yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled

You made me the bad guy.. You breath hitched deep in your throat from the way Hoseok smiled while wiping someones else blood from his shoes as if it was just dirt. I dare you to say one more thing But I wouldnt recommend that if you remember what happened last time. You said nothingits not like you could say anything. Let me help you. Though not with a handkerchief as one might think, no. For the last two bts jin Not ever, The moment the words left your lips his eyes had locked on yours. You focused your attention towards the target, but you just couldnt let yourself put pressure to the target. He won't hurt you, he could never leave a mark on his lover, but he will hurt the people you love. couldnt accept that. Yet alone talk to me like that. A shy, but very strong willed individual. Now its time to punish you, You stormed out of his house as fast as you could after dumping him. I let you have a tiny break but now Im becoming impatient. A/N: My EXO-M feelings are hitting me again at two in the morning. A/N: All members reaction to s/o taking their hand and putting it down there while whispering something dirty and needy. After about a week or so, Joon will casually stride up to you and declare this silly hideout over. As if you could survive without me.. I cant look at you like this., Then dont look at anyone but me, he whispered when you fell into his chest, dropping the knife and wrapping his bloodied arms around you. And with you, it was a whole other level. You knew your boyfriend didnt like it when you spent too much time with people who werent him, but that night you couldnt bring yourself to care, and now your carelessness was eating you alive. Eventually, someone would crack under all his pressure and spill the tiniest info on you. You were his proudest possession and he loved showing you off. If I kill him, To you, he was most perfect boyfriend you could ever get, so why would you ever want to leave him? Jimin barged into your apartment, his eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. but his hyungs were right. Every single time he buried himself in you and you two were one, it was like you were seeing for the first time and he loved that control. wanted to be released. did, he trusted them with his life. Almost instantly he was by your side, his hand slamming against the door beside you. park jimin @sweetpea-fanfics / sweetpea-fanfics.tumblr.com, Warnings: Toxic/Abusive relationships, Possibly triggering, Nothing too graphic, Ive had enough jin! you shouted as he had tried to prevent you from leaving again. Originally, he had planned on just handcuffing your feet and hands to And what more could he ask for? abducted from your friends flat only further added to the haze You can't ever leave my side," Or do I need to show you again?" - " now kitten, you don't act like that with Daddy, or do you want to get punished?" - " baby if you have that much confidence to talk back, do you think you can talk back when I'm fucking you?" - You Asking To Take a Bath Together /Get A Massage (!!) IT was on a cold fall day that you came to the Pink Palace. By the way, you might not want to stand in poison ivy next time.. Admin: @nomnomsik I'd join! Even though now he could protect you the way he wanted to, he couldn't be too easy. After this request I have two more left. He acted cold towards you and you tried hard to be nice and console him but he refused. But no matter the perfect image he had created for both of you, it really wasnt that case the night when Jin appeared with blood on his white shirt and, of course, a gun in his hands. Taehyung, I dont I've put some tags about this being a reaction or a scenario, but i'm not sure if it really is. You know why.. him, you had basically gone and told him you wanted to break up. you somehow. I'm perfectly okay," Jimin shakes his head. He also won't do anything aggressive in front of you. I want to kiss you, so I'm going to.". You met Jin at a diner just three and a half months ago. His head moves around to your left ear and he whispers what hes going to do next. You know this is your fault, right? Jin removed his jacket with ease and tossed it into the closet, formality gone. Ive never heard that before. He turns you around and you tumble to the couch, his eyes searching yours. That had been a look If he wanted something, he was going to get it. Yandere!BTS: S/O Trying to Escape a Second Time (Jin, Jimin, Suga), Yandere!BTS: S/O Developing a Crush on His Friend (Hyung line), Situations that would make Yandere!BTS jealous, Yandere!BTS: S/O Wanting to Be Unchained From Their Bed (Maknae line), Yandere!EXO: S/O Not Wanting to Follow Them to China (Traitor-line), lets be real hes the most 'yandere' of all the idols ive seen though lol. He was simply protecting you. What do you mean youre leaving me? he asked coldly. He won't do anything unless the guy touches you. Despite being completely obsessed with you, he also knows that he'll only look weird if he starts acting on his impulses. Thank you! . kim seokjin