what does the number 240 mean biblically

In the Bible, the number 6 has several symbolic meanings. 476 MAN: POWERLESS ON EARTH 41 MANS RULE(S), 33 SCATTERED REMNANT Hallelujah! 138 INSOLENCE But missing from the lists on the Home Page. And a trinity of those (three sixes) represents the totality of incompleteness. Many numbers do contain a significance in the Bible. The most likely thing to stay around is the internet. The number 111 is an angel number with deep meaning. Number 663 STRIVING TO BE FIRST After more research on my part, and finding this site, it was confirmed that what he told me was true. Number 675 BEAUTIFUL BRIDE Number101 REBELLIOUS CAST OUT, Number 105 STRENGTH IN SUFFERING Oh, if only those trapped in religion knew how much they displease the Father & how spiritually dull is their condition. Firstly, it represents the imperfect nature of human beings and their inclination towards sin. Seven X 10 Weeks until Gods Everlasting Righteousness:In Daniel (Daniel 9), he mentions a period of 70 weeks which, at the end of those weeks, God will bring about everlasting righteousness. This life is like a caterpillar chewing a leaf. 292 KING OF KINGS Number 336 REDEDICATE TO HOLY LIFE Number 131 CHILDREN OF GOD, Number 132 ANOINTED When John visited the throne of God around 90 AD he was in Patmos he asked Who is worthy to open the scroll? The elder said Behold the Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David has triumphed (Rev.5) i.e. 487 THOSE WHO FORGET GOD FALL, 488 CRYING OF VICTIMS HEARD 350 PROPHET IN DISTRESS, 344 RELIGIOUS LEADERS 396 TEMPLE IS EXALTED, 397 LAW OF MOSES & PASSOVER CHANGED I have fixed it and re-posted the document. The number 8 has been associated with both positive and negative meanings throughout history. 128 BLESSED ONES Very good and thought provoking, looking forward to reading more. Number20DISTRESS Number 514 EVILDOERS LIE FALLEN The LORD granted Isaacs plea. In this account Asa King of Judah puts Hannai the Seer in prison because his message to Asa was a rebuke from the LORD. Throughout the Bible, certain numbers are repeated and woven into symbolism, stories, and events - for example, the number seven appears very frequently in the Bible. 134 MISTRUST GODS MAN, 137 QUARRELING 183 DEADLY BLOW, 158 FEAR OF DEATH Roughly translated: Life!'(of)Life!'(of)Life!. 13 card is named as Death, but it mostly means death of a struggling period and new beginning s. Number 342 REMNANT STRUGGLES Number66 IDOL WORSHIP Number 587 GODS CURSES 900 JUDGEMENT DAY, 1000 TRIBE Number183 DEADLY BLOW 262 RIVALS REFUSE TO RECONCILE, 263 REFUGEE IN FOREIGN LAND Fortunate me I discovered your site by Number 800 GOOD SHEPHERD Number174 INNOCENT DEATH, Number175MARRIAGE VIOLATION I would liken the sons of Rachab to Abraham, Jesus, his apostles and all itinerant ministers they have no home here, they do not love this world, they are looking for a better city, a city God has prepared for them. Number427 MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE KING The 173rd chapter of the Old Testament are the instructions for going to war (Deut.20). If the triangle has three equal sides I would say that it speaks of the Trinity or God. The 175th chapter in the Old Testament is Deut. Number100 HOLY FLOCK OF GOD Samuel is the 14th most commonly mentioned name in Scripture. The USA Congress has ignored years of warnings from me (and others ) about what they are doing to anger God, why, and what will happen. The USA violated and thou shalt not borrow. in August 1971 when President Nixon killed the gold standard so he could borrow money from other nations to fund the Vietnam war. 175 MARRIAGE VIOLATION, 176 ILLEGITIMATE BIRTH Number 598 TEACH THE NATIONS Hallelujah! 229 APOSTATE TRIBE The six simple words they would not repeat: I love God. GLORY OF GOD DEPARTS not in the Holy Land, therefore he is a type of a Gentile nation. Number600 ARMED FORCE Would it be possible to get your website in one big .zip file that could be dissolved to a CD, so, I could make copies to give to people? Number380 PRIESTS CAST OUT Plus, that was #42, evil man. 535 PURSUED BY RAVENOUS BEASTS 336 REDEDICATE TO HOLY LIFE We all need to be witnessing and bringing as many people to Jesus as possible. 40 SEVERE TEST Seven Churches in Revelation:The book of Revelation starts by addressing seven different churches (Revelation 2-3) who are in varying degrees of their spiritual walks. Number279 WOMEN DEBAUCHED, Number280 JUSTICE DELAYED The Bible demonstrates that the number 22 is the main symbol of inefficiency and disorganization. Number62 JERUSALEM ROYAL CITY Number 550 MILLENNIAL KING REIGNS Number 669 FROZEN IN FEAR Number177 TRAMPLE POOR, Number180 SIN BRINGS CURSE 324 ROYAL PRINCES DESTROYED Number75 MISSIONARIES Number181 ALIEN RULER God bless you. 300 GOD APPEARS, 287 UNREPENTANT DIE How long before CD readers are defunct? 7 0 obj Number 521 UNGODLY NATION OPPRESSES 700 PRIDE IN RICHES AND POWER 46 means Reconstruction. 464 LOST SOUL, 465 SELF-LOVE Number 497 GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST Twelve, asdescribed in this article, tends to mean authority or (similar to 3 and 7) perfection. Three tends to represent completeness. Number16 SACRIFICE 532 RUTHLESS MEN ATTACK Hi John. Second, you came into life at the point of conception, not birth, therefore that date if any would be more indicative of Gods wisdom concerning your creation. Why Is Number 7 So Important in the Bible? 624 SAVED BY A MIRACLE Yes, otherwise it would not be written in the Scripture. Number 368 MAKE A SHOW OF REVERENCE, Number 369 HOST OF EVIL ANGELS Number214 GODS WORSHIP INSINCERE, Number215 COURAGE TO FIGHT GONE 676 INTIMATE FRIENDS The number 18 has an important meaning in the Bible. 382 PUBLICLY AFFIRM FAITH IN GOD Number439 BITTER SOUL I had a dream just recently that I was talking to The Holy Ghost, and He showed me the numbers 622 and told me to write it down. 55 RESIST TRUTH We know Noah got drunk, so, I do not know how much earlier that could be after early Jews and that Jesus turned water into wine and drunk wine himself, and the Muslim faith was invented 100s of years after Jesus died on the cross. 1. A decagon has 10 sides, and speaks of a testimony or gathering of religious people by covenant. Number 303 STRONGREBELLION, Number305 AUTHORITY IS WEAK I have to make some grammar corrections, since I published it within a month of finding out. 182 WITNESSES OF GOD DESTROYED ARIES Love A Matter of the Heart, TAURUS Times of the Gentiles, GEMINI Two Witnesses of Revelations, CANCER End Times Harvest, Mystery in the Planets Prophetic Time Line(graphic), SUN 1st Witness of God: The Holy Spirit, MERCURY 2nd Witness of God: The Law, VENUS 3rd Witness of God: The Prophets, EARTH 4th Witness of God: Measure of All, MOON Satans Work #1 To Steal (Religion), MARS Satans Work #2 To Kill (Warrior King). 53 FAITHFUL WITNESS, 54 FALSE TEACHING 64 FELLOWSHIP BROKEN, 65 APOSTASY 1 UNITY: I am Lord 171 OCCULT PRACTICE FORBIDDEN, 178 TWO WITNESSES 598 TEACH THE NATIONS Number290 HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL Giving a number to a name is called "gematria," which is the Greek practice of adding up the letters in someone's name. Number 619 BEATINGS ACCEPTED Number700 PRIDE IN RICHES AND POWER Number 668 CARNAL AS A DOG The article lists a number of ways we encounter the number three. Simply put the number 10 in the bible means divine order, law or complete judgment. Number191 AWE OF GOD, Number192ISRAEL IS CIRCUMCISED I can only say what spiritual numbers represent. 2 0 obj Im fond of the 33/66 representing the generations of David and Jesus. If the number you keep seeing is 240, worry not. 489 RAIN OF FIERY SULFUR FALLS And it is free! Number25 PAYMENT FOR SIN So, a circle on top of a triangle would represent mans understanding of the eternal things of God. I just feel like God is calling me to do something everyday, and Id love to know everything there is to know about this number because the fact that it is my birthday and social is really bazaar to me. Number 373 EARTHLY KING IS GOD 587 GODS CURSES We see Christians creating denominations and religious organizations, giving tithes and offerings. endobj 206 LOSS OF TRIBES, 207 LOSS OF SAFETY Often they are excluded, imprisoned, or otherwise punished by those in power. This after the stenographer (of Congress) warned Congress three times that God will not be mocked, after they pulled her away off the House floor. 