ifugao culture slideshare

The Philippine Journal of Science 4 (4): 237-255. It also reinforced lowland perception of their highland compatriots as being backward and unchanging. Although there are basic movement patterns to follow, they are free to move as they please, forming a line, for instance, or dance individually. National Statistics Office. In the past, brothers and sisters slept in separate houses as soon as they reached the age of six or seven. Wigan of the skyworld sends a great flood that drowns all life on earth except the brother and sister, Balitok and Bugan, who survive on a raft. The Headhunters of Northern Luzon; From Ifugao to Kalinga, a Ride through the Mountains of Northern Luzon, with an Appendix on the Independence of the Philippines. Pongo (armlets) are also made of copper, with the coils decreasing in width to follow the contour of the arm. Quezon City: New Day Publishers. Rice production systems in Ifugao terraces in Philippines are cultivated by indigenous Ifugao people in the country. The Mayoyao regions version of the lubu (great flood) explains that Wigan of the skyworld caused the lubu so that it would erode and flatten the surface of the earth, hence enabling him to hunt more successfully for stag with his dogs. In minor rites, the dried skin and inner layer of the pigs jowls are offered. The mens necklaces are the balitok, a C-shaped string worn tight at the base of the neck that has two to eight pieces of gold, silver, or copper; the pang-o (amber beads), which are added to the balitok but hang lower; and a tight necklace of trapezoidal shells. In Asipulo, for instance, there are least three Ifugao subgroups speaking different Ifugao languages: Tuwali, Hanlulo, and Adyangan. The priest commands the deity to come, and through the priest, the deity makes his or her presence felt through the possession note tsay-ay-ay (Kiangan) or Ki-ye-e-e-eh (Central Ifugao). The pili carving represents a class of deities responsible for guarding property. 1958. In some barangays in Banaue, the Ifugao believe that there are five causes of illnesses: when the anito (spirit) snatches the soul from ones body; when spirits of those who were beheaded or killed violently snatch the soul of a living person; when a supernatural power called funi or buni causes the sickness; when illness is caused by a dead relative; or when a mombaki performs black magic to cause the sickness. Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok. Ellis, George. 2013. A ritual may consist of the following steps: the gonod or invocation to the deities or ancestors by name; the dayum or prayer to the deities; the aiyag, in which the mombaki invites the ancestors to come and possess him; the hikkop, in which an ancestor or deity possesses the mombaki; and the tobal, in which the mombaki exhorts the possessing deity or ancestor by expressing the purpose of the feast and the will of the people. The Hudhud hi Aliguyon (Hudhud of Aliguyon) is about the battle lasting several years between Aliguyon from the village of Hannanga and Pumbakhayon from the village of Daligdigan. One end is buried 50 centimeters into the ground, along with stones firmly placed around the posts to steady them. Revenge is a firm Ifugao tradition. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Aside from dances, the rituals constitute the forms of drama among the Ifugao. Accessed 6 November. Although the social organization of the Ifugao differs remarkably from the Balinese, the intensive agricul-tural system and management of irrigation are similar. The abong are temporary dwellings with pyramidal roofs. However, many Ifugao still find the ritual authority of mombaki as complementary to the evolving cultural needs of Ifugao communities in contemporary times. When recited, myths are followed by the tulud (to push), which aims to bring to the ritual venue the principal actor of the myth or the powers or beings that stand behind the myth (Barton 1955, 8). Government programs have had little impact on the economic conditions of the people. In 1918, Ifugao province had a total of 175 barangays and a total population of 126,000. They also used coconut fonds leaves as roofs and walls for their huts. The liwliwa, used to express love, protest, and other personal emotions, is sung in debate form by groups of men and women and their leaders. 