blurry vision 2 months after prk

Your vision may appear slightly blurry due to the healing of the top layer of the eye. My night vision was never the greatest but some days it seems worse than others too. PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) is a procedure that gently scrapes away the surface cells (epithelium) on the cornea before using an excimer laser to reshape it for vision correction. I did not see my doctor but another one that was in the office that day. Its important to follow all advice and guidelines given by your eye doctor. Recovery after PRK occurs in stages:Stage 1 - seconds to minutes after the procedure, the vision is surprisingly clear, actually better than it is after LASIK at this point.Stage 2 - begins about 30-60 min after the procedure, as the numbing drops used during surgery wear off. So sorry to hear that KS. They said theyd get me as close to 20/20 as possible and right after the surgery I was right around 20/20 for a few weeks. Every time I go back to the doctor, they say it will get better, but it doesnt get any better. I even put a sign on my bed that says I did PRK because before I did try sleeping with my contacts on and it was horrrible and scary I though ill lose my sight due to dryness anyway, its just there to remind me I am really seeing clearly now. I am praying it gets better as well. Well, only about 40% of people are able to reach the legal driving vision of 20/40 within the first few days after PRK. I had PRK in March 2020 on both eyes, an enhancement done on the right eye in Sept 2020 and on the left eye in Jan 2021. But when this epithelium is removed, the surface becomes rough. It feels like a nerve problem. I was still sensitive to light, still couldnt work on the computer (hello, Im a travel blogger -being on a computer is my job! As someone who works in the medical eye field (not a doctor) I read these stories of bad procedures or bad outcomes and am just shocked how these doctors treat you after surgery. The recovery was painful but quick! Keep screen time to a minimum for the first few days including television, phones and the computer. PRK is intended to reduce a persons dependency on contact lenses or glasses. I had originally driven there from Cape Town (about a 350 mile drive) to get LASIK as they said Id have no issues driving home the next day (testimonies from friends as well confirming this), but about 15 minutes before the procedure, they said that PRK was far safer for me to get because of the shape of my astigmatisms, so I consented and stayed a few more days in the area. I will never recommend prk to anyone. Well some of your concerns seem valid. I had friends who had done Lasik with no problems and with the slight research I had done and the reassurance I had from my friend who is an opthamologist I gave my fate to the wind and expected good results. Those of us that have had horrible experiences need to share with others because I do not feel the eye surgeons are properly informing their patients of the potential risks. If you happen to be one of the unlucky 5%, not to worry, its typically something a PRK enhancement treatment is able to fix. Your email address will not be published. Cant touch my eyelids, an eyelash feels like a knife, and onions are acid. Nicolas_yo 2 yr. ago My myopia was -7.5 with astigmatism roughly the same as yours. There are way too many stories that need to be shared for those thinking about the surgery. I expect my photosensitivity will last for quite a while longer. Now all I can think of is the music I cant play and the art I cant create because I cant see well enough. When the eye covering is removed, your vision may be blurry. Its more common with older laser platforms like LASIK, but can also occur after more recent procedures that use excimer laser energy such as bladeless Lasik and PRK. See a corneal specialist. No, its not crisp, but if this is the vision I had the rest of my life, I would be fine with it happy with it even. These changes to vision can be permanent. I had so much time and energy invested in something I thought was going to take a week! Ill share my personal NEGATIVE experience with PRK procedure. Thats why one of my doctor said FML is not require more than 6 weeks so you can stop. Three to six months to be exact. Im wondering how I am going to live the rest of my life like this. dr told me it would feel like sane in my eyes for at least 4 days. Type 2 (late-onset corneal haze) occurs after three months and persists longer than three years. If your PRK ghosting persists for an extended period of time, its essential to consult your surgeon about possible remedies. LASIK vs. PRK: Which Laser Eye Surgery Is Right For You. Light sensitivity is no joke. It has completely ruined my life. Bought some cheaper ones online especially since I cant see shit clearly anyway. 1. I would tell you not to get PRK ever. Since I work on the computer all day, I totally get it and it is so tough. I am hoping that your eyes just need time to heal but I would think by week six youd be stabilized. Oh and I still have a slight astigmatism in my left eye. This includes keeping them clean and dry, as well as refraining from activities that put strain on the eye such as playing sports. Im so sorry Jennifer. I signed some type of waiver and liability form so I never even thought of legal action I just felt the need to share so anyone contemplating the surgery would think maybe twice. It is only fair in the first few days, and you should refrain from driving a car. Even though the division may appear slightly foggy at times, it may require around 4 to 6 weeks for eyesight to return to its usual crisp state. They ALWAYS tell you just the 5% develops these complications but I honestly think its a huge BS. Can You Play Golf After Cataract Surgery? My vision at computer screen distance is very unclear (blurry and double vision) 