666/44 = 066 066 066 066 066 = idol worship. 534 RIGHTEOUS MAN A PREY Joseph was born in Syria, i.e. 494 UNSPOILED INHERITANCE, THEME 40 SEVERE TEST BELIEVERS RULED BY EARTHLY KING, 495 AWAKE TO SEE GODS FACE 64 means fellowship broken [64 = 2 x 32]. Number441 CRY TO GOD IS NOT HEARD Rachel gave birth to Benjamin in the Holy Land. Number 138 INSOLENCE Just a thought to follow up on your answer May 6th. 21 LAWLESSNESS: Appointed Time If Russia / Euro Axis conquers the U.S. it will only be to sweep up the remains because in my interpretation of the prophecies of Isaiah His Hand is Still Upraised the U.S. will fall to internal strife not to external invasion. Saints (8) against saints (8) [64 = 8 x 8]. Number12 GOVERNMENT: Ruler (s) 175 is equal to 5 x 5 x 7 which can be translated The End'(7) of Forgiveness of Sin (25). Number 681 HOUSE OF JACOB ABANDONED 135 is equal to (1 + 3 + 5) x (1 x 3 x 5). If you practice palm reading, you know the significance of wrinkles and ridges to represent time and cycles . The Hebrew word tsar, Strong's Concordance #H6862, occurs 109 times in the Old Testament's original language. 682 JERUSALEM IS RUINED Number452 PEACE IN THE NEXT LIFE, Number460WANTON CRIMES 18 Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me.. Do you have the link? Number171 OCCULT PRACTICES, Number172 BLOOD ENEMY 80 PRAYER: Son of Man, 81 HOLY ANGELS The LORD says Who has required this from your hand, to trample my courts? and To what purpose is your multitude of sacrifices to me? Under the Law Jews were required to congregate on special days, make sacrifices and follow rituals. The number 383 is the 76th prime number. Im not able to follow events in the US too closely so Im not going to edit your post. Number 524 THE LORD IS WITH US It is about the sometimes painful process of a saint who is in this world conforming his life to be more in line with God who is out of this world. Number 365 ABSOLUTE POWER OF KING, THEME 29 WORSHIP OF MAN REPLACES WORSHIP OF GOD, Number 366 HARKEN TO THE WORDS OF MAN 234 TURN TO MAN FOR RESCUE, 235 GROVELLING INDIGNITY 611 ANOINTED PRIESTS, 600 ARMED FORCE 13 REBELLION: Anger, 18 BONDAGE: Depression 357 NATIONS REDUCED TO VASSALS Number 625 SUFFERING GLORIFIED, Number 615 MOCKERS GLEE IN MY LOSS This was after finding Bible numbers where their hex$ equivilents or exact opposites applied in other mysteries solved. The number 49 has stayed with me for years and you can bet I searched it very many times.I dream of numbers often.In a dream the Lord told me I first met Him when I was 7 and Hes coming back soon. Number 540 FAT HEART IS FULL OF LIES & CURSES Will I have children? Number 679 TREASURED LOVED ONE, Number 666 HANDS IN CHAINS 684 BRAWLERS & REVELERS A multitude of angels appeared at the Creation of the World when the morning stars sang together. Number90 RIGHTEOUS SIFTED, Number93 MIGHT OF GOD 5 0 obj This site has nothing to say about any numbers except those found in the Bible. Consider these examples of the symbolic meaning of numbers in the Bible: 1 Unity. Surely, He comes quickly!!!! Number232 REPULSIVE PEOPLE Number234 TURN TO MAN FOR RESCUE, Number235 GROVELLING INDIGNITY 224 COLD BLOODED, 225 UNHOLY ALLIANCE Btw, you had a link to a video I forget the title. You may freely use any material on this site. The Seventh Day We Are Now In The Seventh Day! 249 JOINED TO NATIONS THAT HATE GOD, 250 DEVOURING FIRE Number314 NO GOD IN ISRAEL Number431 EVIL MAN GLOATS, Number438 PHYSICAL SUFFERING 620 NO ONE CARES FOR MY LIFE, 626 PROPHECY FULFILLED 343 REMNANT SCATTERS, 348 DESTROY THE BEAST 167 MARK OF THE BEAST Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean, put away the evil-doing from before my eyes: i.e. Christ now holds that title. This is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Number 665 HONORED BY MEN, THEME 53 FAITHFUL WITNESS OF GODS LOVE, Number 670 FEED HUNGRY MOUTHS I just read your .pdf about Ephraim will be defeated, this might explain why I could not even get my wifes Lutheran pastor to read Luke 1:36-55 at Christmas time. {The nation of Israel today is one of the five least religious nations on earth according to Pew research. Although its important to know what certain numbers mean, especially in the case of 666 as we draw nearer to the End Times. Number 661 GRASPING FOR RICHES Number84 COURT OF THE LORD, Number85 HOLY COMMUNION John writes letters to seven churches, the identities of which theologians have struggled with over the years, whether they were purely historical churches or symbolically represented churches in the modern day as well. Since that time, autism has exploded 600%. I dont interpret dreams. Seven and forty are two of the most recurring figures in the Bible. I dreamed number 383, and according to the meaning stated above it means True Prophet in prison, I am trying to make sense of this meaning without success, may you please decode more from this number. Number300 GOD APPEARS Number 692 ARMY OF GOD, Number 680 REBELLIOUS CHILDREN DETESTED Number276 INHERITANCES RE-ALLOCATED TO FAVORITES, THEME 22 NATION UNDER GOD BECOMES THE SINFUL KINGDOM, Number277 MEN EMASCULATED The number 173 means Great Battle between the forces of good and evil, which will culminate in the Great Tribulation at Armageddon (Rev. 511 WAIT IN HOPE Required fields are marked *. Number59 RICH OPPRESSOR, Number61 KING OF JEWS: MESSIAH Any thoughts as to the biblical meaning of it? 119 LOVE THE LAW, 120 MAN OF PEACE Number94 PROUD HUMBLED, Number97 FIRE BURNS ENEMIES Basically the Adders tongue/Serpent fern reproduces without the light, does it underground by feeding off fungi/mildew, and does it by having sex (630+630) with itself to produce seed/offspring. 590 WEALTH IS SECURE, 591 POOR RAISED UP FROM ASHES 96 NEW SONG TO GOD, 99 SHEKINAH GLORY OF GOD Number413 SIN REPENTED PUBLICLY, Number414 SORROW FOR BROKEN WALLS This may not be where I would ask this I apologize I am very new to this site and not very computer literate but what would a triangle with a circle on top of it represent? 299 GOD IS HIDDEN AWAY, 301 KING PILES UP WEALTH Number 153 TRIBE OF BELIEVERS, Number 154 GOD IS JUDGE 321 EVIL REPLACES GOOD, 322 SLAVES DESTROY MASTER 307 PALACE ON FIRE, 308 SPIRITUAL POVERTY 493 PURE IN HEART STAY TRUE 406 FEAST IN PRESENCE OF ENEMIES, 408 REPORT OF PRAISES TO THE KING Number 395 PRISONERS SET FREE, Number400 PRAY FOR DELIVERANCE 46 RECONSTRUCTED LIFE: Resurrection 4 0 obj 668 CARNAL AS A DOG 529 HEART IS HUMBLED In Latin, this practice is called "isopsephism." Those familiar with church history will know that Nero was anti-Christian in every aspect of the word. Number295 HEAVY TAXES, Number296 PEOPLE TOIL The possible meaning of the number 135 is derived primary from history related to ancient Israel. What religion does is it places GENUINE BELIEVERS (8) inside the vice-grip control of an EARTHLY KING (60). 82 THRONE OF GOD For instance, Jesus prayed to God that his followers "may all be one . King Ahab served as ruler for twenty-two years. endobj Amen. 557 BLOOD OF SAINTS POURED OUT 117 RELIGIOUS BUT UN-REDEEMED 157 CHOSEN PEOPLE, 150 CURSE ON EVIL SONS Number289 GIVE GLORY TO GOD ! For a nation founded on Luther, think how we totally rejected his favorite book in the Bible, Galatians, because it deals with grace. The number also identifies the 3 levels of timepast, present, and future. We see this in the most obvious example of the Trinity: one God, three persons. Latest research is posted in MY NOTEBOOK. 675 BEAUTIFUL BRIDE Christ is guarding your life and no mind has conceived the glories that are to be revealed Paul said. APPLICATION OF SPIRITUAL NUMBERS TO LIFE: I Am Esau Jacob! servant mark AboutMe * just to prove I am not a bot*. 