times union archives obituaries

t ?lals Special Features Supplement Cabaret at Restaurant on Christmas and New Year's. Obituaries can be used to uncover information about other relatives or to confirm that you have the right person in Jacksonville, Florida. 'They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. 8712 8wrh ar . Dec .17'. 327! Karen A. Jackson (Ford) February 22, 2023 After a short battle with cancer, Karen went home to our Lord Jesus on February 22, 2023. The family said flowers were appreciated but noted in the obituary that donations can be made to the Maple Avenue Animal Protective Foundation in Scotia. Walter E. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter II. I., Thursday, 3.30 P. M. ROGERS HUGH E, M D . Tha funeral will ba held at t P. M. tomorrow, from Iht lata home, 1320 Rogers ave., and Interment will be in Bt, John's Cemetery, under tha direction of T. J. Higgins A Ron. Memorable Obituaries From the Times Archives 2016-05-31T22:55:04-04:00 May 31, 2016 10:55 PM ET This summer, we invite you to join us as we exhume obituaries from our archives, some dating to the . died Friday. Always interested In flower ct1-tute. I believe, that germs gain en-trance to the blood stream very . Miss Madelaine Lynch, Miss . Miss Eggert is a sister of Herman Fletcher t.ggert who recently married Miss Mary Parker u estervelt. and Hooper at. Its an excellent launching point for further research into those elusive relatives. IN MEMORIAM. I'lioiif Ubiiu .11111 - - tAiain H- Sallnmnn. His father owned the restaurant which was burned out at the time of the Brooklyn Theatre fire, One niece, a Mrs. Booth, survives her, Cross Cemetery. , i It was understood a large part of this sum war to be paid this afternoon and the-remalnder before the end of the week. The funeral i Seventh street. Pouch Mansion has been transformed Into a floral chapel by means of lilies, marguerites and greenery, and there the ceremony will be performed fit 8:30 o'clock by the Hev. Mrs. Mary Ann Graham, neo Hobday. But once In a great while, the needed while blood cells are not on hand to carry out their protective act. Woodhaven. Mrs. Josephine Stalker. , Mewlptf. 'was then th owner of a' small store, anil saw him become, a I power in tho affairs of the Eastern i District commercial-ami civic life. He leaves his Wife, Margaret: a daughter, Mildred Marv. The displays of Armour's Fruits, Syrups and general soda fountain supplies will be well worth your careful inspection. Looking up Times Union obituaries in New York doesn't have to be difficult. Need help? She leaves two brothers, Frank Creelman and Albert Creelman, both of his city. MARY A j (nee McBndei, wife of the latei James Curlev, mother of James 1. Tel. at het late home, 160 Farley ave , Huntington L I . Samantha was and is a light in the dark, with talents, loves, and dreams. Home. Mary was. Uncover the branches of your family tree. The 2,400 children who attend f-'t. died at her home on Richmond ave Sunday She had been III several months The funeral sendee will he held st St. Martin's R C (hurt h. tomoriow morning, the Re. The price was ascertained, a payment made and the deed transferred. P. O. pald ln by B0Vera' of Prominent ELKS Brothers: You are re- Parishioners, among them William quested to attend the funeral Harman and Albert Board man. He was born in Jacksonville, Florida November 4, 1948, and graduated from Wolfson High School in 1966. 1912. Inter ment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery. difference between a death notice and an obituary? -,, A,mb, District me soutn uniro csireet ai. 82M Day Kldra. 2 of this item click here.. To view a digital version of Vol. Pioapecr me, Ridgewood nhere a eiul-m mm will he offeied at i 9 .18 A M Ihternient will ha in Calvary Camter under the direction of William . Mr. Sturges Is still very low, but believed to bo out of danger. W. Walenta, will conduct the services Tuesday at 2 P. M. Inter ment will follow in Lutheran Ceme tery. 28. TOP STORIES. 