1970. A historical novel about an Ifugao hero named Kalatong is The Half Way Sun: A Tale of the Philippine Islands by Australian T. Inglis Moore, an English and creative writing teacher at the University of the Philippines from 1928 to 1931. Those who were captured during head-taking excursions belong to the nawotwot (lower class). Myths concerning the origin of the bulol are recited. They differ from the bulol in the size, shape, and detail of the base. The Ifugao People of the Philippines: History, Culture, Customs and Tradition [Cordillera Indigenous People | Ethnic Group], Banaue Rice Terraces, circa 1990 (CCP Collections), Ifugao men with rifles (National Geographic, 1913, Mario Feir Filipiniana Library), In 1966, Ifugao became a province through, Rice pounding in Mayoyao, Ifugao, circa 1980 (SIL International), The rice terraces have created a tourist industry that has resulted in improvements in the infrastructure such as roads, electric grids, and buildings. Ifugaos have long consolidated their religious and cultural beliefs through the time, continuously connecting themselves to their ancestors and giving life to memories that have been lost since conversion to Christianity. Social classes exist in Ifugao society, and these are based on wealth, indicated by the possession of heirloom objects such as antique porcelain; sacrificial animals like carabaos, pigs, and chickens; other household items of value; and a considerable amount of money. The system ensures conservation of the forest for fuel, housing, and irrigation for the terraces. Perez, Rodrigo, III, Rosario S. Encarnacion, and Julian E. Dacanay Jr. 1989. The womans lamma (upper garment) is a short, white, sleeveless shirt, very similar to the sando, the generic Philippine undershirt. In 1832, Colonel Guillermo Galvey pillaged Kiangan, using Ilocano and Pangasinan troops to retaliate against Ifugao attacks on Nueva Vizcaya and Cagayan towns. Four posts support the main building, which consists of one room that is framed by a wall and topped by a roof. The things they used at home are also made of native materials. In the late 1990s in Mayoyao, death rituals could last up to a month. The Half-way Sun: Life among the Headhunters of the Philippines. This has opened up opportunities for the Ifugao to participate in both the national and global cash economy. They replaced lowland troops. Author/s: Glecy Atienza (1994) / Updated by Gonzalo A. Campoamor II, and Leah Abayao, with additional notes from Jay Jomar F. Quintos, and Rosario Cruz-Lucero (2018), URL: https://epa.culturalcenter.gov.ph/1/2/2347/. . Another percussion instrument is the bangibang or pattong. Ritual songs are sung during religious occasions. The gamit, worn by the affluent, is made of two equal pieces of cloth joined together by a takdang stitch, consisting of red and white threads alternating with white and yellow. The piniwa G-string is different from the piniwaan nilihha only because the formers design is made through dyeing. In the films narrative, Ifugao rituals such as the slaughter of a carabao, a mumbakis dance and chants, and the sacrifice of chickens were presented simultaneously. BANAUE, Ifugao The Tuwali dialect spoken in the upland towns of Kiangan, Hingyon, Hungduan, Asipulo, Lagawe, Banaue, and parts of Lamut, or seven of the 12 towns of Ifugao province in northern Philippines, has been given a "Bantayog ng Wika" marker, recognizing its relevance to Philippine culture. Ngilin takes her to Ambummabbakal, who, hearing her story, is merely amused. Atom By becoming a city dweller, Philip became less sentimental with his cultural identity, beliefs, and customs. During the First Golden Age of Philippine Cinema, Gerardo de Leon made Ifugao, 1954, an adaptation of a series in Hiwaga Komiks. The individual gongs are called tobob, hibat, or ahhot. ( CICM priest Father Francis Lambrecht conducted studies on the hudhud epic and Ifugao languages. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. Some Ifugao proverbs are: Hay uya-uy di puntupong hi kinadangyan di ohan, (The feast is the yardstick of a persons wealth. Beneath the underworld is a substream called dagah-na. After Aguinaldos capture in Palanan, Isabela, in 1901, American troops continued to explore the Cordillera mountains. Cordillera Chronology. Many enterprising Ifugao living near the area have turned away from rice cultivation on the terraces to provide goods and services to visitors, such as the making and selling of handicraft items for souvenirs. Lodriguito, Benjamin G. 1978. LUZON. Video:Soar Over the Lush Rice Terraces of the Philippines. A binuhlan G-string has a large red stripe called habak in its middle and literally means the be-enemy-ed. The use of the color red, the color of blood, refers to the sun deity, who is the god of war. However, American pacification efforts made no distinct dent on the Ifugao identity. Billiet, Francisco. Some songs require responses while others are extemporaneous. The women of the family shake the corpse, swear vengeance, and curse the murderers. Among the Ifugao, Tuwali is the lingua franca, and Ilocano is the second language, used particularly for trading and travel. Kinship is of primary importance in traditional Ifugao life. The Americans gave the leaders of the community silver-topped canes, which were gifts that added prestige to the latter. Sam Isleta. The Ifugao universe is divided into five worlds or regions: the skyworld called kabunian; the earth world called puga or pugaw; the underworld called dalum; the downstream region called lagod; and the upstream region called dayya or daiya. The bulol is bathed in pigs blood before it is placed at the house or granary. Origin Myths Among the Mountain Peoples of the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science 8 (2): 85-116. Ifugao songs can be classified into ritual songs and non-ritual songs. When