But sometimes, you could peak behind his facade, where he was a puppeteer pulling the strings and you were a mere puppet following every order. Before you could answer Taehyung suddenly tugged at Jimins sleeve. Its over. his face quickly went from angry to void of emotion and it was startling. Hed be jumping up and down in joy when he found out that you were pregnant. Well go see. Needless to say he would make sure you'd never leave his side ever again, and train you to understand that you were his property and accept your fate. But suddenly all the lust from you vanishes and you push him away when you feel something hard push against your thigh and its definitely not the bulge growing in his pants, rather a gun. . The punishments would be light, but this boy loved spanking. You opened your mouth to interrogate further, but found that the words wouldnt leave. You brought on this behavior of his. ", *Death stares your crush* *Will probably kill him later fr*. Baby, please calm down, You placed a hand on his thigh. Jungkook was a stubborn protective boyfriend, he would call you every hour to check in if you were safe and alive. You actually thought you escaped! He had wrestled the password out He walked with ease down the stair into the basement. bts rm the only place I can think of to hide his body is the river near Shes smart, shell know whats good for Falling in love with him wasn't hard, and when you caught him outside of your window, camera in hand and staring at you like a deer caught in headlights, you only waved him inside, pressing a kiss to his cheek with a smile. Denying Namjoon was no option, ever. You needed to be punished if he wanted you He fell onto your neck, taking in your scent. Despite being completely obsessed with you, he also knows that he'll only look weird if he starts acting on his impulses. I seriously think Ill hurt myself if I have to go another day without you. Confusion is writer all over your face as you cant remember telling him about this party that is costed by your co-worker to congratulate the company you work in for making a good deal. You wince at the sudden noise and Jin stares at you. He had a dark look on his face. The moment the words left your lips he had you slung over his shoulder. He held her a little more tightly as his gaze landed on you. I want you to love me, and never ever mention that Namjoon again.. Remember this dear, you cant leavenever. You didnt question it though. A resignation papers I never wrote! Wha you gasp as you look down where you stood. I thought you knew better than to take drinks from strangers. It was the only option left he looked at you waiting for response, maybe even thank you. He had thought maybe you were masochistic when you declared you wanted to stay with him despite his violent behavior. Ask me . When he sees your flushed face he slightly smirks to himself, knowing fully well he is the reason why you're so flustered. Well, my grandmother owns the palace and usually never rents to girls especially ones as young as you.. But life isnt a movie and Hoseok would do anything to save you. How did Jin know of Namjoon? Then you remembered the truth about the night before, and you felt yourself pale considerably. All you have to think about is what mommy is going to make you for lunch, or what . I need you to plant some things for Jungkook never questioned where you went unless you were out too late. I love your writing! He had you beneath him, hand holding your chin roughly to keep your head still as he pressed his lips against yours, forcing his tongue past to invade your mouth. mess Im in. What made you decide this would all be a good idea. I love you so much. His voice trembled before rising in volume. You were a result of his formal dinner frustrations, his tie wrapped around your mouth and your hands bound behind you to the headboard with another tie he had grabbed from the closet. When you two had discussed it before, you had been excited to visit his home country and experience the world the way he saw it. where we used to go biking oh, Y/N, what have you done? R-remember, you invited me here he answers before taking your hand in his. I told you sweetheart, never disobey me or the consequences will be bad he kissed your cheek completely ignoring the expression your face showed. Y/N hates it, she hates how Taehyung is already a part of the family, hates that her husband thinks hes a good man, hates how Taehyung climbs into her bed when shes half-asleep and tells her how interesting he finds her perfect little family. You wince at the sudden noise and Jin stares at you. I know baby, thats why Im here. You dont get to leave me he let his finger gently trail down your cheek then to your neck where he then wrapped his fingers around it and smiled widely Youre mine, No, Sweetheart. he said as you finished telling him you wanted to break up. Hey guys i hope you enjoyed. You look up in confusion, as if he listened to literally nothing you just said. So basically Im just publishing these three members, Ill try to come back and add the others later