18 days after my PRK surgery. I am in my late 30s. Patients who have any sort of autoimmune diseases are generally not considered good candidates for laser eye surgery, including PRK. I work in a kitchen and doing things with vinegar, cutting onions, being near a stove or a grill are a constant struggle and my coworkers and boss think Im being dramatic. I blame myself entirely for cavalierly accepting the assurances of my ophthalmologist without doing any research. The doc looked over my results and said I was definitely viable for an enhancement. My job is suffering because a huge chunk of it is using a computer, and I dont know how I will feel from hour to hour. It wasnt fun, but it wasnt horrible either. Then I was told I needed another enhancement. However, vision should improve greatly by one month after the procedure. Opthalmologist mentioned that epithelium in one eye is healed and the other eye is healing. healing and visual recovery take longer because the outer layer of the cornea needs to regenerate itself. Answer: Yes. I wish I read this before my surgery. I had PRK done 2.5 weeks ago for myopia (-7.0 both eyes). I am so sorry youre going through this experience and please be patient with your recovery and try not to let it get you down too much. Also did anyone have severe myopia and did the prk? I literally dread nighttime everyday and pretty much just stay home. A few percentage of PRK patients will need to have an enhancement (touch up) to their treatment usually considered at the 3 to 6 month mark depending on the patient. I hate glasses and now need them for everything in my life for the rest of my life. Seems to be one of the worst decision Ive ever made. Day time vision is functional, though not very crisp. Do not do it. Your PRK surgeon will provide you with comprehensive instructions on how to care for your eyes following surgery. Dont think there is need to expand here, simply google haze after prk, and youll get plenty of results on this one! They can provide more information about this condition and what can be done about it. I hope this helps. I also have high blood pressure right now even though Ive lost weight from lack of appetite and depression. Ive learned an important lesson: Dont ask or listen to other peoples experiences because everyone reacts differently to procedure and pain. Many complications that arise after PRK surgery have to do with not following directions during aftercare. I had to have Verisyse lens implant (a/k/a Phakic Intraocular Lenses) because I was too nearsighted for Lasix. I got a second opinion from world renowned Mayo Clinic and the recommendation stated forgetaboutit. Oddly, I could see crystal clear up close probably the clearest Id seen since prior to surgery. I really appreciate the info and totally agree. no pain etc. Like you, I try to stay hydrated, always wear sunglasses, and use drops when needed. How are you both healing? So, as a matter of fact, sometimes people will experience blurred vision after taking it, because your eyes need some time to recover. Months 3 to 6 after surgery: Your vision will finish improving during this time, reaching 20/40 or better. During the first 24 hours after PRK, its important to rest your eyes. I got to And now to begin my infuriating experience and started feeling too anxious to continue. Supposedly, the procedure time, result, and cost are the same with both procedures. Was he on Washington? Where do you live? According to the eye charts, Im on track for healing etc. Got second round for free in 2018 but it really wasnt free due to days of work missed. Time and time again, I find myself so astounded that there are so many of us with issues and unfortunately, I dont think any of the side effects are recorded anywhere. All those things are just something I used to enjoy and now will probably be selling pay for anything that would help restore my vision and take away the pain. I work at a computer all day and have not been able to return to work because of this. Since I see that it is a problem of the surgery and the pupils. After your PRK surgery, you should be able to see clearly again; however, your vision will continue to improve as the cornea heals and the new epithelium beneath your contact lens re-epithelializes. Im currently able to do about 10-12 hours a day with 3 large monitors on my PC. I hope your situation improves. I am recovering slowly. I lost count at this point how many 30 minute drives I took to the office which added to my frustration. The main symptom of this condition is that the natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy, causing blurry vision. B) i got 0.25 astigmatism will this also go away ? I am literally considering suicide as an out from the pain. Six years later I still feel like my eyes are healing. There are two types of corneal haze that patients may experience after the procedure. All my friends had success with LASIK, only complaint was mild dry-eye. Also because its something people cant see, so they dont understand. I was told all of these wonderful things about how awesome it would be to see clearly again. I did need an enhancement a few months after. And at the one month, the prescription isnt yet stable. | Privacy Policy | Terms of use, LASEK vs LASIK A Comparison of Eye Surgeries. Dry eye complications, cannot see up close and like Im under water. Not anything to worry about just yet, remember, we arent done with the healing yet. But i am getting epitheal erossions. I wear readers (as expected) for seeing up close reading, using phone and computer usage at work/home. My experience has been almost identical to yours. There are also rare instances when patients experience changes to night vision, including seeing halos or glare. My job choices are now extremely limited. Individuals who have dry eye syndrome are not considered good candidates for PRK. He told me everyone