tamarind tree superstition

It is a slow growing tree, long living and hardy. Illnesses As of February 8, 2023, 32 people reported becoming ill after eating food from the Tamarind Tree Restaurant. The IK possessed by locals was shrouded in myths and superstitions. If ghosts really do exist, then theyre waiting for the right moment to pounce on him. Part of tamarind, (Tamarindus indica), evergreen tree of the pea family (Fabaceae), native to tropical Africa. Omissions? every learner is entitled to high quality learning resources. Tamarindus indica/crop combinations in Eastern Uganda. The tree however can live another 150+ years. All the respondents mentioned that they made a popular beverage from T. indica fruit pulp (Table3). Planting Tamarind. Qualitative information was recorded and organized around major themes. Tamarind is an ingredient in Worcestershire sauce and is used in many dishes in Asia, South and Central America . Be it small or big, avoid keeping potted plants along the North and East walls of the house. Article He stopped pounding to wipe his eyes. Furthermore, a big tamarind tree often requires at least two chains and we have witnessed chainsaws break in the process of cutting. Ethnomedicinal uses for humans and ethnoveterinary uses had the lowest percent citations (13 and 15% respectively) probably because such knowledge is possessed by only a few people mostly elders, herbalists and traditional healers. Large amounts for sale had to be purchased from tree owners, collected from ones own trees or from communal land. 2012. p. 3083161. Bite down just after the first seed and pull away. It can grow up to 80 feet in height. Some African tribes venerate the tamarind tree as sacred. Uganda Districts Information Handbook. And he began to pound madly with his hammer. Useful trees and shrubs for Uganda: identification, propagation and management for agricultural and pastoral communities. 2007;2(1). The aim of this study was to assess the influence of IK, attitudes and practices on the use and conservation of T. indica. Manu, look out! Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The tamarind tree and the veppamaram are the only trees that can inspire southern India's richest legends. Tamarindus indica has a high use value in the study area evidenced by multiple uses. Participants in focus group discussions, semi-structured interviews and key informant interviews were required to respond to several questions which covered the following themes: location of T. indica, uses, propagation, planting of T. indica, where T. indica is commonly planted, constraints faced with regard to tamarind production, tamarind ownership, silvicultural practices, conservation practices, tamarind trade, as well as taboos and cultural practices regarding tamarind. However, you may keep them in an open space or garden. The research team did not access T. indica in sacred groves as this required strict observance of rituals and practices which were beyond the scope of this study. Hammer this damn nail and get back! He picked up his pace. Advertisement. The branches of the tree are supple with small bright green, fine foliage which give the tree a graceful appearance. PN participated in designing the study and write up. This is in agreement with Havinga et al. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. [3] who point out that local communities possess elaborate IK systems which are key for the conservation of indigenous tree species. Focus group discussions consisted of six to ten people and were held in one urban, two periurban and three rural subcounties purposively selected on the basis of presence of a tamarind population. [28] argue that when people appreciate the value of biodiversity, they will be more likely to think about conservation in their day-to-day activities such as how to use land and other natural resources. Other crops include maize, beans, sweet potato, bananas, sorghum and millet. Beliefs, taboos and superstitions were observed to be an intrinsic part of the IK of the communities in the study areas. The majority of T. indica encountered (87%) was intercropped with other crops or trees. Data was processed using qualitative analytical methods. Efforts aimed at food security need to be aligned with environmental conservation to reinforce each other for effectiveness and maximum benefit to local communities. The words of one 80-year old widow were insightful: My husband planted a tamarind seedling on our compound hoping to only benefit from its shade. The yellow flowers are borne in small clusters. And why has the American Right gone to war with it? Beliefs, taboos and superstitions were observed to be an intrinsic part of the IK of the communities in the study areas. Fountain Publishers. Fed up with the silence of the cemetery and the cold breeze that periodically slapped him, he decided that it didnt matter where he drove the nail, as long as he got back down as fast as possible. Curr Sci. Figure3 shows details of 15 observed T. indica/other trees/crop combinations and their frequencies. http://www.scienceworldjournal.com/. The pyres had been extinguished. High frequency of citation was therefore indicative of the high use value of T. indica. A group of teenagers from Murungapalayam wanted to test the mettle of their friend who denied that ghosts exist. They went before him. Morton JF. International Centre for Underutilised Crops, Southampton, UK; 2000. Why this stupid bet? 2008;204(6):2915. Thorny trees including Babul can create disputes at home. Respondents in Tororo district reported selling tamarind fruit with its shells still intact for the equivalent of half a United States dollar for smaller heaps (1kg) and up to one dollar for a basinful (38kg). Table3 is a summary of frequency citation of T. indica uses. This probably points to the close relationship between culture and T. indica in these communities. Large menu, many choices. Forgive me, he said. The authors are grateful to Regional Initiatives in Science and Education-African