who knows /lazy. "Hey, Jin! But instead of his smile dropping, it only grows wider. I'm back, sorta. When you disobey them. bts hosoek kim taehyung Yandere!BTS: Punishing Their S/O. It hurt, but you were too entranced and frightened by this new behavior of his to really say anything. want this, you sobbed, tears streaming down your face. he knew Zhoumi didnt do anything. You stand adjacent to him at the door with the knob in your hand and your bag in the other. I gave you a ride, a place to stay, and youve been staying here with me. Hi lovely, I usually take up to four members max, but I guess Im happy today so Ill do all of them. For example, he would threaten to hurt your baby if you acted up. btsyandere I want every part of you. Really, how much of a choice did you have with your parents screaming in his basement? had forgotten about his own friends. Stop!" you hugged him from the back, feeling him relax under your touch made you feel slightly better. #preferences Ps I really like ur social media aus, hi! can you do a yandere! Since you want him so bad you speed things up by placing your hand on his, carefully guiding it under your panties. to remember you were his. His eyes were sunken and hollow, but his lips were set in a determined line. I wanted to allow you to move about freely. But what if something happens? he wonders hugging you tightly. It churned within, hungry for destruction as you stared at Jimin. It's a wonderful age, you know. Your eyes kept following his hands, the hands of a murderer. You see, Yoongi would get really whiny very quickly when you denied something from him. After a few weeks, you stared gaining weight and throwing up more often and he took you to a doctor. Seokjin: Jin would be surprised, but I also feel as if he would be on the happier side about having kids. know the work Ill have to do now to dispose of his corpse? Trembling, you pleaded. You said nothing, stretching your fingers habitually as the wrinkle between his eyebrows grew more defined. Do you want to see your friends today or not? He unbuttoned his front pocket and teasingly revealed the glimpse of a metal key before shoving it back in and popping the button into place. Youre having a child? he hissed, driving home. You have no idea what it was like for me to come home and see you in bed with some other heyy can I request bts reaction to their s/o being bratty and having a temper tantrum (I dont k iw if that's the correct term) thanks!! For now, he would be satisfied with this kiss. His obsessive behavior became too much. And Suga was not willing to let you Nothing will happen, baby. You walked through the nearly pitch black park on your way home. Im entitled to it, arent I? You had a lot more things now since Jin had been buying you clothes. No, no, no. Now come on, Ill have your stuff packed and sent back to the house.. In fact you dont remember telling about it to anyone since everything happened so fast. Sorry I didn't write requests nor reactions for awhile I don't really like this either, so i'm sorry Kim Seokjin: Because Jin seek perfection between him and you, he never really waved his gun against your face, if we're being honest, with the time flowing you had almost forgotten what his job . He was happy you were agreeing so easily, though he wouldn't let his guard down. His cheeks would burn and he wouldn't know what to do. Last night my language wasnt a problem. On hand on your mouth the other hand tightly grasped on your throat. When it got close enough, you were so desperate, you bit him. Its a wonderful age, you know. Sorry about the reaction wait time, finals just ended for me. But the way you spoke to him Namjoon had seen In the case that he met you and adored you, he wouldnt hesitate to keep you in his house. Do you enjoy seeing me suffer, jagi? I think its only natural Y/N that you give me something back.. Kiss me. What do I have to do to make you mine again? Livid but smiling. Seokjin would never force you to kiss him, no, he would trick you into it. bts bts imagines bts smut bts scenarios bts yandere bts mafia au bts mafia bts au kpop mafia kpop yandere Kpop smut kpop scenarios bts jin bts yoongi BTS jimin bts namjoon BTS jungkook bts hoseok bts taehyung bts reactions kpop reactions exo scenarios exo . BTS jungkook I was too into it I guess" he apologized. That is One particular day though, Jin had been in a mood for some unknown reason. jhope go. how he felt, even as he could feel the volcanic eruption distantly Whats your name? Your whimpers were like music to his ears. He had been trying to kiss you before, managed so many times on your cheeks. Both traveled a lot but at the moment they were on a break. At first, you asked yourself where your boyfriend was, curious as to why the younger man wouldnt be by your side. Dont move until I get back.. Oh but I am sweetheart he smiled at you looking innocent as if nothing happened. You were alone, broke, and on the run. Ugh, whats that supposed to mean, Jimin? No, it wasnt. Aroused just from feeling your wetness Jungkook lets out . He liked being the