icelandic cat names

This can lead to confusion for those who don't know your pet well and is likely to cause frustration with people calling out names that sound too alike. The top 5 most common names for boys are Jn, Sigurur, Gumundur, Gunnar, and lafur. Our website, podcast and Youtube page offers news and resources about the Middle Ages. Breeding & Whelping | Alternative Health, Copyright 2000-2008 Chinaroad Lwchen. eir sletta skyrinu sem . NJORD (nee-YORD; Male): Njord belonged to the Vanir family of gods who were perpetually feuding with that other family of gods, the Aesir. Such costumes are mentioned in Icelandic sources about the vikivaki-dances held around Christmas (and at other times) until the 18th century, when the church started campaigning against them. Foss The Icelandic word for waterfall. After all, every cat deserves to be king of his own domain, even if his Valhalla is nothing more than a clean litter box. As in, the kind of weather that's nice to look at, but not experience. Please signupHEREfor our newsletter for more fun facts and information about Iceland! Deer are some of the most common animals running around in Iceland. Since part of the wealth he would often bestow upon mortals came in the form of abundant hauls of fish (what else from a sea god?) Pl is a rare female version of the popular male name Pll, while the last name Dnelsdttir is a patronym, which translates as "The daugheter of Dneiel." Pl was adopted by a hungarian couple, Dniel Pusks and Zsuszi Sab, who moved to Iceland . This footnote is based on one of his major sources, Jn Normann, while it is unclear where he gets the idea of the evil beast. Everything You Need To Know, Is It Safe To Have Cats Around Newborns? Armann means messenger. Besides the live feed from their little cat house, where 4-5 kittens at a time live, eat, sleep and play with each other, Keeping Up With the Kattarshians also has a facebook page, with more than 30 thousand followers. Contents hide 1 Male Scandinavian Cat Names 2 Female Scandinavian Cat Names 3 Norwegian Cat Names 4 Swedish Cat Names 5 Icelandic Cat Names 6 Finnish Cat Names 7 Danish Cat Names Scandinavia is home to some of the most beautiful flowers on Earth and Iceland is no exception. A newborn baby, for example, may be given the first name Oluf by his parents, and if his father's first name is Jn, the baby will have the surname Jnsson. Knut Strompdal (18811954) once recorded a story, collected from Vefsn and Smma in Norway, that a Finn takes the form of a huge black cat to inquire after the family of Johan Benedikson, a hire-hand in Lofoten. Description Size of this creature ranges from being larger than a human to towering over houses and trees, and it's eyes glow in the darkness with an inner light. It is mainly in Icelandic, but we all speak international cat appreciation! The cold wintery climate of Iceland makes it the perfect habitat for wolves. Cats and Christmas seem like a couple perpetually entangled in a love-hate relationship. Youll also be helping Villikettir, a local animal shelter. Speaking about famous cats - There's also the immensely popular reality TV show called Keeping Up With the Kattarshians(or Catarshians)in Iceland. Book your complete trip with the best companies only, Iceland is spectacular in so many ways and Icelandic nature is quite unique with its vast landscape, volcanic activity, geothermal areas,glacier lagoons andsceneries, black sand beaches andspect, People have been asking me where to find lupines in Iceland. We have special categories for dogs, cats, exotic pets, and house pets. Egil (inspires fright; the edge or point) Olaf (relic; ancestor's descendent) Ander (manly) Arkin (the eternal king's son) Floskubak (flashback) Jarle (nobleman) Breidr (broad or fat) Bjarke (bear) Bodil (mighty ruler) Brokk (myth name of a Dwarf) Astolf (love) Odin (God of wisdom and war) Bjorn (bear) Colborn (burning log) MIMIR (MY-mer; Male): In Norse mythology there is a fantastic tree called "Yggdrasil"-The World Tree. Why Do Cats Tails Puff Up When Happy? They are a group of 13 mischievous pranksters who steal from or harass the population and all have descriptive names that convey their favorite way of harassing. He snuck into the cow barn from his craggy ravine. She was the personification of old age. You'll want to choose a name that is easily distinguishable from other words, and one that you won't stumble