a person stands on the ground, the floor is about shoulder height. If the bile shows a bad omen, the ceremony is repeated until a favorable signal is finally made. These have shields, spears, and jewelry of whitewood, and are placed at the entrances and boundaries of villages. Other independent films about the Ifugao are Cyrus Dan Caaress Ifugao Homecoming, 2004; Chris Reyess Batang Ifugao (Ifugao Youth), 2011; and Robert Martins Banaue Boy, 2014. Another commonly used material is the kokolongkoy vine, which is naturally shiny and elastic, and woven with a twill technique. De Leon, Gerardo, director. Blankets have several pieces: The adolna (body of the blanket) is composed of the middle pieces and the balingbing is composed of the side pieces. The gangsa is an ensemble of three or four flat gongs played in special rhythms, while the gangha is made of brass or bronze. A low-pitched gong is the tobob, about 25 centimeters in diameter, which is beaten either with the open palms or clenched fists. The Ifugao are also known for their narrative literature such as the Hudhud. The Ifugao produce baskets for household needs as well as other purposes. The indinwa, which is less commonly woven, is shorter than the intinlu but longer than the working skirt. This headdress consists of the skull of a scarlet hornbill supported by rattan, which is covered by a ceremonial sash. There are five kinds of tapis. Kadangyan males wear the kango or yang ngoh during weddings and funerals. While out hunting, Kabigat finds the earth so lovely that he decides to live there. The Non-Christian Peoples of the Philippine Islands. National Geographic Magazine 24 (November): 1157-1256. Probably the most iconic images of the Ifugao culture are the ones of the Banaue Rice Terraces and those of their bu'luls, totemic male and female figures carved in wood, usually less than a meter tall, and used in rituals and as guardian figures. The Ifugao people inhabit the most rugged and mountainous part of the country, high up in the central Cordillera in northern Luzon. Weaving instruments, such as the loom sticks, the spindle, and the apparatus for fluffing, skeining, and winding are made by the menfolk. Recitation of hunting myths follows the rites. Reasons for holding them are abundance in life; a miraculous increase in rice, pigs and chickens; and quick growth of children (Barton 1946, 126), all perceived as divine gifts. (Kill first the mother, before you get the child. Traditional weaves in Ifugao have cultural meanings, and certain textiles were traditionally reserved only for specific occasions or particular individuals. 1966. Cordillera: Diversity in Culture Change, Social Anthropology of Hill People in Northern Luzon. The bulol are still being carved for commercial purposes, such as those being sold to tourists. The hipag are minor war deities. Deities are called upon in the forest to approve of the type of tree to be used for the carving. This long bench made of hardwood is constructed with ritualized feasting called hagabi performed during the tialgo or the lean period of the year, April and May, that is, when rice is scarce. The mens hair is cut so that it resembles a tight cap around the head. Carrying baskets have been so designed as to leave a persons hands free to carry other loads. The larger bag is the pinuhha, which is made of white thread; the smaller bag is the ambayong of double block thread. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Anthropological Conference. A ritual invoking the gods was performed before the start of ug-gub or the bultong. But as the traditional political governance became integrated into the national political system, local elections dealt a big blow to warlordism. In response, the Spanish military employed other tactics. They may be standing on narrow terraces, spread out, or grouped around an open space in wide terraces. It begins with an invocation to the ancestors. In 1889, Governor-General Valeriano Weyler fomented division by underscoring lowland and highland differences. . As soon as the dancers reach the hilltop, the pig is laid down in the middle of a big circle made by the warriors, and the actual dance begins. It is a sign of wealth and prestige and is found only underneath the rich Ifugaos house. The inggalgaletget, made of two pieces joined together, is for working in the rice paddies. This helps in determining who to invite to feasts and gatherings that require the presence of relatives. Sayaw: A Video Documentary on Philippine Dance. ), (What you have planted is what you will reap. Elements and Principles of arts used in the arts and crafts of Luzon. Known as legendary ancestors, their names are normally invoked during rituals. The G-string is generally made of dark blue (almost black) cloth, with a red stripe running lengthwise in the middle, between two yellow, or occasionally red, lines, which either touch the middle stripe immediately or are woven at some distance from it. In politics, warlord rule emerged. Rice bundles are dried under the sun and stored in granaries watched over by carved bulol (rice gods). Two or three men chant, march around, and spear the pig. By 2001, worm infestation, the lack of water, and neglect had caused the terraces to be added to the, Ifugao warrior (National Geographic, 1913, Mario Feir Filipiniana Library), Ifugao ritual in Batad, circa 1980 (SIL International), Bulul, Tuwali, Ifugao, circa 1980 (SIL International), Ifugao house bale with rat guards (National Geographic, 1913, Mario Feir Filipiniana Library), Ifugao woman using a traditional loom, 1990 (CCP Collections), Ifugao headgear with kalaw beak, 1990 (CCP Collections), The ulbong, a rice storage basket, circa 1970 (UP Diliman Anthropology Museum), Cordillera bulul (David Baradas Collection), Ifugao epic hero Aliguyon commanding crocodiles to form a bridge for him (Illustration by Benedict Reyna), A pregnant Bugan diving into the sea in search of Ngilin Mangongols rice granary (Illustration by Benedict Reyna), Ifugao children singing the Hudhud, 1993 (Museo Pambata), Ritual dance, Imelda Park, Baguio City, circa 1990 (CCP Collections), Poster of Benjie Garcias Batad: Sa Paang Palay, 2006 (Vic Acedillo, photo courtesy of Benjamin Garcia), McKay, Deirde, and Padmapani L. Perez. Radyo Natin DZVK-FM 101.7, based in Banaue, is run by the Manila Broadcasting Company. 1975. Weeping, she walks along the river until she reaches the sea. An elaborate and expensive ceremony is given to the dead, whether rich or poor. Philip, also known as Ip-pig, is an Ifugao who became a Christian and lived in Manila. They use bird traps and nets for catching bats. The kintog, formerly used to exchange for pigs but is now known as oban, is used for carrying babies. Animals are sacrificed during the wake. These hipag are ritually smeared with the blood of a sacrificial animal and are stored in baskets with other granary figures. Since the late 1990s, the Ifugao have observed and practiced aspects of both traditional and Christian marriage. To this group also belong the field workers who do not own land but serve the kadangyan either as servants or tenants. Most Ifugao sculptures are carved from wood, although a few use metal. A traditional engagement requires the boy to serve at the girls home by performing domestic tasks. Ifugao is also the name of a province, one among six of the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR). Ifugao Villages and Houses. Catholic Anthropological Conference 1 (April): 117-141. Offerings are always part of the rites performed. . Children of the opposite sex, including siblings, are not supposed to hold each other or talk about sex. Bamboo is another material for Ifugao baskets. Ten days later, their raft lands on Mount Napulawan, 20 to 30 kilometers north of Kiangan. 2014. The poorer Ifugao use bamboo for their walls. An origin myth about the peopling of the earth takes pains to justify incest, which is shown to be the only way in which the human race could have multiplied. Manila: MCS Enterprises Inc. . National Nutrition Council. On the Cordillera. The tapis is wide enough to cover the thighs, whether the woman is walking, squatting, or sitting. The Banaue Hotel and Youth Hostel was soon constructed in the municipality of Banaue. The ones without designs, often described as infra, can be further classified into subtypes. Since animals cannot be used because of the steep terraces, men upturn the soil with wooden spades after soaking the paddy. We've updated our privacy policy. Cole, Mabel Cook. This paper documents and presents the Ifugao muyong system as an ANR strategy within the context of traditional forest management. These materials serve as fertilizer for the next crop, in addition to whatever humus can be gathered from the forested areas. Tap here to review the details. 1979. 1975. The dance steps follow a slow shuffle with slow turns and twists of the left hand and a fast up-and-down movement of the right hand. His name was derived from the word Philippines. Rattan is the material used for household baskets. Those who have gone to formal school use proverbs in their lectures before large gatherings or meetings. The deity declares its habitat, expresses satisfaction in the feast and wine, and goes home. Title: Group 4 Author: Alan Last modified by: SSSK Created Date: 9/3/2009 10:39:09 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: Hewlett-Packard Company - A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on PowerShow.com - id: 57ae7e-ZDZmN Breasts are rarely indicated, although nipples are visible in both sexes. Cinema Rehiyon. ), Mga Lumang Kasuotan at Pananamit ng mga Pilipino sa Maynila Noong Unang Panahon (sa mga Nagdaang Siglo), Tiboli (Tboli) Tribe of Mindanao: History, Culture and Arts, Customs and Traditions [Indigenous People | Philippines Ethnic Group], The Kankanaey People of the Philippines: History, Culture, Customs and Tradition [Indigenous People | Cordillera Ethnic Tribes], The Kalinga Tribe of the Philippines: History, Culture, Customs and Tradition [Indigenous People | Cordillera Ethnic Tribes], The Aeta People of the Philippines: Culture, Customs and Tradition [Philippine Indigenous People | Ethnic Group], The Ilocano People of the Philippines: History, Culture, Customs and Tradition [Ilocos Region], The Blaan People of the Philippines: History, Culture, Customs, Beliefs and Tradition [Philippine Indigenous People | B'laan Tribe Ethnic Group], The Most Interesting Heritage Sites Around Taft Avenue in Manila: Historical Places + Nostalgic Hidden Gems, All Rights Reserved | Read:Disclaimer, Ifugao Indigenous Attire (Jme Foronda: Pananamit: An Illustrated Guide), Ifugao ceremonial container (CCP Collections). The Ifugao dance batad is performed during village feasts and religious rituals involving sacrificial animals. The idaw is a war dance, depicting a battle between two tribes in the Cordilleras (Obusan 1989). The Ifugao of Quiangan and Vicinity. Translated by Dean Worcester. The Kiangan dancing bulol have separately carved and pegged arms. Headhunting, for example, was a ritualized means of attaining vengeance and glory. Its highest elevation is at 2,523 meters, and its waters flow toward Magat River, a tributary of the Cagayan River. California: Stanford University Press. Likewise, Ifugao is popular worldwide and attracts a global concern with its magnificent 'Stairway to the Sky' ancient rice terraces at Banaue (Batad and Bangaan . 32 slides Folk arts and design of luzon Lucille Ballares 191.4k views 12 slides MAPEH 7 : ARTS (First Quarter Jo Anne Buenafe-Milladas 102.3k views Slideshows for you (20) Arts 7: Personal Ornaments of the People of Luzon AillineLeonador2 4.1k views Arts and crafts of mindanao John John 251.1k views Folk arts and designs of luzon 1 Villaverde, Juan. The house is divided into two vertical parts. Kansas City: Franklin Hudson Publishing Co. Worcester, Dean. Hikgut is the ritual sweeping of the house when the rice that is kept in the attic is first used. Among the Tuwali Ifugao, the hagabi is primarily used by the kadangyan to lie on. By 2010, the population had grown to 191,078. Hudhud hi Aliguyon: A Translation of an Ifugao Harvest Song. MA thesis, Stanford University. Songs about love became popular during the American occupation, and some have adopted common tunes like the Leron, Leron Sinta.. A smaller replica of the house serves as the storehouse for rice. The Spanish never were able to take control of the Ifugao territory. Wisconsin: American Anthropological Association. The traditional practices related to engagement, marriage, and divorce have waned as the Ifugao have adapted to Christian ways. It consists of small patches of forest usually tended by adult males in each family. These deities are known only to the mombaki, whose training and preparation for this position take a number of years. Different types of gongs or gangsa are played. Activate your 30 day free trialto unlock unlimited reading. National Economic and Development Authority-Cordillera Adminsitrative Region. Through the years, the political authority of the mombaki has weakened due to the increasing intervention of the national governance system. For their fllors, they flattered bamboo slices. They are of Malay stock and their language is Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian), as is that of their neighbours, but they have developed a number of cultural characteristics that set them apart. Head-hunters of Northern Luzon. National Geographic Magazine 23 (September): 833-930. Many enterprising Ifugao living near the area have turned away from rice cultivation on the terraces to provide goods and services to visitors, such as the making and selling of handicraft items for souvenirs. Dolor, Danny. The first ritual preceding a hunt is called pahang di amaiyu, which involves sacrificing a chicken and spending ceremonial days of idleness until omens are found favorable. The typical residents of the house are a family consisting of the couple and their small child. 2012. The paddies nourish snails and fish that complement the Ifugaos diet. It is at this point that the researcher, a social science teacher, was motivated to conduct a similar study about the Ifugaos' culture and find out its educational implication. The success of one is the success of all, and the burden of one is the burden of all. Songs are also known according to the historical period they represent. Carabaos butchered in prestigious feasts are bought from the lowlands. At present, weaving has become a good source of income to many Ifugaos. The womens skirt is the tapis, which is wrapped around the waist and comes down to just above the knees. Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. The brass bikkung is slightly thinner than the bamboo bikkung but serves the same purpose. The groom sports a hornbill headdress while the bride wears a headdress with a brass female figure called dudong. 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Few use metal the contour of the people local elections dealt a big blow to warlordism as the hudhud,... Carved bulol ( rice gods ) of 175 barangays and a total of 175 and., spears, and irrigation for the terraces the Philippine Journal of Science 8 ( 2 ):..

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ifugao culture slideshare