experienced one in the bedroom. hello! college ex-boyfriend, the drinks, the sharing of phone numbers. And because you love me. he said loudly. You heard him chuckle, his hot breath on your neck. To Jin you were a definition of perfection. The bag you first brought with you neatly tucked away in the corner of the room. Biting your lip, you removed your blouse quickly, tossing it to the side. Especially a group chat for requests sounds cool. Three seconds, baby.. "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". The worst ^-^ could i request bts yanderes you snap at them plzzz ily. I wasnt trying to leave! you shout not even caring about the consequences. Im so sorry, please put the knife down. He was so furious at you for that Leave? He liked being a source of power in your life. More seductive. What made them suddenly click? Answer me, you heard the familiar note of tenseness in his voice, but before you could ease that weakness his fingers slid under your tee, rendering you wordless once again. What do you mean no? I mean no. He pushed you into a chair as he grabbed some rope. A mistake? He would want to always protect your innocence. Do you plan on posting anything soon? Two, he would cling to you for his dearest life whenever you would watch a horror movie. What the hell is this, Jungkook? Your resignation papers he shrugs his shoulders. Anger boiled deep in your system. the metal on your left wrist was digging into it painfully. the table with a reserved calmness. Baby, Im pregnant! you squealed, showing Hoseok the pregnancy test. ! Although he hadnt seemed to notice your presence earlier, the sound of his name caught his attention and his body shifted. No talking back. The "yanderes" in this story are the parents towards Jungkook, it is kind of like way too over protective parents, but the story is too good to not include. bts v You looked at his thin, cat-like eyes as he reached out to caress your lower lip with his thumb. It was so easy too! He would tease the hell out of you just to see your red face. Your boyfriend looked stark. Hell drag you by your hair if he has to. Exactly like Merida, but my eyes are green ((: Jin took you in and gave you everything you could have imagined. Was he hearing correctly? I just paid him 50 bucks and just like that he had you out cold and in my arms. It wasnt his fault that your 20172023 Copyright by . Moth theme by Theme Grinders. You belong to me and only me and you glared at him and began walking away. Anonymous asked: Can you do an idol!verse reaction of their international singer crush mentioning in an interview that they like bts or that they're their bias? Of course, Jungkook knew it was wrong but after breaking into your room so many times at night, he didn't really care anymore. They were looking for something to do with their lives but hadnt quiet found out what yet. you two had been through together, you would divert your attention to He could be so loving when he felt like it, so possessive when he didnt feel like it. Don't hurt me like that.. You scoffed angrily and stood quickly. Even if it's just a playful shoulder nudge, it doesn't matter. How? off her pesky male friends. -" do you know how to act like a princess? I loved my job! Namjoon saw the way your gaze was drowning in flames of rage but he was calm, he knew what he had to do. This was made solely for entertainment. Her favorite. It was all Even the fact that your his girlfriend didn't made the smol bunny less shy. Jimins face softened and he kneeled down to you before letting his head rest on your lap. the fantasy. Of course, there were times even he slipped up, but if you happened to notice, it was as if you refused to believe he had even the tiniest flaw. Then Ill give her back to your parents and we can go back to being a happy little family, isnt that right? You frowned at the ill-mannered joke, but raised your head anyway. You looked at him anxiously. Just hold it firmly and try not to jump too much when you fire it he murmured, his hands pressed to yours as you held the gun in your hands. bts x reader Lots of better ideas and darker ones in store (;. have to be punished. All you have to think about is what mommy is going to make you for lunch, or what daddy is going to bring home for you to play with Teasingly, he tipped her over, relaxing his grip until she started to slide over the rail, inch by inch. Youre a liar,, Jimin, You whined. I need to be more forceful now dont i? he then backed you into a wall. Im trying to heal from him. junghoseok You go get changed, and I'll call Namjoon and Hoseok. What do I have to do to make you think of nothing but me?. Baby, - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) You will stay with me You were startled at the voice that left his lips. I love you Y/n. The fic is now the first story in a series! This is written for entertainment and fun. Have you been spying on me again? you know the answer to this question when Hobi doesnt even glance at you. Xx. He tossed you into the wooden chair that sat in the center of the room and tied you into it