heals at a different pace. When the epithelium is missing from the cornea, you have a very giant scratch. I would like to add my personal experience, although the story is not over yet. If you live anywhere near Dallas, go to Cornea Associates of Texas and ask for Dr. Now they want me to have a second surgery and I have not accepted it. I chose PRK instead of Lasik due to my martial art training. I had PRK done August 2021 after many years toying with the idea. Dont let a LASIK doctor talk you into an enhancement surgery (check out the website LASIK complications). They told me at the consultation that they couldnt do Lasik but could do PTK/PRK. Other possible risks for both surgeries include dry eye, infection, haze effect on vision, halos, night glares, redness, and long-term light sensitivity after PRK. Unlike most folks, I was born with a + number in both eyes. Its been painful, its made normal life impossible, and often I wear a patch over my right eye to prevent headaches from the constant blurred vision. How Long Should You Wear Sunglasses After PRK? I thought it would subside after some time but after one full year after my last procedure, it hasnt. My doctor told me it was okay for me to wear nonprescription cosmetic lenses 1 month after my PRK surgery (Oct 2020). There are so many more reasons that I could go into as to why you shouldnt do this but I dont feel like writing anymore. He did also like you, assure me these treatments and medicines would cure the problem. What are the chances the second procedure will work? My original appointment was about three weeks prior so I never put them back in afterward. Because I had blurry vision 2 weeks after PRK, I still needed someone to drive me to my third appointment which I had on Day 27 where the doctor assured me everything was right on track. The doctor told me that day 3 was going to be the worst and he was right. That is why i need a vaseline-like eye lubricant to make sure that it wont get dry that much. Somewhat blurred vision for close distance THIS BOTHERS ME THE MOST! Please keep us posted! And its probable that I will eventually be almost blind in my left eye. Cant describe the pain and the medication Ive had to take. Really, there wasnt a problem. Ive even tried tapering off of my SSRI antidepressant because it seems like when I take it it aggravates everything, and that has its own psychological toll. But of course, not every patient will fit neatly into this recovery. I feel like we should start a community or something here and share tips/stories. 11/13/2012. But my doctor said before surgery that I would get better but always be sensitive to bright light. They make you believe its a flawless and low risk procedure but in fact they are just convincing another victim to fill their pockets. I am beyond frustrated and dont know how to proceed, I have missed more work in the last year than in the last 25+ combined between 3 surgeries and almost weekly visits to the eye doctor. That extra glare and ghosting at the 1 month? Theres no way I would have had the procedure if I had just known the basicsthat a month of recovery was typical, not the exception, and, as your blog demonstrated, complications should not be discounted. Ok, so Im exactly 5m after second PRK procedure on my right eye, and Ill count all the problems Ihad and have till far: However, blurry vision may last longer if you have both a vitrectomy and retina surgery. Please keep us posted on your recovery. Thanks for sharing Lauri. The healing was irregular. What do the numbers on your eyeglass frames mean? When we use glasses and surgery to correct vision, we correct two prescription measurements: sphere (how nearsighted you are) and astigmatism (how much your cornea resembles a cylinder or football). I had PRK done 5 weeks ago . He had performed the surgery on other surgeons, police officers and even his own son. I had rk about 20 years ago. Oh and now my right eye all of a sudden seems to be getting worse. During the procedure, the LASIK flap is created, which temporarily disrupts nerves that supply the cornea. Anywhere I inhabit is littered with the tiny plastic bottles of preservative free eye drops. I hate that you are going through this, I definitely understand. The information provided on this page should not be used in place of information provided by a doctor or specialist. Dry eye comes and goes and some days things seem blurier than others. I could have written this article , I had a very similar very difficult recovery. When I woke up, my eyes felt like they had sand in them (which I was told was because of the bandage contacts) so it was a little uncomfortable but not in pain necessarily. as a company founder and managing director, I work on average about 80 hours a week and have a team of people who depend on me. Candace, youre definitely not alone. 6. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I had a pre-surgery visit with his team. FlexOffers Affiliate Disclosure Dang Travelers also participates in the FlexOffers affiliate network and uses links within our content to earn a commission. I got PRK a couple of days back. My eyes before the surgery were -6.00 and -6.50. Literally. If you are sticking to drops then you may try different gel eye drops. According to WebMD, only 70% of PRK patients achieve 20/20 vision. I couldnt see as crisp as I used to with contacts and had a hard time reading signs far away. They said give it 6 months. I had LASIK in 2006 and have had no problems whatsoever. I got about 20/25 vision for about a year. If the vision remains blurry, then it could be due to an issue with healing of the new epithelium beneath your bandage contact lens. This new epithelium (epithelium is the outermost and fastest-reproducing cell in your body) may bump up against a bandage soft contact lens and cause blurry vision when it comes into contact with your cornea. 