28, N. I. W. V. He leavea his wife, Isabel; a son, Harry J.; a daughter, Nellie Taylor, and fwO grand-daughteis. McGarrlck. .VTj DAILY TIrVf F7S DECEMBER 16. IK HrnnhAMt . Readers can find. Some editions of Thursday's Times Union were missing some of the obituaries. Ha waa bora in Hesaedaratardt, Germany or July d, 184ft. 76 Nichols ave, Brook- I 1 n. Wednesday evening, Feb 17 at 9 Interment Evergreens Cem- t eteiv. N J on Wednesday, Feb 17, at 8 P M Interment Lutheran fmeter, 1-. With the Florida Times-Union obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in Florida, it's important to know how to perform a Florida Times-Union obituary search to access this wealth of research from newspapers all across the country. For a successful search of Florida Times-Union obituaries, follow these tips: By implementing these strategies, you can go deeper with your research and uncover the ancestors you never knew you had. In our coolers we will show you the finest cuts of fresh meats; each carcass bears the label of a U. S. Government Inspector. 16. . Plus, 95% of GenealogyBank records cannot be found through any other online services. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. William Otts; a son, Harry, and?lx grandchildren, one of i whom is Brother Richard, of the Fran ciscan Order. She' movcd to Brook-j lyn after her marriage to Mr. Its also ideal for fact-checking, as many obituaries werent necessarily created with 100% accuracy. James, and a daughter, Nellie Aspeil. Noeley, who had recently returned from the Mexican border; Misa Grace Jordan Mrs. Margaret Estabrook, Miss Esta- brook, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cleve land. 3889 Undertaker and Embalmer Thnas ehanels available laspeetiaa Invited Lmdy Attmrulant 14 WOODWARD AVE. Kidsvweed, L. I. Tel. The will of Mra Mary E.'Kldfn, Who died Deo 1 I laal in her home. Let the Borough President be held accountable and let him have his own street cleaning commissioner and we will taavt cleaner streets. The terms of purchase are liberal, but Mon slgnor McGolrlck expocts to have the land paid for ln one year. 18.. 235 Johneon va Iarasl Lliiht 22 771 Lafayetta av. He Is survived by his Mrs. Caroline Colberg. LUNCHEON FOR BRIDES. He was a member of St. Peter's R. C. Church, Hicks and Warren streets, where a mass of requiem will be celebrated Monday, at 10 A. M., with interment In Holy Cross Cemetery. Classified Display Ads; Public Notices. Try searching for their husbands name. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frederick jb. Knickerbocker ave and Wekrfield at , where a requiem maae will be offeied at 9 A. M Interment will he in St John a Cemetery, under the direction of William H. Murray. Church Home, MARY TAY-Iln her eighty -second year. Lndwlg Helnen, 26 78 Dwutht at Anna Schuster, 28 ..75 Dwtgbt at Louie -ueer, 24 ..1T2 Pergen at rauliht Peots. 47 B Baltic at. TITLE editors often didnt fact-check spellings in the past. Connect other family members mentioned in the death notice to confirm whole sections of your family tree. Sayvllle. CARROLL On Friday, Deo. For a successful Florida Times-Union obituary search, its good to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you get the correct relative. How to Search Florida Times-Union Obituary Archives. 1916. at 8 o'clock; !tor of 8t' Cecilla'' fir8t discovered the at 388 Stuyvesant ave.. Brooklyn bot need of an athletic field for the U-uiton st. or Putnam ave. youngsters In the parish school. j Until the war prevented, Mrs. Batter- . URGES BORO AUTONOMY, Church are invited to attend the flclate at the funeral services in the i girl. Wednesday. They describe the person, their life, and who they are. Plus, 95% of GenealogyBank records cannot be found through any other online services. Districts ran out, used remote school Tuesday, A year later, pandemic-fueled nursing home standards not enforced, beginning an intense missing person's investigation. . . V29 Second at The funeial will he Wednesday, with a requiem maae In Rt Michael a R C Church. complete the task. Get started with GenealogyBank and start making connections today. Charles, died. Try Olive Tablets, the subetltute for caromcl. Mr. ! Magistrate Krotel has been on th' bench since November 5. Wills and Appraisals ILl.s KOI? Mrs. Stalker had lived r.. . "What wo want la a candidate wht will be a winner, be he Republican 01 Fusion." j Mrs. Josephine Stalker, 82, widow of ' John Stalker, died yesterday after a' brief illness at her home, 200 North 3113 STAQO BKSIDENCB Ma HI SHtVlCK AT. Currently, the following types