tightly. You felt his arms around you. Come here, jagi. You obediently moved closer, keeping an eye on the girl in his hands. in his heart. Here! voice comes from your bedroom. You saw his children and you didnt kill him just because of the mess? You wanted this baby more than anything else. movies/stories on wikipedia are always a good start; I want to go . His hand would reach out to caress your cheek softly, leaning in to brush his lips against yours with a content sigh. In fact it seemed he liked your company, as he was always holding you in bed when he slept. A look you've never personally seen on him. . But he hadn't expected you to accept his rules right away and practically let him lock you up in his apartment. Your desires aren't valid in this household, understood?. We are NOT taking care of a child in this house Y/N,, He was getting angry and it was scaring you. You're dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesn't speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. But seeing as you have been soo bad.. He hooked his thumb under your chin and lifted it slightly and got closer his lips nearly on yoursYou wont be seeing the sun for quite some time, He chuckled lowly as you said the words that sealed your fate. Jin would be heartbroken that you didn't kidnap him to love him. He would be excited, giggly, though he would still be shy and reserved when you agreed to going on a date with him. If you dont get rid of it, I will,. finding you texting him on your couch. The house was dark when you entered, and your footsteps were quiet unlike the pounding in your chest. at him from beneath your pretty eyelashes. He cupped your face and lifted your chin up. his lips to your eyelids, nose, neck. Seeing the way you shyly touched Kens shoulder, how you gazed up himself a gentleman and good man of sorts but you were in so much I thought you loved me, petal. You had come back early in the morning, reserved after a loud evening out with friends. Thank you so much . Your innocent moaning would drive him crazy, but the thrill of having to control himself around you made you so enticing. They looked at each other for a second before Jimin looked back at you. held your face in his hands. When he leaned over the table to cup your face in his hands you already knew what he wanted. Livid but smiling. You didnt want to move in. He had been trying to kiss you before, managed so many times on your cheeks. The truth was that him, he fell down sobbing where he was standing. Like waking from some kind of trance Hoseok rushed to you pulling you into a hug. Hed bribe anyone and everyone on the most microsopic details of your whereabouts, hed harass all your friends and family if they didnt talk. Youll be better off without anyone around you it seems. Taehyung is the persistent neighbor that visits often because hes young (strangely, hes Y/Ns age) and bored. taehyung You felt bad accepting them but he insisted. Listen, you had every right to leave and I promise I will change when you come back but I cant live without you. Taehyung looked at you through his soft looking purple hair. But over time it became intriguing. He couldn't let you get hurt no . Are you done? Yandere BTS Loves You @yanderebts-brothel. #reactions I cant lose you he whispered pecking your collarbones. And what are you going to do about it, huh? provoking him you smirked. So instead he'll be sure to give the guy his best sass when you aren't around. shackled you, he hadnt cared enough to take proper precaution, so Not now, please, not this close to be free. He would start skipping out on other activities in his life in order to be with you as often as possible. Three and a half months ago personally seen on him time to punish,... Not taking care of a child in this house Y/N, what have you done your bag in the of... One particular day though, Jin had been buying you clothes before taking hand! 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Am sweetheart he smiled at you through his soft looking purple hair but! I promise I will, reserved after a few weeks, you sobbed, tears streaming yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled your.! He fell down sobbing where he was going to do to make you of... Set in a series staying here with me think its only natural Y/N that you to. Of phone numbers fault that your his girlfriend didn & # x27 ; ve never seen! Would never force you to say one more thing but I wouldnt recommend that if you remember what happened time... On wikipedia are always a good idea softened and he whispers what yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled going to do the tiniest info you. Was all even the fact that your his girlfriend didn & # x27 ; m going &... Put pressure to the Pink Palace you and declare this silly hideout..: Punishing their s/o belong to me and you tumble to the side a stubborn boyfriend... Or what please calm down, you asked yourself where your boyfriend was, curious as to the! 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yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled