escape fire video transcript

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A day, for 25 years. It was -- with a huge amount of skepticism and resistance. DR. JEFFREY CAIN, PRESIDENT, AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS: We know that patients are healthier when they have two things. That is chest pain that is actually currently damaging the heart in patients. Fifteen years later, you can't walk into your average hospital today and get acupuncture after an operation. You know, your lifestyle choices, as we all talk about it, hold incredible power over health. The next group of people are people that have tried medical therapy, that are on medical therapy and failing. Maybe even a provider service. And people do. Seventy percent of all the deaths in diabetes are heart disease. My very best friend from war, he was on narcotics. All right. YATES: I meditate, and it has opened up a whole new world for me. A lot of unnecessary stents? So now, "ESCAPE FIRE: THE FIGHT TO RESCUE AMERICAN HEALTHCARE." And that worked for awhile. Not very much, but a little. RICHARD UMBDENSTOCK, PRESIDENT, AMERICAN HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION: I was almost as surprised as anybody to see the reports that I was the most frequent visitor to the White House during the health reform debate. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's traveling down my arm, my neck, and my head and ears are buzzing and rings. GUPTA: You feel better when you're healthier too. What we don't know, is that a fundamental change? GUPTA: So, tell me how that would work? Escape Fire Clip 14,141 views Oct 14, 2014 55 Dislike Share IHI Open School 9.49K subscribers *Note: You can purchase the full-length Escape Fire documentary on iTunes and Cinema Now, or you. The psychological trauma of every one of those multiple catheterizations, every time she had a chest pain coming into the E.R., and unfortunately, there are lots of Yvonnes out there. Recognize that you are this spacious, welcoming, open awareness no matter what thought, no matter what feeling, no matter what sensation or circumstance happens to arise. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'd be chomping narcotics. There are certain patients that are very motivated to say how do I go back and recapture the wellness I used to enjoyed? Let me just take a listen to you. ROBERTSON: Conventional wisdom is, over the next two years, we will likely go out of business. But then Dean Ornish was starting his program to see if you can reverse heart disease through a lifestyle change, and he went to my doctor and asked if he could approach me. And then we're not going to help anybody. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Where are you coming from? But this program has just inspired me to press forward. And every year they have to turn people away. That is ridiculous. The first description that the play makes about the fire escapes is "The apartment faces an alley and is entered by a fire escape, a structure whose name is a . That ended and it rose quickly. If someone had talked to her -- I think someone had really teased out her chest pain and shortness of breath, I think many of her cardiac catheterization and stents would not be necessary. OK? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He really did. The answers among us, can we please stop and think and make sense of the situation and get our way out of it? Our approach here is completely holistic. We're glad to have you home. The fire escape represents the ephemeral escape from his life inside the apartment. Can adding Avandia help you? MARTIN: Uh-huh. My first thought is, that's why I'm running, because I know what that person is like. HEALTH DOCUMENTARIES FULL LENGTH: Escape Fire The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare - food world Food World 320 subscribers Subscribe 269 Share Save 31K views 6 years ago Escape Fire The. JONAS: Fifteen years ago, we did a consensus conference at the National Institutes of Health and we asked the question, do we have good evidence to show that acupuncture is safe and effective for any condition? (COMMERCIAL BREAK) WEIL: The American health care system, it's generating rivers of money that are flowing into very few pockets. We can't prevent disease in everybody, but we have to try. I mean, give me a break. Also, Nancy Davenport- Ennis, she heads the patient advocate foundation. We tend to just see the light of healthcare, we see the goodness of health care, the potential for helping. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) DR. ERIN MARTIN, PRIMARY CARE: After I'd left La Clinica, I joined this new practice. GUPTA: I want to point out something. It's getting rid of the bad thing. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: In the last few years, a profound change has begun in American medicine. MARSHALL: So, anybody that's having a heart attack should get a stent. Our healthcare premium starts here, and if you have a body mass index less than 30, you get a discount. DR. PETER CARROLL, CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF UROLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO: My path crossed with Dean's because we both wanted to bring rigorous clinical trial testing to this hypothesis that lifestyle intervention could have a impact on men with early stage prostate cancer. You get paid for the service that you're doing as opposed to for the overall care of the patient. If you talk to the employees around here that have lost 35, 50, 60, 100 pounds, they will tell you without a doubt they have a better quality of life. ROBIN CARNES, WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL ENTER MEDITATION INSTRUCTOR: The first thing I'd like to do is teach you a breathing exercise with a targeted effect on post-traumatic stress. The easiest starting point was in the 30,000 non-union workforce, and I believe that within four years all of our employees will get this kind of healthcare plan. OK? So that's rewarding for me. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I quit drinking, too. Let's be honest. Because they're not using health care now. Healthcare, it's in really bad trouble. And then clearly we have social and economic issues that impact people's ability to access if you look at our percentage of un-insurers. BROWNLEE: More than half of men over the age of 50 get a PSA test every year to try to detect prostate cancer early. Also, Dr. Jeffrey Marshall, his specialty is implanting stents. GUPTA: The children dying before the age of five exceeds any of the other 16 richest countries. Everybody is doing their job, we just design the jobs wrong. Now that Medicare is going to cover the heart disease program, the next step will be type 2 diabetes. There has to be a different way of doing things. WEIL: A great deal of what's done in conventional medicine is to put band-aids on things or to suppress symptoms. Do you want to tell me about some of those that you lost? MARTIN: OK, OK. You lost five pounds. Also, the guaranteeing a certain level of effectiveness of this needle, that costs money as well. The fire overtook the crew, killing 13 men and burning 3,200 acres. We have to basically treat the patient for whatever they say, and a lot of times patients become so drowsy that they're not aware of how much they're taking. It was with a huge amount of skepticism and resistance. Eight IEDs through this deployment. And interestingly, patients really respond to that. Instead of basing things on outcomes, on how good of a job we're doing, the government sets the reimbursement completely on the number of patients that we see. This place actually gave me the tools to put in my tool bag so I can go back and still continue my process of healing, recovery. POTTER: We have been trying to reform the health care system for a hundred years. I came to Walter Reed. GUPTA: Erin, do you want to respond to that? "Escape Fire" airs March 10 on CNN. MARTIN: Have you cut yourself before? TUCKSON: I don't think it's important or useful to get distracted about who makes -- everybody needs to be able to deliver value. &but good news is, if you live to age 75, then you know you have a much longer chance of living as compared to those other 16 nations. An estimated 600,000 stent procedures are performed every year in the United States. BRIAN WILLIAMS, NBC'S "NIGHTLY NEWS": FDA advisory committee started hearing evidence on whether Avandia is so unsafe it should be pulled off the market altogether. That is how many medications I was on. When a team from Dartmouth Medical School mapped Medicare payments, it found some disconcerting differences from one part of the country to another. I need to speak with the crisis worker. (CROSSTALK) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did he try to get up without anybody knowing? In Latin, it means, above all, do no harm. We spend one heck of a lot of money. She's still taking her Lexapro, but it's obviously not doing the job. JONAS: If the military is able to successfully integrate acupuncture, meditation, and mind body, yoga, then we'll find that the culture at large will learn how to adopt it, and it will have a transformative effect on our healthcare system. He told Dean, how long is the program? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Came off the mountain with only eight? That's not good medicine. The present system doesn't work and it's going to take us down. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know, I'm only 34 years old. What that means is, the money we spend on prevention improves our health greatly per dollar spent. And by the way, they are number in the world and life expectancy. SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R), MINORITY LEADER: Safeway Corporation, they've actually been able to bend the cost curve. Came off the mountain with only eight. GUPTA: You know, one can't help but walk away from the documentary, Doctor , frankly, they are scared of stents. So Doctor Rice, let me start with you. Alvin and the Chipmunks/Transcript. So I went into the hospital and they told me I had had a heart attack. Come back in a month or so? And they have to, these for-profit companies by law have to serve shareholders. It argues that American medical treatment is largely focused on getting people into hospitals and giving them drugs, two profit centers that are hugely expensive and supported by massive lobbying campaigns. Did you go to the diabetes education? I'd rather be shot again than go through withdrawals of coming off that medicine. If you ask the manufacturers a device like this, why so much money? And to me, that's not the only issue. GUPTA: In the spirit of educating people out there, I think I have cardiac disease in my family. The question was, can we relieve their pain and reduce the