of records are indexed: Paid death notices from the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle and Times-Union for the years between 1960 and up to 2016. It contains 300 ac rii, and ! ports from Michael Fogarty, the treaa-CIIARLES EMIL KURZ, beloved 1 urer, show the success of the plan, brother of Caroline Colberg (nee ' Kurz), aged 38 years. Read More The funeial services weia held In the late home last night, , and inter ment took piara in Evergreens Oemetrry this morning under the direction of. Death notices, on the other - . She did it by dally cleansing with Reeinol Soap and regular application ot healing Retinol Ointment. Searches were carried out in November, December and January. Edward Leon Coker, 74, of Greensboro, Georgia, passed away February 9, 2023. Seaman and Company, of 148 Reade street, Manhattan, and a life-long resident of Brooklyn, iied yesterday, of heart dls McKEON A mass of requiem britedhforTLI)ZABETHb A. Mel ; JAMES CREELMAN'S SISTER DEAD KEON on Monday morning, Deo. 25 run t.mrn. GI.KNDAI.K. Dr. Nehemiah Boynton. Age 74. Perhaps we can visualize them as all seeking a point of entrance where they may gain the easiest sort of livelihood at the expense of ourselves who unconsciously, yet unavoidably, act as the hosts. Use information from more recent ancestors to find older relatives. Mrs. Taylor made thirty -ono residenco, 736 St John's pi. In addition to his widow he ia survived bv a son, Charles; a daughter. TOY. a daughter, Minnie Dies, of 7f7 Km pi re Md. 10 A. M KKSSEL-On Feb. 14. Patrick Kelly. 1M Bnahwfc-k. 10HN W. R0EJWME1.E. She leaves her son, Samuol, and two grandchildren. MARY A. MrHRIDE CURLEY died yesterday. Several chapters of Dickens' "Great Expectations" were read by Mrs. Cleveland,) Mr. Tlbballs, Mrs. Slocum, Mrs. Ksta-brook and the Rev. Ktlaan and Jda; thraa aona, Gaarga Kugan and William; two aiaura. that later, the very stimulation of auch an Invasion, will call forth unusual efforts, and an ir-restible army of white cells, mav still sweep them away. t FI RRY On Mondav. F. of A., are U1MIWIUU, invited to attend funeral services at hit late residence, 204 Jack-eon st., on Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 2 P. M. Interment Lutheran Cemetery. We make it easy for you to search, discover, and share your familys untold story. All Memorials and Obituaries (200) Slingerlands, New York Mrs. Angelina Corral. Hollis, Arthur D. Mayer, Henry Ashby, of Manhattan; .7. On Feh 1 4 1 932. Mrs. Taylor was y. Connect other family members mentioned in the death notice to confirm whole sections of your family tree. She is survived by one daugh ter, Jennie, with whom she lived, j Funeral services were held at her latei homo this afternoon, the Rev. So, how do you look up local death notices and sift through hundreds of years worth of history? Information regarding access and use for institutions is available by contacting NewsBank at 800-762-8182 or email sales@newsbank.com. AN EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT FOR EVERYBODY Armour's Grape Juice Star Ham and Bacon faj&d Pork and Beans Canned Meats Mince Meat "Simon Pure" Leaf Lard Armour's Extract of Beef Armour's Soaps and Toilet Preparations Lighthouse Cleanser, Etc. After the routine business and election of new members had taken place, .the chapter voted to give $30 to tho Children's Museum for the purchase of lantern slides to be used there In lectures on the Civil War; this being in line with its patriotic work. j ne rormai announce' ment was made at a tea recently. V M4R1 CANAVAN died cestaidav in hei home ft24 St John a pi She waa the (laughter of tha lata Thomas and Maiv Ctinavan and loaves five aisteia Hiatei Man Giegoi of the Bisteta of Meicv of ItatRMi T . 1811. 'Surviving Mrs. Batterman are her son, Henry L. Batterman. Its an excellent launching point for further research into those elusive relatives. Mrs. Ilhonheimer was born in Germany, noar Baden Baden, and was the widow of Bernhardt Ilhonheimer. Whether you're trying to understand where you come from for the first time or you're looking to add some detail to a family tree, it couldn't be easier to perform a Times Union obituary search. Saviours R C Church Eighth axe , and Sixth sr Interment wilt he in Holy Cross Cemetetv under the diiertlon of lo seph 1 Duffv Church of Henrv ta Remyen end THREE TO STUDY ANDE MRS. C. G. WINGATE Commission Named to Test Sanity of Ocaanstde Fireman, Mineola. a sister, Alloa OKeefe; end s brother. Thus it la. Searching obituaries is a great place to start your family tree research. In other words, we may think of the lining of the stomach and the intentine as continuous with the covering of the bodv a surface. 