Natural Products Network/Science Initiative Group (RISE-AFNNET/SIG) and Kyambogo University for financing the study. The area is located in eastern Uganda and lies between Longitude 33E and 34E and Latitudes 0N and 1N [15]. Tamarindus indica was reported as one of the species in sacred groves surrounding traditional shrines in the study area. He picked his courage back up, and his nail too. They grow in abundance on branches and vary from 2 to 7 inches long and about 1 inch in diameter. In some other regions of India, it is associated with Lord Vishnu. Responses from focus group discussions and key informant interviews were organized around the major themes. Expanded edition 20052006. Ethnomedicinal uses for humans and ethnoveterinary uses had the lowest percent citations (13 and 15% respectively). The mature fruit are used to make jam, candies, deserts, ice-cream and in various dishes as a seasoning. Symptoms reported include diarrhea, cramps, nausea, fever, chills, and vomiting. 2010;365(1554):291326. He cast a furtive glance down. Accra, Ghana. AM is a Professor and Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Resources, College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity, Makerere University. Figure2 provides a summary of propagation history and silvicultural practices for 60 tamarinds observed within quadrats. This is in agreement with Shapi et al. Knowledge cannot be commodified but must be free like the air we breathe. Is it because the tamarind provides fruits essential for cooking? Focus group discussions commended T. indica as a valuable windbreak for houses and crops due to its strong root system and pliant branches. Esther Ebifa-Othieno. Yummy. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Hes really climbing. Tamarind tree: It is believed that if a tamarind tree is planted in the house garden, it prevents the growth of the family members and causes illness Date palm tree: These tropical trees, though easy to grow, can cause financial hardships for the family Being hardy, T. indica often survived the abuse leaving a charred or holed stem as evidence of past funeral activities. There is also need to explore ways of increasing earnings from T. indica. Sci World J. Gently remove the plant from the pot and cut dead or damaged roots. Claim this business (877) 932-4259. 2008. https://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/20113396756.html. The coolness under a tamarind tree however feels different than the shade of other trees, even those in the same proximity. Or do I turn around and run back to my friends? 1996;13:522525. Should I start again? [5] and Gombya-Ssembajwe [35] who observe that in Uganda, traditions, customs, beliefs and cultural rights play an important role in ecosystem conservation and biodiversity. and Havinga et al. This 4-star hotel features Asian restaurant and lounge bar on site and offers to take advantage of a fitness studio. In spite of everything, such guts that guy has! Everything about VA Shiva Ayyadurai, the Indian who invented Email! Res Vet Science. De Caluw E, Halamov K, Van Damme P. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.): a review of traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology in African natural plant products: new discoveries and challenges in chemistry and quality. As for me, his children and grandchildren, we continue to enjoy its fruit. Im alone in this cemetery! Were begging you! If I go, will the ghosts let me leave in peace?I never thought that climbing up a tree could be so hard. Tamarindus indica was viewed as a useful tree by the majority of respondents. Katende AB, Birnie A, Tengnas B. Local Superstition & Beliefs A large tamarind tree provides ample shade beneath its branches. Planting of T. indica was not commonly practiced by women since they owned neither land nor the trees thereon. Dont turn around!, Its like theyre all coming down with him., It cant be true! Ideally located just 5 km southwest of the City within the spacious Carnivore grounds and its iconic Carnivore Restaurant, Tamarind Tree Hotel has easy access to Nairobi, its national park, and the country's diverse attractions via the neighboring Nairobi Wilson Airport and Southern Bypass.. With the new expressway, you will only spend 15 Minutes from the JomoKenyatta International Airport . 2008. p 158. Google Scholar. All authors read and approved the manuscript. And its arms stretched longer as he stared. The bulk of tamarind fruit bought was destined for markets in nearby urban areas such as Tororo and Mbale as well as distant ones such as Jinja and Kampala and in neighboring Kenya. Guidelines and good practices. These 32 people ate at this restaurant January 14 - 17, 2023, and started having symptoms January 17 - 20, 2022. Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball of the plant. The same is used for the fruit. They understood the gravity of the moment, cursing all the gods for putting them in such a situation. PubMed Central DJK participated in write up. I suggested they try one. Cotton plant, Silky cotton plant and Palmyra tree (a kind of palm tree) are also considered inauspicious when planted around a house. Many urban youth viewed consumption of some indigenous foods including tamarind as backward. That IK and uses in the study area concurred with scientifically proven nutritional and medicinal attributes of T. indica in literature is very significant given current trends in the search for affordable functional foods. Tamarindus indica has traditionally served to supplement the communities food needs especially during times of scarcity. Alternatively a long stick was used to remove the fruits. Whats happening? What if, after all, all those stories were true! The participants for semi-structured interviews were selected by locating a tamarind tree within a selected subcounty, then starting with the nearest home, every third household was selected along a road or path in an Eastwest direction. The leaves and fruit are used for various medical applications. Its at the top of the tree. Whats he doing now? Tamarind. AM participated in write up. 2023 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. They went alongside him. The local peoples observations (Table2) are in agreement with documented descriptions of T. indica as having strong roots and branches, wind resistant, highly resistant to disease attacks and able to grow successfully under a variety of soil and agroclimatic conditions [79, 12]. In the U.S. Virgin Islands the tamarind tree is called tamon tree; pronounced tah-mon. Uganda Bureau of Statistics. p. 1516. Mature fruit look like a beanlike pod; the pod has bulged areas and a slight curve. Multi-stage proportionate sampling was used to determine the subcounties, villages and numbers of respondents for the study basing on the number of households and size of human population [19]. CAS Get down as fast as possible. He was trying to get down as fast as he could. Indigenous knowledge and uses concurred with scientifically proven nutritional and medicinal attributes of T. indica in literature which is significant given current trends towards affordable functional foods. His whole body started to tremble from the shock. May he not come haunting his near ones or the village. Whatever the case, lovely tamarinds hedge and protect the old cemeteries of Tamil Nadu. Tamarind Tree is one of the few K-12 spaces in India to run entirely on technology - that too OPEN Technologies. statement and While the importance of indigenous knowledge (IK) for conservation of ecosystems is widely recognized, documentation about its role in the conservation of T. indica in Uganda is very scanty. Responses on propagation history of 60 tamarinds recorded within 12 quadrats reveal that slightly over half of the T. indica population is self-propagated (52%), 45% were planted while the propagation history for the remaining 3% was not known. The extremely hard tamarind wood probably accounts for the existence of very old trees estimated to be over 100years old. PubMed The wood is sometimes used to make furniture and wood flooring. Responses during focus group discussions indicate that IK systems surrounding T. indica may be in danger of disappearing with the older generation as much of this IK is possessed by the older generation. Gill P, Stewart K, Treasure E, Chadwick B. But this is a mistake the old folks warn; the tamarind trees natural air conditioning qualities can give a person hot from working outdoors a fever and respiratory ailments and can even cause death. He went completely still. No one spoke the whole way there, from the village to the cemetery. 1997. On the other hand, the extremely hard wood has deterred the cutting down of very large trees which can only be felled using power saws which are expensive. Noss et al. Dont tempt fate, Manu! Cookies policy. . 2010;127:57388. Did he hear a voice behind him? The threat from collection of tamarind root and stembark for medicinal purposes remains minimal. Service was scattered but we were forewarned and didn't mind waiting for the delicious dishes . Interviews revealed that during funerals, meals were prepared under tamarind trees since they are usually free from parasites. 2005;89(4):6745. Focus group discussions indicated Nabuyoga and Budumba as the subcounties with the highest tamarind population density. In spite of having an intricate IK system, it has not significantly affected processing of T. indica as no value-added products were encountered and T. indica remains underutilized. See a problem? Antioxidants in some Ugandan fruits. Despite having lost all of its lower branches, it rises at the other end of the cemetery like an enormous scarecrow, braving the most terrible storms and most powerful bolts of lightning. 2000. Add beef $4. Local communities possess key knowledge and skills pertinent to the conservation of the ecosystems where they live [26]. It was a mad rush to the village; they went crying all the way. Government of Uganda. Accessed 8 June 2011. Department of Geography & Social Studies, Kyambogo University, PO Box 1, Kyambogo, Kampala, Uganda, College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity, Makerere University, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda, Esther Ebifa-Othieno,Antony Mugisha&John David Kabasa, Department of Forestry, Bio-diversity and Tourism, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Makerere University, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda, You can also search for this author in We hypothesized that the indigenous people of Eastern Uganda have used T. indica for generations and developed practices that promote its conservation and therefore we expected that they possess an elaborate IK system and that most of them have planted the species. As they mature the flesh turns brown to reddish-brown and the skin hardens into a brown shell that is brittle. These findings concur with Banana et al. 2007;45:2930. A few of the largest tamarind trees in the U.S. Virgin Islands are thought to be 300+ years old. Its too easy that way. What? She is a PhD student at Makerere University. Madison: University ofWisconsin Extension; 2003. Even dry flowers are considered bad luck. Tamarindus indica was found both in the wild and on cultivated land. EEO is a lecturer in the Department of Geography and Social Studies, Kyambogo University, Uganda. Results of tamarind population studies will be published elsewhere. Look for fruit stands or for make shift tamarind stands, usually just a small table with a dozen or more bunches of the small brown fruit. 4-Star hotel features Asian restaurant and lounge bar on site and offers to take advantage a... We have witnessed chainsaws break in the process of cutting the respondents mentioned they. Studies, Kyambogo University, Uganda a useful tree by the majority of indica. Crops, Southampton, UK ; 2000 his near ones or the village to the village, 32 reported... 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tamarind tree superstition