over when saying it in a hurry. Why? Aron is an Icelandic name that means giant mountain or exalted and lofty one. Means cant be bothered, the meaning is not ideal but it sounds good to say and no one will know! Even the famous author Haruki Murakami wrote about our love of cats in an article for a local publication. The meaning of this name is universal whole. This is another example of Icelandic names having a Viking influence. Rich, Powerful, Ruler, Spirit, Courage, Maid, A variant is Rigmora, Advice, Speaker, A variant of Reta and a spelling variant is Rheta, Country bumpkin, Old Greek Rock, Stone, A variant of Petronia, A variant of Petra, Old Greek Rock, Stone, A variant of Petra. Bjrnsson was for many years the head of the folklife collection of the National University of Iceland and he used the questionnaires extensively in the History of Days. The Yule Lads are the sons of Grla and Leppali. A clear-cut name for a tempestuous cat. It will also be easier to distinguish them from every other cat with the same name at their vet or when meeting new furry friends. Post pictures of your favourite Icelandic cat in comments! The cats come from the cat shelter Villikettir, and in the caf customers are able to get to know the cats in a comfortable and cosy setting, enjoying some vegan or vegetarian food and cake slices at the same time. Moksha is a Sanskrit word that means salvation or to be relieved. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); Its pronounced snoo-thur. If they want to choose a . Some bears are big and scary, some are cute and cuddly. It was customary to dedicate horses to his various shrines where they were housed just in case the god should ever be in the area, in need of a ride. Katla is a female Icelandic name that can mean either cauldron or helmet. Loki promised to replace the hair, which he did. lafsson finds parallels to the Yule cat in the variety of beings that traditionally accompany Saint Nicholas in many European countries. The name is female and means the letter of god. Photo from Reykjavk Cats. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. But not everything under her jurisdiction was of a feline quality. Enjoy! The cats you'll see out and about all have loving homes, and are simply allowed to explore the relatively safe streets of Reykjavk. The final letter, Z, no longer appears in Icelandic words as of 1973, and therefore is no longer used in the Icelandic language either.However, it is still technically used only in very rare cases preserved in historic names of structures, organizations, and the like, such as Verzl (a school in Reykjavk). The names of the 13 Yule Lads that most Icelanders know today are all derived from that poem. 5. What is your spirit Animal? Better to feed a single cat than an army of mice. GA_googleFillSlotWithSize("ca-pub-1082817881769985", "lowchensaustralia_com_names_728x90_top", 728, 90); ANDVARI (ahnd-VAHR-ee; Male): I'll make this quickAndvari was a dwarf from whom Loki (god of mischief) stole a golden ring that was to later ruin a great hero by the name of Sigurd (a.k.a. Hengil A volcanic mountain range in Iceland. When ascribed to a male, Kari means tremendous. Without a doubt, the most famous cat in Iceland is the Christmas Cat, or Jlaktturinn. Saga is a female Icelandic name for omnipotence. Like Big Brother, they all share a house and people get to watch all of their antics. News from Iceland, What to do and see, local travel tips and expertise. This is an kind of experimental position, but if this goes well we will look into adding more Mousekeepers.". The night-owl nature of cats is probably also a bonus. This meant that he controlled the winds that determined whether a ship's voyage would be successful or not. Many Icelandic names are tributes to Norse gods. Along the way, you will also get the chance to check out Reykjavik Pond and the Einar Jonsson Sculpture Garden. Then name him after the dwarf, Andvari. Health | Of course, Icelandic has a different word for everything, but youd be surprised how the sounds are similar. As such he came to be thought of as the benefactor of wealth. In Icelandic this name literally means the all-seeing one. By all accounts Odin was a selfish, aristocratic snob, famous for reneging on treaties, and prone to unpredictable bouts of extreme wrath. Charging through the sky upon flying horses, these fierce women were not to be messed with. The Icelandic Yule Lads Live at Dimmuborgir in North Iceland! Bubbi found a new home after starring in Keeping Up With the Kattarshians. Defects | Manage Settings Svanhildur is another old female Icelandic name that means swan. While the folk horror aspect of the cannibalistic Yule cat ensures its distribution on websites around the world, the beast demonstrates its versatility by adapting to new realities and political contexts in Iceland. Helga: one of the most popular names throughout Scandinavia, this Icelandic female moniker means "holy". Flki - Old Norse word meaning 'tuft of hair'. These are both female forms of Christian, which means follower of Christ. Sometimes the unfortunate ones were said to do the cat or be taken by the cat which leads Bjrnsson to conclude that the Yule cat was a figure of speech that rnason may have misinterpreted as a monster. Canine Skin 8. Armann -Message-bearer in Icelandic dialect - Will Attain fulfilment by Teaching Others 3. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; December 17, 2020 From murky beginnings to a dark and glorious future You all know the Yule cat And that cat was huge indeed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The scenery can be quite amazing as the sun sets into the ocean. Hekla is a female Icelandic name that means cloak. They are long-haired, and sturdily built. She comes from her mountainous abode each Christmas Eve, and, striding side by side with the Yule Cat, devours naughty children. One who is born of new healing and is fresh, Form of the name Alexandra meaning Defender of men. You may not be able to get your cat fix, or cat nip, from the Kattarshians, but you can get up close and personal with lovely felines looking for a home at Kattakaffihsi or the Cat Caf. How Hard is it to Speak the Icelandic Language? He was one of the most popular gods of the entire Norse pantheon, worshipped and honored even as Christianity began to spread. Notable contemporary examples include Brian Pilkington and Hugleikur Dagsson. Andrea is the female form of Andrew. Sndur and Snaelda are popular cat names in Iceland, after a series of children's books about two cats named Puff and Inky. She posted a Facebook status on the occasion of its unveiling, decrying the lack of any mention of poverty and the plight of low-income families living in the city. Promise! People know not where he came from Nor to what place he went. lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); Have you ever wondered what makes Icelandic cats so special? Parents have to meet certain rules of gender, grammar, and meaning to save the child from embarrassment in future. It first appeared in his book Jlin koma (Christmas is Coming), published in 1932 with many subsequent editions and even an English translation published in 2015. A bun, but I think its a cool-sounding word. Not just gorgeous, but also ahard-working kitty The couple has set up an Instagram account for Pl which already has nearly 1,100 followers. Nikita, Bengal Cat. Just promise you'll keep him away from coffeehouses DONAR (DAHN-er; Male): Precursor to the hammer wielding Thor, Donar was the original god of thunder. By and large Odin was an effective King. This will also allow our fans to get more involved in what content we do produce. Icelandic artist Arngrmur Sigursson is well-known for his use of folklore and mythology in, Entitled Skemmtilegt er myrkri (Darkness is fun), the exhibition consists of nine posters about different kinds of ghosts in Icelandic folklore, by Jn Jnsson and Dagrn sk Jnsdttir, with illustrations by Sunneva Gurn rardttir. Everyone knows, that he fed on men, But mice he would not eat., Ef mjlma var aumlega ti var lukkan samstundir vs Allir vissu, a hann veiddi menn en vildi ekki ms.. There it is called an evil beast (vttur) that would either eat those who got no new clothes for Christmas, or steal their Christmas bit (jlarefur; an extra portion of food given to the residents of the farm). [1] They come to town one by one during the last 13 nights before Yule. = slotId + '-asloaded'; Stfur (Stubby) - 14th December My sister keeps the cats in the family however, and has two fur babies, Eyja (short for Eyjafjallajkull) and Reykur, both female. This is reflected in the names Icelandic parents choose for their daughters. Today, as the museum describes, the Yule lads are: Sheep-Cote Clod: He tries to suckle yews in. Gulfoss A majestic waterfall located in Iceland. Icelandic names mostly follow a patronymic system, which means the father's name is used as a surname. #Tip: If the name has multiple syllables, try shortening it to something more manageable. In the end she decided to marry Badur. Or a sweet and mellow lap cat? Even Odin himself sacrificed one of his eyes for the privilege of sipping from the waters of wisdom. 4. Skari, Norwegian Forest Cat. One of the things that are nice to know is the coming weather; if it will turn out to be good or bad, over the, Folk medicine during the Spanish flu pandemic in Iceland in 1918 We decided long ago to launch the Resources section of this website on folk beliefs in Iceland with a short post on popular remedies during the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918 simply because we felt it was both on-brand and relevant for our, Icelandic folklorist and young scholar Dagn Kristinsdttir developed a guided tour for the length of the Strandir region based on local folktales and popular beliefs. BRAGI (BRAH-ghee; Male): Are you of the opinion that your cat's nocturnal caterwauling contains a lyric, almost poetic resonance? Your email address will not be published. Additionally, older cats have also found new homes through the show, such as the immensely popular mother of one litter, Vanilla - you can check out her pictures with her new family on instagram under#vanillakattarshian. Sturlunga saga makes several mentions of the name, apparently referring to a specific figure than a species. They reached that number just within one year - since the program only started in February 2017! Sif was the wife of the god Thor, and she was most well known for her lovely gold hair. As with everything else we do, we have our own unique way of celebrating Christmas. In post-medieval Icelandic folklore, Grla is a terrifying ogress or troll-woman who mothered the thirteen Yule Lads. They are always hideous, inhumanly strong, lustful, and cannibalistic. Pick a name that is unique and creative such as "Paprika" or "Tiger Lily." Never mind LOLCats or Smudge the cat with that yelling woman Iceland has its own social media outlets for our love of kitties. The Yule cat and the associated beliefs may have travelled to Iceland from the Celtic world, via the Shetlands and Norway, in a manner similar to other better documented traditions. The city tends to be conventional when it comes to Christmas decorations, with the same light bulb series and garlands set up year after year. Types of ghosts, such as tburur, mri and skotta, are described with short readable text and vividly portrayed in the illustrations. An internationally friendly name for a boy is Ari, which means eagle and Karitas for a girl, which means love. A plot of ground where plants are cultivated. Icelandic women are known for being strong and independent, just like their male counterparts. Freyja was also skilled in a form of magic called "seithr" (meaning "sayer" or "seer") which consisted of putting oneself into a deep meditative trance so that the secrets of the future might be revealed. For males the top three names are: Jn, Sigurur and Gumundur. Literally, it means a woman whose hair is beautiful. Got an unusually small cat? It, too, searches the land during yuletide for people to eat. Kristian is the Scandinavian spelling of Christian. But where does it really come from? A hike and Hvalfjordur & Hvammsvik Hot Springs, Free Fall (Plunge like a Puffin!) This is another name that echoes Icelands Viking heritage. Pki Means little devil, which will be very appropriate for some boy cats. While Bjrnssons conclusions listed above come from his History of Days, this idea was first put forward in his book jlaskapi (In a Christmas Spirit) published in 1983 and other works. Each Christmas Eve, and house pets more manageable through the sky upon flying horses, fierce! Grla and Leppali already has nearly 1,100 followers follow a patronymic system, which will be very for! The night-owl nature of cats is probably also a bonus Grla is Sanskrit... February 2017 Smudge the cat with that yelling woman Iceland has its own social media outlets for love! Waters of wisdom has multiple syllables, try shortening it to something more.! To the Yule cat in comments defects | Manage Settings Svanhildur is another old female name! 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icelandic cat names