18,! I think though, that this happens verv much oftener than we have anv for those of delicate life habits. and the effectiveness of our and in need of warmth and an abundance of food. 22 117 Berry at Erneat Llbaeci, 21 188 JenVreon at Catherine Grlllo, 18 JS8 McKlbhln at ry L,,er. Herj ,acred purpose to which it la lo'ravar do- nusQana uiea a year unu a nan aeo. crlmar, came to New York in 1S73. BUSK. 22, IJ. Suivlved by sisters, Mrs. Anna (Irimmond and Mrs. Josephine Cullen, and biother, Francis N. Caaey. Family members would have published death notices in the Times Union to detail the persons name, age, residence, work history, and any information about the funeral service. J. Fhelan ( appointed to the oinmiaion. will officlato at the services to-morrow at 2 P. M., In the chapel of the church. hi Id (h ipel 88 1.effetiq pi p rpfk I ' n More than 4h( persons m hiding mtn promt-nr nt tn ihr . 20 771 Lafayatta ave Edward Nlchola. KL1ZA, wife of the lato Henry Batterman, In her 67th year. Among those present were Mrs. William C. Beecher, Mrs. Henry At-water. 1916 THE y PLAZA - THE PLAZA if THE l 1 PLAZA K U.. of Brooklyn RESTAURANT and Banquet Rooms Flatbush Ave., at Fulton St. Will Open Ita Doors to the Public WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27TH Three Dance Floors Three Orchestras Under Direction or Mai Craig The Last Word, In' Cabaret DAN DOTY W1U ifrsent 'The Plaza Girl" with cut of 25 ; Make Reservation NOW for Niw Year's F.VB. It notes she was survived "by a multitude of loving and devastated family and friends, who will remember her with joy and pain until they follow. Most of us understand by this time the germ opportunities, which exist in the bowel tube, and also on the outaide surface of the body. She was born In Montreal, mm nnrMnfrf r I Canada, sixty years ago, the daughter rKhU KUtMMfcLh 'f tho late Matthew Creelman. Once such a thing has happened this solitary germ can. America would have no wars to win. Get this Times Union page for free from Saturday, December 16, 1916 DECEMBER 16. tho Rev. The funeral will be held . Co-cllia's Parish School, Monitor etreet and Manhattan avenue, will not suffer from lack of playgrounis ln the Eastern District and Greenpoint section. 148 Lafayette are Le Koy Thornton, 27 ..Oiieena Clara Hoooer. Thomas J. and Bernard T. Supple. Arrangements are being made for smoker and a party at the Bushwlct Theatre ln January. Rhe waa born In the Twelfth Ward In this borough, and waa tba widow of Richard Cronin. Here also will be Lighthouse Cleanser, the famous five-cent clean- ' ing powder that drives away dirt. Death notices are formalized reports that someone has died. ease, after a-brief illness. Last week, Police Chief Eric Clifford described the location where she was found off of River Street as a crime scene, but investigators have stopped short of calling Samantha's death a homicide. Mrs. Mary Taylor, widow of John Wesley Taylor, a former resident of the Eastern District, died yesterday of sciiit..nM on f nday, eo. who died Feh. He waa horn in Newfoundland, and bed been a sea cap tain for tha past 2ft years. Uncover the branches of your family tree. ANNIE CRONIN died yesterday In her home, 47 Garnet at. Interment will follow in Greenwood Cemetery. . Only relatives and a jew intimate friends will witness the ceremony, but a thousand Invitations have been issued for the reception following. is bequeathed Sl.iUMt and a grand piano. In he early lifo Mrs. Batter-man lived on' Hooper street. Search Times Union Archives more options Search Browse the archive by date This online archive is for access and use only by individuals for personal use. KYKLYN RO8R MAHONEY, died Run day. Obituaries can vary in the amount of information they contain, but many of them are genealogical goldmines, including information such as: names, dates, place of birth and death, marriage information . Genealogy research can be challenging as many records are incomplete or filled with mistakes. Obituaries describe the person, who they are, and what they did in their lives. Referring to Justice Cropsey's recem speech suggestinga straight Republican candidate for Mayor, he said: . Nor could he ever gel close enough to her lo whisper his plans So In alienee they rode along, the ape-man hoping the chance would come when he could take the Red Flower in his mighty nuns and leap to .safety. Whether you're trying to understand where you come from for the first time or you're looking to add some detail to a family tree, it couldn't be easier to perform a Florida Times-Union obituary search. MODERN WOMEN HEED NOT SUFFER monthly pain and delay duo to colds, narvotia strain, eipoaure nrsimilarrauaos Chl-cheoten Diamond Hrand 1'illa sra effrrhv. - Miss Madeleine Elizabeth' Wild was the guest of honor at the luncheon which Mrs. Crafts gate Thursday at Sherry s. Among the guests wore Mrs. Frank Griswold Wild, Mrs. Meyer, Miss Norma Werner, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Miss Anita Deraismes, Miss Dorothy Johnson, Mies Harriet Ward, Miss Mildred Belcher, Miss Margaret Pray, Miss Charlotte Schmidt and Miss Mary Rasch. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. The brief ceremony will be held at 2 p.m. at the Daly Funeral Home on McClellan St., according to her obituary. ai 535 Johnson ave Franceaca VolUgylo. Get this Times Union page for free from Tuesday, February 16, 1932 EBRUARY 16, 1932 WHY TAKE PREVENTIVE MEDICINE IF YOU WONT TAKE ENOUGH TO PREVENT DISEASE? beloved wife of Frederick A Nefhing Funeral sei vices st her home. Another cabaret of merit will be pre sented at the Ritz throughout the week beginning to-day. John J 1'inn, officiating. Her death was due to a general j breakdown which set in a year ago. ln funeral, meet the allotted fate at the hands of the white cells, or else, become filtered ut, as tha blood stream passes through various local collections of lymphatic glands (where certain whits cells form). Dr. Reynolds Is a graduate of the Kew York University and the Eelle-vue Medical College, and Is one of the surgical staff of tho Long Island College Hospital. that we are beset by myriads of germ emigrants, some capable of producing disease, others ouite harmless. MOTHER. .45 Bay SSth Ft M Cooney, 28 2ins 82d at SAlvatora Cellufo, 28 Grant A Balke avea Antoinette Miranda, 16.. Grand A Blake av Ulneepp Calvanieo. Requiem mass on Wednes- , day. CLUB TO PAY LIEN . J. TIERNEY, Manager. It mav be. Sirs. . Use multiple collections to fact-check any found records. He leaves his wife, Ernestine Workmen; a son. Funeral Wednesday. 1916 THE y PLAZA - THE PLAZA if THE l 1 PLAZA K U.. of Brooklyn RESTAURANT and Banquet Rooms Flatbush Ave., at . 6 of this item click here.. He was born in Jacksonville, Florida November 4, 1948, and graduated from Wolfson High School in 1966. Here, the rapid motion of the circulating stream, whirls away the Jingle germ, and while he has plen-ty of time to absorb food, for he is floating in it all the time, and as a result, may divide at will, the white Mood cells, do not have the same chance of getting to him, and his offspring. fall bsn.flt - vt your Fjn by I byih tktm at- 'mlirS lo 1NOW. Special arrangements are being made for the occasion. Frank and two Tha funeral will h Thutadav, from ihr lata home thenra to Our Ladv of Miraculous Medal. . Mr. Kelly is survivod by two nieces. difference between a death notice and an obituary? George H. Rowe, jr., contributed piano solos after the repast. you Ilka, Advertisement. Republican Club.44 Sumner avenue, 01 "Borough Autonomy.,' said: "V, "The time is noar when BrodWyi-will have a larger voting populatlor than Manhattan, and we should have t government of our own. Jameet He waa a member of Brpoklyg JAHFS M OVONVOR died Runriav ht home 17 i Hth ri He "as bon to St Ixtuia. Times Union, The: Web Edition Articles obits are an excellent source of information about those long-lost family members in Albany, New York.. With the Times Union, The: Web Edition Articles obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in New York, it's important to know how to perform a Times Union, The: Web . He was a veteran member of tha Twenty-third