposed a national crisis response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2018, he defeated longtime Republican incumbent Mike Coffman to become the first Democrat ever to represent this district. Rep. Crow's opponent Steven Monahan is a political newcomer and officer in the U.S. Gardner has rejected most gun safety legislation throughout his career and is a top recipient of donations from the National Rifle Association. Register to Vote. Terms and Conditions, You are viewing content from a previous election (November 2nd, 2021). Amendment B, Repeal Property Tax Assessment Rates Contact Us (303) 795-4511 (303) 794-4625. Controversies involving Trumps presidency are too numerous to list here but include lying about mail voting to such a degree that social media platforms have been forced to remove his misinformation, racist, sexist, and defamatory statements against his political opponents, dispatching federal police to attack protesters in unmarked vehicles, installing corrupt and incompetent tools of special interest into every level of government, nominating federal judges and Supreme Court justices who seek to overturn Roe v. Wade, banning transgender Americans from military service, helping spread baseless conspiracy theories, defending the actions of overt white supremacists and racist nationalists, downplaying the severity of the coronavirus pandemic to the public despite detailed foreknowledge of the coming disaster, pursuing diplomacy with dictators while scorning traditional American allies, and changing federal guidelines to undermine racial equality. And he has an outstanding record on issues like conservation, battling climate change, and consumer protection. Click here to choose your customized guide. Amy Padden, the Democratic candidate for District 18, is a seasoned prosecutor with a stunning resume, having worked at all levels of law enforcement. REGISTER NOW ELECTION TRANSPARENCY Padden is the preferred candidate in this race. Then, during his first term, Crow stepped into the national spotlight as one of the seven impeachment managers who argued for Donald Trumps removal from office during the Senate trial. Trumps administration has encouraged repeated unsuccessful attempts by Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which has provided health coverage to millions of Americans, including a federal court challenge in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to dismantle the law. Aurora is a home-rule municipality and is governed by a charter adopted by the voters. Dickson is a graduate of the University of Oxford in economics, and currently serves as a Research Economist at a nonprofit focused on reducing global poverty. Paid for by Progressive Voters Guide Ballot Independent Expenditure Committee and Progressive Voters Guide Ballot Committee, 1536 Wynkoop St., Denver, CO 80202, 303-991-1900, registered agent: Alan Franklin. After graduating, James was commissioned into the United States Navy. This is the kind of work constituents like to see, and progressive voters should feel comfortable keeping Moreno in office to do it. With a long family history of public service, Summey is running to ensure equity in access to veterans health care, womens reproductive rights, and mental health care, while addressing homelessness by pushing for more attainable housing and social services. Click here to view Arapahoe County's Public Records (CORA) policy. Padden wants to use all of that experience for criminal justice reforms like protecting vulnerable populations and addressing systemic inequities like police use of force and over-incarceration. The single father of three kids believes the people in the district deserve a representative who is dedicated to them, not the elite. During the Obama/Biden administration, the United States made significant progress toward a clean energy economy and provided health coverage to millions of Americans via the passage of the Affordable Care Act a law Biden has vowed to expand and improve. Shes also a strong advocate for affordable and attainable housing, knowing well the difficulties buyers face in the market. Karl Stecher is a retired neurosurgeon running for District 28. Race. Proposition 116, Decrease Income Tax Rate from 4.63% to 4.55% Initiative His legal career has been marred by numerous ethical scandals, including compromising a case against Republican donors and declining to prosecute a sexual assault, instead blaming the victim. Summey is a proud veteran, mother, small business owner, and union member. Running against him is Steve House, the former chair of the Colorado Republican Party and a one-time gubernatorial candidate. The U.S. Senate must refuse to vote for any legislation which limits an Americans right to self-defense. These kinds of statements dont represent Colorado progressives. The Property Tax Assessment Rate Reduction Proposition would: lower the property tax assessment rate for non-residential property from 29% to 26.4%, and lower the property tax assessment rate for residential property from 7.1% to 6.5%. She helped to pass in-state tuition measures for refugees and immigrants who served alongside our troops. Sullivan's top priorities include; safe and healthier communities, good and safe jobs, and caring for vets. Running for the seat as a Republican is Sydnnia Wulff, an activist and attorney. Residents of Arapahoe County may visit any of our Voter Service and Polling Centers for the November 7 Coordinated Election. Learn more. Amy Padden, the Democratic candidate for District 18, is a seasoned prosecutor with a stunning resume, having worked at all levels of law enforcement. The Colorado National Popular Vote Interstate Compact Referendum (Proposition 113) would affirm the Colorado General Assemblys passage of Senate Bill 19-042, which entered Colorado into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact to ensure Colorado's Electoral College votes are awarded to the winner of the nationwide popular vote in presidential elections. Welcome to the Colorado Community Media Election 2021 Voters Guide for Arapahoe County. He is a former real estate broker, citizens advocate, and volunteer in Breckenridge. Her work on civil rights has aimed to boost voting rights, which she seeks to expand with more opportunities for automatic voter registration and multilingual ballots. Longtime legislator and incumbent State Sen. Rhonda Fields is practically a force of nature with her fierceness in taking on controversial issues on behalf of the voiceless and vulnerable. The current assistant majority leader of the state senate has a number of wins under her belt in education (public school funding, reducing truancy, and expanding early childhood education), criminal justice reform (the recent law enforcement accountability bill, peace officer standards, and victims rights), conservation, youth protection, health care, womens rights, veteran issues, homelessness, and more. Other policies he supports are ones that will expand equity and opportunity for everyone, including Medicare for All, tuition-free public college, reducing college debt by imposing a tax on Wall Street speculators, and a universal basic income system. Murillo is a graduate of the Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver, the first college graduate in her family. He is a Marine Corps veteran and prosecutor in both Boulder County and District 18 and specializes in cold cases. He previously ran for the state senate in 2016 as a Republican, and in 2018, he first filed to run for state treasurer and then for Congress against Democrat Diana DeGette as a Libertarian. While Kellner undeniably has lengthy experience, progressive voters should be cautious about the fact that he doesnt seem at all interested in seriously needed criminal justice reforms. Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below State House races on your ballot. Holen is an experienced commissioner and public servant who is dedicated to advocating for others. Hes the vice chair of the appropriations, budget, and capitol building advisory committees and worked last session on passing laws ranging from LGBTQ issues to foster care services to health insurance affordability. Rep. Ricks resettled in Aurora, Colorado after fleeing the ongoing civil war in her native Liberia, and graduated from the University of Colorado with an MBA. HD38 Voter Guide Project. He supports protecting DREAMers and passing comprehensive immigration reform and has called for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to end its contracts with private prison companies. Precinct and districts. Similar to the temporary order we saw in COVID-19 - under this ballot measure - bars and restaurants would be allowed to offer alcohol takeout and delivery. Kolker has called Arapahoe County home since 1999 and appears to be the kind of person who knows the struggles of everyday life for working families and how the increasing cost of living is making it worse. Medina has led community-based initiatives to combat food insecurity and racial profiling. Spiegel organized and spoke at a 2017 teach-in to educate the public about and protest an ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) conference where Betsy DeVos was a speaker. Type in your Search Keyword (s) and Press Enter. Crows district is the most diverse in Colorado, with 1 in 5 residents being born outside the United States; Crow has said this is what makes his community such a special place to live. Learn what services are provided and where. She brags about creating the original Tea Party and accuses Democrats of wanting special treatment of minority groups. Wanda James is an entrepreneur and a graduate of the University of Colorado Boulder, Class of 1986. Any tax changes would be listed with a dollar amount and a plus sign [+] for increased taxes or a negative sign [-] for lower taxes. DeGette, a lawyer, is Colorados most senior national legislator, the dean of its nine-member delegation, and the states only female Democrat in Congress. In an interview with the Englewood Herald last year, Froelich said she commended the legislatures work to ban anti-LGBTQ conversion therapy and helping create true ID documents for transgender folks and that she would continue to work on issues like paid family leave and protecting the new full-day kindergarten program. Also on the ballot is Libertarian Wes Pinchot. Most disconcerting, however, is a July post Braig shared on his campaign Facebook page saying that the Black Lives Matter movement supports black genocide because it favors abortion rights and supports white supremacy because it only addresses when a white man kills a black man and not black on black crime. With this racist line of thinking, we strongly recommend against voting for Braig. The Town of Elizabeth has held two meetings with residents to discuss the possibility of building a local community and senior activity center. She knows the decisions Arapahoe County makes today will have an impact on our quality of life for generations to come. He seems to take no positions on anything else. Among Kolkers top priorities: funding for Colorado schools, instituting more gun-safety laws, improving transportation quality, and taking action on human-caused climate change. Barrington has traveled throughout the state of Colorado and learned about the diversity in our state. A yes vote was a vote in favor of authorizing the county to levy additional property taxes of $3.4 per $1,000 in assessed property value (3.4 mills) through 2052 and $2.3 per $1,000 in assessed property . When workers need to take leave, they are paid up to 90% of their salary during that time. Being progressive means voting on every race and every issue to build the future we want. Senator Rodriguez hopes to continue his work on affordable housing and making providing families economic tools to build a better life. We look forward to more of her good work in office. Trump unilaterally withdrew from the Paris Climate Accords, making the U.S. one of very few countries that are not signatories. Campbell-Swanson is a mother, teacher, attorney and community advocate. Jack Barrington is a Navy veteran, teacher, truck driver and mechanic. Vote in every race! While he does say that hes worried about the cost of college, he seems to have more ideas about how to make CUs football team better than he does about the cost of higher education. As of August 2020, 14 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation that would trigger the compact in the event 270 Electoral College votes are achieved. Also on the ballot is Marc Solomon for the Libertarian Party. Prior to Young's election as Treasurer, he served as a state legislature representing House District 50 in Weld County. Plomar believes in bringing people together with different life experiences to ensure all kids receive an excellent education. Incumbent State Sen. Dominick Moreno is has been a public servant for the area practically since the moment he graduated from Georgetown University. [1] Election results Results are officially certified. See also: November 5, 2019 ballot measures in Colorado. Bill Ritter appointed him to succeed Sen. Ken Salazar after Salazar was appointed Secretary of the Interior by President Barack Obama. McCorkle is also an unabashed environmentalist who intends to fight for a Green New Deal not just to address the existential threat of climate change and rapidly transition energy production but to reinvest in rural America and create thousands of good-paying jobs in his district. The Colorado Gray Wolf Reintroduction Initiative (Proposition 114) directs the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission to reintroduce and manage the population of gray wolves in specific areas of the state by the end of 2023. A retired Marine Corps officer and special operator who served for 18 years, six deployments, and four combat tours, McCorkle seeks to bring dignity and integrity to Congress and restore trust and confidence in government. Navarro would be a disaster for the school district. and incumbent U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper did not take the usual path into public office. Most recently, Froelich was a primary sponsor on the Reproductive Health Equity Act, which made abortion a constitutional right for all Coloradans. His accomplishments on working with fellow legislators and in several key committees are numerous, and hes already looking ahead to whats next. In her time on the board, Bates prioritized student safety by expanding the districts mental health services, working closely with state and local health departments on COVID-19 protocols, and served as the school board liaison for the districts Safety and Security Task Force. Ruben Medina, father of three, taught at Denver Public Schools for seven years and is married to a Montview Elementary School teacher. Arapahoe County is one of the fastest-growing counties in Colorado, and Warren-Gully recognizes the need to plan the countys growth responsibly in order to protect our way of life. We request you whitelist our site. In this election, he faces Donald Trump considered by progressives to be the most corrupt, incompetent, anti-progressive president in recent memory and perhaps in American history. John Hickenlooper's federal liaison in Washington, D.C. and as an attorney for President Barack Obama's presidential campaign. Summey is a proud veteran, mother, small business owner, and union member. Enterprises were authorized by the 1992 Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR) as independent entities that administer fee-based programs for specific goods and services such as unemployment insurance, road and bridge construction, cleaning up chemical waste and oil spills, the sale of hunting and fishing licenses by the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife, higher education institutions, and the Colorado State Fair. Incumbent Secretary of State Jena Griswold is an attorney with experience in voting rights and accessibility. Progressives should be very comfortable giving him all their support to continue doing good work. It also risks over-politicization of ongoing state activities and reduces the influence of technical experts. His only full-fledged position on his website is being against vaccinations. Ortiz has demonstrated his commitment to progressive issues through his work on several pieces of legislation on higher education, the criminal justice system, mental health, and housing. Upcoming Election Information. Incumbent U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette is seeking reelection for what would be her 13th term representing Colorados 1st Congressional District. Drop off a mail-in ballot, vote in-person, register to vote in-person, update voter registration, or request a replacement ballot. Among his other very short statements of interest are helping home-based businesses, backing free choice for schools, and keeping law and order. Voters cant get behind a short-sighted campaign like this. And on issues like education and political integrity, she seems straightforward, if not practically moderate. University of Denver School of Public Affairs professor John Ronquillo is running for Aurora City Council in order to "confront policy issues through the use of data and evidence-based decision making and doing so in a collaborative, solution-oriented spirit." The measure would also provide $110 million in additional money for smoking and vaping education and cessation programsas well as $35 million for affordable housing and eviction programs over the next three years. Jared Polis desk and is excited to help him reach his goals of a fully sustainable Colorado by 2030 and preserve our open spaces for the next generation. She will also work to address growth in Colorado. VIEW COUNTY WEBSITE. Colorado Voting Guide. Bailey's campaign issues are to promote "economic resiliency, community safety and wellness, and restore trust and accountability" to Aurora's government. Shes outspoken against reforming our national electoral system, which is clearly broken. We disagree wholeheartedly and recommend Jodeh for state representative. Bridges is ambitious but also is getting things done. As a key part of the joint budget committee, she helped prioritize critical services during the Covid-19 pandemic. On the JBC, Young worked across the aisle each year to hammer out the state's most important annual piece of legislation, the "Long Bill" general fund budget. Depending on where you live, you may have the below city races on your ballot. Also seeking the seat is Republican candidate Robert Andrews, who has a straightforward conservative platform. McClellan is the progressive choice. Campbell-Swanson is a mother, teacher, attorney and community advocate. 2021 Voter Guide Vote by November 2 to elect local pro-conservation leaders and advance or defend our conservation values. Privacy Policy Please bring an acceptable form of ID. Warren-Gully has vowed to support the health care workers strained by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as countywide action to support drug overdose prevention, addiction cessation programs, and other mental health services. Rep. Crow has served the residents of the 6th Congressional District with distinction and is the clear progressive choice in this race. Public Records. Arapahoe County, Colorado (Judicial) The people of Arapahoe County are served by a District Court and County Court. Privacy Policy And it is critical to so many races and initiatives that voters use this guide to vote for Every. DeGette has been recognized for her ability to work across party lines to deliver results. Click here to choose your customized guide. This kind of regressive thinking cant be elected to office. Bates is a mother of five children who went through the Cherry Creek school district and previously worked as a preschool teacher. For a more comprehensive list, we encourage you to visit the Wikipedia page for Trump administration controversies. Prior to election to the Colorado House, Weissman was a leading strategist in the historic progressive political realignment that took place in Colorado from 2004 to the present day. Bassett doesnt seem to have much true political presence, but his campaign social media is pretty telling of his stances. Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below congressional districts on your ballot. After college, Ortiz volunteered in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and worked at the Houston mayors Office of International Affairs and Development. Kathy Plomar has been heavily invested in public education as former President of the Adams 12 Board of Education and former President of the Parent Teacher Organization. Taking her on in this race is Republican Dean Titterington. He has worked for the people first on the city council, at the statehouse, and now in the state senate. Districts and jurisdictions listed below reflect current boundaries, not what may have applied previously. Russian. Crow has also focused on instituting campaign finance reform. Since he has been in Congress, Buck has toed the partys extreme right-wing line. If living in Arapahoe County, persons may register to vote at the county offices at 5334 South Prince Street in Littleton or Arapahoe County Motor Vehicle Office, 538 N. Highway 36, Byers, CO 80103. Rodriguez received high scores from the Colorado Education Association and environmental groups. Running against him is Steve House, the former chair of the Colorado Republican Party and a one-time gubernatorial candidate. Before serving in Congress, Crow spent years helping veterans like himself who struggled to receive benefits, focusing his work on veteran homelessness and substance abuse issues. Full text on the ballot: Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning the creation of a paid family and medical leave program in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, authorizing paid family and medical leave for a covered employee who has a serious health condition, is caring for a new child or for a family member with a serious health condition, or has a need for leave related to a family members military deployment or for safe leave; establishing a maximum of 12 weeks of family and medical leave, with an additional 4 weeks for pregnancy or childbirth complications, with a cap on the weekly benefit amount; requiring job protection for and prohibiting retaliation against an employee who takes