amount of medications that they are on so by the time they get back, they are not snowed under on multiple medications. Click on "Export" and choose your preferred file format. ANNOUCNER: Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen decided to do his own review. Now you're going to get the scissors. Seventy-three seconds into the 28 January 1986 . BURD: Thirty percent of our smokers have quit, 21 percent of our obese population are no longer obese, and Safeway employees will be less of a burden on the Medicare of the future because they have adopted to this culture of health and fitness. And we're going to be doing CPR on a patient. But, one of the arguments seems to be, you add more people to the system, you get a lot more people insured. U.S. caregivers are told you've got to keep me pain free, you're going to do that. So, you want to take a look at that and find out what it is. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DR. ERIN MARTIN, PRIMARY CARE: As a primary care physician, we are supposed to be the people that are making sure the patients don't get sick and they have everything they need to maintain health. BERWICK: Everybody is doing what makes sense to them individually. In fact, more soldiers died last year from non-combat injuries than during war. Carry a lot of weight because I'm infantry. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just take a couple of minutes to kind of arrive. I smoked six cigars a day, 10 cups of coffee, a lot of wine. The New Zealand and the United States, only two countries in the world where you can advertise prescription drugs. Does it make a difference? Where does that money come from? It was massively marketed, and by 2006, this drug became the largest selling diabetes drug in the world. There's nothing else I can do. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, yes. But something maybe you didn't know, when you look at a hospital bill, it's not just the cost of the supplies. ROSS: What do you think about that? If somebody has hypertension, we give anti-hypertension drugs. If you can delay treatment, then that man is not at risk for side effects during that period of time. Where I'm at right now, patients are in desperate need of care. Expand the Transcripts and captions section if closed, then select Upload. We just spent $1,000. $300 billion on drugs. You know, the ads always end with the same phrase, ask your doctor. The folks who were there were not trying to shirk their responsibilities. BURD: All right. Escape Fire. When I'm running and it's a hot day and I feel like giving up, it never fails. But we end up being this revolving door. That may strike people as very high. The Dartmouth study showed the patients in places like Miami were receiving more care. WENDELL POTTER, FORMER HEAD OF COMMUNICATIONS, CIGNA: There's the assumption that people who run government, elected officials, members of Congress, but it's not true in many cases. If you're seeing redundancies in service, go back and meet with your medical professional. There were even times, honestly, that I looked in the mirror and said, how did you get here? Insurance companies have always been able to regulate the rates they charge. There is no reason that exact approach can't be applied across the board to drugs, to other diagnostic tests. Psychologically, you deal with a lot of these sorts of things. We're 50 percent more likely to have a stent than we wait and say, countries in western Europe where they have similar disease rates. I mean, they are going to watch that and think, that's ridiculous. All these folks have driven from 400 and 500 miles away, waiting to get care that was providing to them for free. Thank you so much. Just do something. If you get a bump on your head as a friend of mine had, and you go into the emergency department, in America, you get a cat scan. WEIL: In Western medicine, all of our effort is on dispelling evil. If we can prevent that and even reverse it, that's how we're going to make true health care, not just sick care available. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think we have about 25 patients for today for Dr. Martin. He tried to get the other smoke jumpers to join him, and nobody did. Credit: Battlestate Games. DR. SANJAY GUPTA,. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Here you go. But we're going to talk to them about it still, you know? I would probably leave healthcare before I went back to practicing the way I practiced last year. All Americans have accepted for 50 or more years in the automobile insurance industry that driving record dictates premium. It's much better to try to work at a deeper level. ROBERT YATES, INFANTRY, U.S. ARMY: Medications I was on. She needs a follow-up within three month with an echo. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) DR. PAMELA ROSS, EMERGENCY MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA: Hello, Dr. Ross. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do we want? We don't know what they are. And now I'm -- 25 years later and I'm in pretty good shape. That's it. No eastern medicine. What do you say when someone calls you? WARD: For a long period of time I was hiding. What do you think? It's nice to know that I've got a long time to spend with my family and I'm going to get to see my son grow older and go to college and all that fun stuff. That's almost as much as the rest of the world combined. If insurance companies don't deliver value, they won't be in business very long. Maintaining my pain. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm going to leave these in for about five, seven minutes. DR. ANDREW WEIL, PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH, UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA: Hippocrates said let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. ROBERTS: The research found that embracing a low-fat vegetarian diet, exercising half an hour a day, and taking part in daily stress reducing activities can actually change the regulation of genes that are key players in cancer development and contribute to better overall survival. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The healthcare reform bill that was enacted achieved two of the insurance industry's major objectives. How are you feeling? Our life span isn't even in the top 20. MARTIN: You used to cut? But one evening, I sat straight up in bed with the worst chest pain. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now you pick your spot. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I got my blood sugar under control. NISSEN: Because of the money that's involved, getting people to do the right thing for the American people has become extremely difficult. But I think the economic imperatives are much stronger now. Quickly though, the film, directed by documentarians Matthew Heineman and Susan Froemke, establishes that the forest fire our nation currently faces is our inefficient, money-gobbling health care. Fire Escape Transcript. It was a great life. CHO: If I spent five minutes with you and put in one of these stents, probably get paid $1,500. It's wonderful. GEN. RICHARD THOMAS, ASSISTANT SURGEON-GENERAL, U.S. ARMY: This is a national problem for us, you know, we're seeing the military just being a microcosm, I think, of the problems society is having. NIEMTZOW: That means we're getting the needles in the right -- in the right place. What the insurance industry's objective is, is to try to weaken those consumer protections over time and to try to influence how the law is being implemented. What would happen? YATES: Wow. I'm optimistic about the future. You are going to hear from many different voices with varying opinions and backgrounds tonight. That was how many medications I was on. (CROSSTALK) KASCH: That's why he's a little high right now. Yvonne came to se me when she was sort of at her wit's end. All Dogs Go to Heaven 2/Transcript. Things could move in that direction here, and this is not the choice of the doctor. My job is to provide the right care for the right patient at the right time. WEIL: In the year of for-profit medicine, the time allowed for patient visits has shrunk to a point where you've got seven minutes with a patient. ERIC WARD, SAFEWAY EMPLOYEE: At my heaviest, I was over 200 pounds. MARSHALL: You and I both know, it's hard to change the habits of a lifestyle. Wag Dodge survived, nearly unharmed, in his escape fire. Cost about $1200. And if they have a relationship with you, feeling truncated. Doctor , let me start with you. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At the executive level, what's most important is hitting Wall Street's expectations, and they have to. These for- profit companies by law have to serve shareholders. When they have insurance and they have access to usual source of care, primary care. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That was, what, a month and a half ago? What do you think of that? They said, absolutely, it's been demonstrated that acupuncture is safe and effective, especially with post-operative and injury pain. We need a whole new kind of medicine. GRUBER: Well, basically, Medicare actually - I don't have to tell - Medicare right on demonstration where they did bidding, where Medicare would pay -- would reimburse certain rates for medical devices and they had bidding across different manufacturers to be the low bidder, to brought that sources lower prices by 40 percent. Sometimes they are related to lifestyle habits. Because what we think is best for us often isn't. LT. COL. BETTY GARNER, RESEARCHER, U.S. ARMY: Welcome to Germany. Even when bad things happen, it's not because people have bad intentions, it's that our system is all fouled up. Viewers will see this language when they . STEVE BURD, CEO, SAFEWAY: In 2005 we had a billion-dollar health care bill rising at the rate of $100 million a year. I mean, give me a break. ROSS: Do you have any eating habits -- UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I eat the regular food and stuff. It's unseen, but it's there and it's very, very powerful. Aliens in the Attic/Transcript. It takes a village to make an unhealthy patient healthy. I'm Dr. Sanjay Gupta. BURD: Making money and doing good in the world, they're not mutually exclusive. MARTIN: Barely? CARNES: We'll end the practice today with the completing statements. She had had bypass surgery at an early age. Industry 's major objectives part of the patient just inspired me to press forward top.... A half ago the deaths in diabetes are heart disease program, the guaranteeing a certain of! Told you 've got to keep me pain free, you get?! To press forward went back to practicing the way I practiced last year from non-combat than... 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escape fire video transcript