Regiment, having served for nearly, twenty years aa a member of Company A and a drummer In tho Field Music staff. then, we understand to consist Of the parts which lie between, as it were, the outer covering. A social hour followed, with delightful recitations by 'Miss Ilorenco Redfleld, appropriate for the occasion. There will be a Mince Meat exhibit of vital interest. As family members typically wrote these, they tend to be relatively accurate. Local obituaries for Albany, New York 6,612 Results Tuesday, February 28, 2023 Add Photos 1 Memory Mary A. Fitzner Fitzner, Mary A. ALBANY - Mary A. Fitzner died on February 25, 2023. uroni U mil Goldberg, 23.U&T Parkway WL CLEAN and RENOVATE RUGS and CARPETS DELlTrRIKS) AVrWTTErle; IS YORK. X. holiday suggestions WINES, BRANDIES, Whiskies, Cordials and other Beverages PHONE US Open fcvenings Wc. Miss Bulkley, who Is a niece of Mr. Frederick W. Moss, formerly of the Heights, was assisted In receiving by Miss Helen James, Miss Mary Colt, Miss Polly Damrosch, Miss Mar garet Whiting,. . The suin of $ 1 ,50(i ig bequeathed to n sou, Joseph, and some jewelty lo a grandson, John N. Davoren of in 6 80th st The residue is divided equally Among tour children. Pne of the oldest members of the South KROTR DEFIES CHARGBTOBAR Gum Chewing Was Offensive He Says-Arrests a Policemai The Bar Association Committee if considering to-day the charges agains' Mag-lstrato Paul Krotvl which havebeoi filed against him by Benjamin C. Rib man. Her brother, Carman Frost, waa hurled Hitndnv from tba Schultz home. I KED C. Patrick Malonc. When tha liver and bowels are performing their natural functions, people rarely suffer from Indigestion and stomach troubles. Death notices, on the other If certain of the bad germs are found, matters are grave indeed, and the best ef medicaj talent is none too- good, KEI.1.1 On Feb 15 IOHN T. husband of Mat Fleming Kel! STE 600 Naples, Florida 34108. You will marvel at the number and variety of brands. ' To leave a condolence, visit: www.TitusFuneralHome.com. Whether you're looking for marriage announcements, death notices, obituaries, or feature stories about your ancestors, these archives can form a considerable part of any family history project. Mott Speedy Remedies Known. voted. more than ft. (0 peisonal in lo ph Davoteq a(n, 1021 42(1 st , $l,FiiX) and one fourth tesldueji William I., Maraatet end Anna fc.. Da -voien, children, aame sddteaa, one fourth leatdue each, gi andf hi Idi en, email bequests. I Mined. Leo II Birling will nfftroate at a requiem maae Interment will ha in Holy Cross Csmaterj under the direction of John T. Kenny. Instances coming to our attention, with an alarming frequency, where dangerous germs finally are found in the blood stream, as the answer Is being sought to a baffling train of serious symptoms. 1R. Valley Stream, Feb. 1. George II. Miss tlUxl. at her i late residence 367 Sumpter si I Funeral from het home theme to Our Iad of I.ouirie R (' Church 1 where a solemn mass of requiem, will be offered at 9 A M Thursday Interment Holy Cross Ceme-t erv KLI7ARKTH F. DAHLfNGKR died In hei home, 1207 Hammock at . With the Times Union obituary archives being one of the leading sources for uncovering your history in New York, it's important to know how to perform a Times Union obituary search to access this wealth of research from newspapers all across the country. "Hello Ritz" for Holidays. beloved husband of Margaret sad father of Mrs. Arthur OBrien, Adele. We can cope successfully with most of the germ enemies who get Into ur blood, If we have maintained even a reasonable degree of good health. two months ago he noticed that tho property mentioned, a vacant lot but a few short blocks from the school, was very suitable for an athletic field. Home - Times-Union Newspaper. Mrs Morrell Is survived by two daughters. Dr. St. Clair Hester, of the Church of the Messiah. Miss Brennan leaves her father who was formerly active in Democratic a:Talrs in Greennoint and who Is a liquor dealer, and a sister, Nora. years ago, but recovered although at ' one time hef case was considered hope- less. Fatrlrk a R. C. Church, 9ftth st. and Fourth ave., and Interment will be tn Calvary Cemetery. Fink, who is the author of "several short sketches, collaborated in the ritlng ofw "Hello Ritz." a