92% of PRK patients get 20/40 vision or better. Nothing is clear at all. Im glad you posted your experience. I know I still have about 4.5 months to go but I will probably end up just getting glasses at the end if the vision doesnt stabilize in the future mostly due to how awful and painful the procedure was. After PRK it is important to use frequent preservative free artificial tears to treat this dry eye and allow the eye to heal up. Read here what others are saying on the PRK Recovery Reddit thread. Im sure you can guess what comes next. These two different measurements are called lower-order aberrations and can easily be corrected with glasses and surgery because they are symmetric and regular. For example, if you dont properly care for your eyes following surgery, your risk of infection is higher, and this can lead to serious eye damage. Today my optometrist checked for vision and noticed an improvement from -2.5 to 0.25. Bowman with Cornea Associates of Texas. I have had the prk surgery and it was done by a close friend who is a Dr. Im writing this for anyone who is thinking about it. I couldn't read any of it. Anyway, I write this comment in hopes that at least someone will read it before making a final decision on prk and think very carefully about whether the risks are worth the potential benefits. This layer serves as the skin-like layer of our cornea. Keep reading for my full PRK recovery journal, Update as of December 8, 2022: The FDA May Issue Warnings about Lasik. One feared issue with PRK is the development of haze. Here are some questions to consider post eye surgery. Minimum Interest Charge is $2. Every NVISION patient is different. How many weeks of FML is sufficient. He told me not to worry and by the time I got back, Id be seeing great. Do NOT rub your eyes in the shower or afterward with a towel. lady at dr office told me it could be 8 months or more before i no longer will have an issue with the sand feeling. My vision is definitely much better than it used to be without glasses, but 10 weeks out, I am not seeing anywhere as good as I was able to with glasses. The doctor also told me I can go back to work in 4-5 days which is a BIG lie. I didn't realize what I wasn't seeing. Not 100% but way better than before. I has LASIK in 2001. Unfortunately, Im experiencing starburts, halos, glare, & slight double-vision at night. I was encouraged to have PRK in my left eye which had 20/45 vision and keep my right eye for near vision which was still 20/25 and would have an end result of mono-vision. 6 years later, still not right, but Im scared to have a second surgery because if it got any worse it wouldnt be bearable. Im +1.75 in the right eye and +2.25 in the left. I am so sorry youre going through all this. You know the, Its so rare, it will most likely not happen. Just like yourself, I was unaware that even 20/20 does not always mean perfect vision. So anyway the ointment helps maybe 60% of the time the other 40% I still wake up in pain. My eyes are not clear , painful , dry and uncomfortable . Additionally, when I dont wear glasses, there is a haze, similar to walking through a campfire smoke, permanently. Please speak with your NVISION Eye Center for additional details. Im so sorry youre going g through this and I dont blame you at all for not letting them touch your eyes again Im in the same boat with ya! Welcome! My vision was WAY better than before the procedure but I still felt like I couldnt see great especially in low light or at night. (I was 34 when I had the surgery). I had an enhancement after just 3 months with my first surgery. My ophthalmologist recommended PRK because of the shape of my cornea. I wish more stories like this were out there to save us from this misery! I got PRK in 2005 because I was military and into extreme sports. I am so frustrated here and so tired of not able to see! Any advice? They wanted $160 after several discounts applied and I said to them, Im not paying that much for some temporary vision and I left. I had a mild prescription. Thank you Steven. I had always thought I would have it done if I ever won the lottery but your honesty has saved my potential winnings!! Because I cant see I feel like I cant think clearly either! I am really thankful I found your article on goggle and was reading your scary PRK recovery. I cant see into the cupboard without getting a flashlight. Maybe, like you, a life of crisp 20/20 due to glasses, made our expectations too high for this procedure?! Wish you a good day. Wow Josh, thanks so much for taking the time to share your insight and personal experience! The information on RealSelf is intended for educational purposes only. All Rights Reserved. I received a (hopefully) temporary prescription for farsightedness back on November 5th from the eye surgeons office. I hope I can get a much clearer vision soon so that I can resume work. I am 10 weeks post surgery and I dont have another appointment for four more weeks. I also still can not cut an onion for the reasons you say. So when my distance vision started getting a little blurry, I went back to the same surgeon. I was still sensitive to light but not as severe and I was able to get on the computer for about 4 5 hours a day. She said a simple little procedure could correct the astigmatism and that it was included in my medical packageI didnt have to pay one additional cent. Thats a lot of money to spend on a horrible experience and still bad vision. I do have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks, and am trying to hold out until then. I had PRK done in Jan 2019, and it has ruined my quality of life. 5. Maybe there should be a list with LASIK/PRK surgeons like the healthgrades website. I cant believe the Dr. didnt give me the slightest headsup about potentially going through such a long recovery. 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blurry vision 2 months after prk