401 TEMPLE OF DAVID REBUILT 662 INNER WITNESS OF GOD The number 3 means Binding and the number 8 means Holy Man. It happened 3 times in the dream, so I know it is important. God has already judged America, now it is punishment time. Number473 THE LORD THUNDERS Number 564 UNDIVIDED HEART FOR GOD This is because 6 is one less than 7, which is often considered a number of perfection and completeness. Number32 FELLOWSHIP, Number34 MANS RELIGION: Money What an amazing GOD we serve!!! Number 350 PROPHET IN DISTRESS, Number 344 RELIGIOUS LEADERS Number223BROTHER HATERS The meaning of the number 240 also indicates the time to start exercising your personal freedom. Number454 FIRMLY HELD IN A TRAP Isaac as a type of Christians is painfully true to form: he was no spiritual giant. Number 563 SALVATION IS NEAR 17 VICTORY: Sword of Lord, 24 PRIEST Our faith is traced through Christ not Mary. Number 358 NATIONS PLUNDERED (CROWN OF GOLD), Number 360 CHURCH UNIFIED: BOWS TO EARTHLY KING Number 84 is not missing. endobj Number 333 SIGN OF GOD, Number 318 SELF SERVING SERVANT Number 646 LOVE CONTENTION Many are named Noe when born on this day. ago. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Wil you help me understand the number 622? Number 620 NO ONE CARES FOR MY LIFE, Number 626 PROPHECY FULFILLED 442 GOD NOT DENIED, 435 ATTACKING ENEMIES ACCEPTABLE Number 639 DELIGHT IN RIGHT JUDGMENT 601 CONTEMPT Number 687 FOREIGNERS PLUNDER THE LAND Number257 WORSHIP IS AN ABOMINATION, Number258 DEATH TO CHRIST CONFESSORS! I cant comment on your dream. 227 BLINDNESS TO BETRAYAL, 228 PRIEST FOR HIRE Number 526 MOUNT ZION, CITY OF GOD Number 533 CLOSE FRIENDS AT WAR Number 672 LOVING WORDS 558 GOD WATCHES OVER ME 371 PLACE OF SUFFERING, 372 GLORY OF GOD IS COVERED FLOCK SLAUGHTERED, 233 BELIEVERS APPEAR IN HOLY LAND Number70 ELDER(S): Fore-fathers, Aristocrats The number "666" is the number of the name of the coming Antichrist. The Angel of the LORD is Near is very bad news. Number 623 SUFFERING ONE IS PRAISED The LORD is near is comforting to his loved ones. Number110 DAY OF WRATH 35 SUFFERING SERVANT: Hope Twelve minor prophets preached the word of God, twelve sons of Jacob formed the twelve tribes of Israel, and the disciples helped form the early church. To reiterate what I believe: all Christians can translate the meaning of the letters of Greek and Hebrew in the Bible into numbers, each number has a consistent meaning throughout the Bible, and when these numbers are translated they give a hidden meaning or message from God. It goes back to removing God from our schools in the 1960s and then even more turning our backs on God. Number56 HARD HEART, Number57 DEPART THE FAITH Number205 LOSS OF INHERITANCE 146 FREE OF ALL BONDS The U.S. is in such serious shape. The meaning of 76 is Prophet, particularly a True Prophet. Number 375 BOUND TO TRADITIONS OF MEN, Number 376 FLATTERY OF THE KING The duality of the number comes from the judgement itself. Who are the 144,000 in the Bible Book of Revelation? 635 SIMPLETON IS VICTIMIZED, 638 TRUTHFUL LIPS The butterfly can fly 1,000 miles, the caterpillar crawls mere inches. 278 POOR OPPRESSED 3 BINDING: Yoke, 4 MESSAGE: Tongue, Ear Theologians havent agreed on when this period started or ended, but at the 70th week, God will put an end to sin.. Number 592 NATIONS OBEDIENT 577 SECOND COMING OF CHRIST 130 DESPISE INHERITANCE Number64 FELLOWSHIP BROKEN, Number65 APOSTASY 461 BELITTLED: A WORM, NOT A MAN Number 676 INTIMATE FRIENDS Number23 DEATH, Number8 NEW MAN : Eyes 355 WEAK SPIRITUAL JUDGMENT, 356 NATIONS DEFEATED IN BATTLE Though I wrote about it in 1998, which is the reason Obama picked Kerry, my mind was opened to the USAs fate and who we are in the Bible. 664 MAN IS NAKED, 654 BLESSED BY LYING LIPS Hello Mr.Lane, Number259 BELIEVERS HUNTED DOWN The third day:We cant talk three without talking about how Jesus rose after three days (1 Corinthians 15:4). 311 FAMILY OF MERCHANTS Number 635 SIMPLETON IS VICTIMIZED, Number 638 TRUTHFUL LIPS I looked what you say about these numbers. as a holiday which happens to be his birthday, nine months forward. Conservative scholars remain cautious about assigning too much importance to the meaning of numbers in the Bible. 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what does the number 240 mean biblically