brother, Charles Speight, Cutter, a retired dry goods merchant, ami: uncle, Georgo Speight, ' an narian. MARV (He. 77 kmpire h)v d,, ft (Htf KIMKH I'A7 RH h i Ian 2( Faie lea HORIZONTAL 1 Hecretton of marine animals 4 Kuropean country 1J To strip 12 Pendant ornament 1 4 (on junction 1 5- Extinct elephant 17 Objective of 1 13 To rent 20 Groans 21 Body of water 22 Mountain stream 24 Born 26 Perused 26 Slumbers 23 Disdains 30 To instill fear 1 1 Tune 32 Resources 36 An external ' remedy 33 Til bred fellow 89 Sailor n 41 Russian peasant' T 42 Biscuit t 48 Dried rocosnut kernel 4 6 Speck - 46 Bone i 47 Carr!ers 48 Pronoun 60 Cylindrical 62 One who holds seal 64 Separated t 66 Domesticated VEITICAIj 1 (Train i 2 Upon 2 K llqtior 4 Husband of Eva I A fvult (plural) Roc k 7 Blroka aently A kind of tr IB fartaintllf to XaioeA II Klupld prraona 15 Condurta 16 Cilrl's name 1 9 Treachery 21 Uomparted In rank 2J More recent Wrerka 27 Favored ona t 29 Equality 52 Chief of monastery 53 Roak j 34 Put away aafely 35 To atop j 35 Made nolae Ilk rooater ST Behind 40 Likely 43 Dove's home 44 Space 47 Heat 49 Man' nama shortened 51 Egyptian nod 63 French masculine article ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S I CROSSWORD riZZLE -NO. He waa 66 years old. Galvary Cemetery. M. Interment Lutheran Cemetery. under tha direction of Wetqand Prot hers THOVI AH srPPl.K died Sunday In hts home V24 M Doiinuph at He lea'ea his wife, Maigarei two daughteia, Mts Ar-thru 'OBtlen and Adele, and two aona, Thomas J and Rernaid 1 The funeral will taka place Wednesday from tha lata home thence to Our Ladv of Good Counsel R C Church, where a requiem mass will he offered at 9 A M Interment will ha tn Holy Ctoaa Cemetery RNTP FJCKHTKIN RETH1NG (bed and denlv eaterdav 8ha leaves her husband Frederick A AAething The funeial eer vices will he from the late home. Dr. Kdarda Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound. through subdivision, rapidly populate tha invaded spot. Herdt for many years bad been connected with the shoe bueinaea. 6 LIQUID TABLETS SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablet! Charles Emll Kurz. Mr. Croquet ontererl tlio emoloy of the butter and day of pneumonia, after Rn Illness of,,s house of L. I. on. Rudolph, Three da tighten. Age 74. Both sho and her husband caught a heavy cold and both developed pneumonia. Patrick Malone, 46, of 4 '4 1-2 Henry street, who was killed by being run over by a truck Thursday evening, at Atlantic and Hicks streets, while on his way home, was born In Limerick, Ireland, and had lived for twenty years ln South Brooklyn. The video recording coupled with the discovery of a jacket that matched one Samantha wore kept investigators focused on the river. JOSEPH H. BECKER, Secretary. Sold by your druggist. Lots 10 feet long and 3 feet wide, ln the playground, may be purchased by 1 inose interested in the physical better- Funeial services will be held at hi!ment r 11,6 "kiddies" at J3 each, in late home, 388 Stuyvesant ave., lnreB payments 01 one dollar a montn Brooklyn, on Sunday, at IP, M. j lf desired, in this way tho required amount is expected to bo realized. , 411 FC "ouu c Vll E-U by 5 HOUR Muaterole a.fe "counter-ir. -v"v-r Jai.e Jbrotner' Monsignor E. W. McOolrtck, tho rec nlm! Mrs. Ktiilly Eliza St urges. He was for many yeara'in tho leather goods business in Manhattan. Mrs. Fanny Khonbeimer, nee Hass, 71, of S19 East Seventy-eighth street, Manhattan, died Thursday, of par alysis, at the home of her son, 2X6 St. j .lames place, mig was stricKfjji wnuc on a visit eight weeks ago. Uncovering your family history can be difficult. nt.nl." Ha laavaa hh wita, Mary; thraa dtuffctara, Bdna. Many old Times Union obits used initials instead of full names. Want la a candidate wht will be tn Calvary Cemetery ouite harmless,! @ newsbank.com Thursday, 3.30 P. M. ROGERS HUGH E, M D fink, who they.! Shoe bueinaea, who they are price was ascertained, a retired dry goods,! Is a great place to start your family tree Gaarga Kugan and William two! Slgnor McGolrlck expocts to have multiple strategies at your disposal to ensure you the! Services to-morrow at 2 p.m. at the funeial will he Wednesday, with a requiem maae Rt. 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times union archives obituaries