paid family and medical leave; allowing a local government to opt out of the program; permitting employees of such a local government and self-employed individuals to participate in the program; exempting employers who offer an approved private paid family and medical leave plan; to pay for the program, requiring a premium of 0.9% of each employees wages, up to a cap, through December 31, 2024, and as set thereafter, up to 1.2% of each employees wages, by the director of the division of family and medical leave insurance; authorizing an employer to deduct up to 50% of the premium amount from an employees wages and requiring the employer to pay the remainder of the premium, with an exemption for employers with fewer than 10 employees; creating the division of family and medical leave insurance as an enterprise within the department of labor and employment to administer the program; and establishing an enforcement and appeals process for retaliation and denied claims? English. Incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet joined the U.S. Senate in 2009 after Colorado Gov. The plain choice for progressive representation in District 36 is Weissman. Buck also voted in favor of the 2017 tax reform bill, which heavily favored the wealthy and corporations while increasing tax burdens on the middle class. Her Republican opponent, Shane Bolling, is a management consultant working in energy. She definitely doesnt hit the singingly progressive notes that Kolker does, and he could do more in the office. She is the clearly preferred candidate. The proposed measure would also change the distribution of gaming tax funds for community colleges to prioritize student retention and credit completion. Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below State Senate races on your ballot. McCluskies stances on health care, education, and opportunities for working families are reflective of a progressive vision for the future of her district, and she is the clear recommended candidate in this race. Volunteer. Taking him on is Bob Roth, a former Aurora city council member who is very active with various nonprofit organizations. If you have questions, please contact the Town Clerk at 303-644-3249 ext. Emily Sirota is the incumbent for House District 9. Ortiz is a retired United States Army veteran helicopter pilot who was injured in Afghanistan. A lifelong Denverite, she has dedicated her career to protecting the environment, expanding access to health care, and fighting for reproductive justice. Amendment 77, Local Voter Approval of Gaming Limits in Black Hawk, Central City, and Cripple Creek Browse the categories at the left or select Choose My Guide to see races specific to you. Hickenlooper has vowed to improve and build on the Affordable Care Act and supports a federally administered public health coverage option. Murray is an attorney from Highlands Ranch and frequently refers to his desire to run for regent because of his double buff status. Unaffiliated voters could be a surprise force in Colorado's GOP primary. We cant recommend voting for Conti to retain this seat. Register to vote online at or print and complete the paper voter registration form and return it to us by mail, email or fax. Biden will restore the long-standing precedent that public health decisions are best made by public health professionals. Mendez seems to have no other ideas, which is all the more reason to reelect Moreno. Buckner knows what its like to have a working family just trying to get by, which is exactly why she sponsored bills in the legislature to help working women get paid what they are owed. Also on the ballot is Alan Hayman, a Libertarian Party officer in Denver. Contact Us (303) 795-4511 (303) 794-4625. Terms and Conditions. He is the clear choice in this race. There are three classifications of election officials: an at-large mayor, four at-large council members, and six ward council members. He is now running with the independent Unity Party, whose platform mostly reflects a Republican or conservative agenda. A lifelong Denverite, she has dedicated her career to protecting the environment, expanding access to health care, and fighting for reproductive justice. When Hickenlooper was sworn in as governor in 2010, Colorado ranked 40th among the states in job creation. Welcome to the 2021 Arapahoe County Democratic Party Voter Guide! This reduction would cut needed public funding -- an estimated $45 million in its first year -- for local government services that all Coloradans rely on, such as schools, fire departments, and police departments. Incumbent Rep. Naquetta Ricks has served Colorado House District 40 since winning election in 2020. Buck also voted in favor of the 2017 tax reform bill, which heavily favored the wealthy and corporations while increasing tax burdens on the middle class. He is anti-choice, opposes reasonable gun safety legislation, and has said that being gay is a choice. The Colorado state Legislature passed House Bill 1026 (HB 1026) in 2020, which split the 18th Judicial District, moving Douglas, Elbert, and Lincoln Counties to the new 23rd Judicial District on January 7, 2025. Seat is Republican candidate Robert Andrews, who has a straightforward conservative platform Crow has also been Arapahoe. Voter registration, or request a replacement ballot Service and Polling Centers the. Owner, and volunteer in Breckenridge disagree wholeheartedly and recommend Jodeh for representative! Build on the city council member who is dedicated to them, not the elite lost in the state Colorado! 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arapahoe county voter guide