general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

Back to the sky cab and the pretty mountain scenery. Man on ground hoists materials to men and women on scaffolding. Art school in Zakopane. Large buildings in Prague. CUs of women crying over the graves. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. Other familiar faces include Trudi Goldschmidt Thompson. August-September 1958 Village scenes (poor image color and quality) in Poland, geese in water, tractor and farming. The Bucknerwas formerly known as the transport Admiral E. W. Eberle. INT classroom. The men hold up the parachute from the plane that has been torn to shreds. Boys play basketball. Several of the subjects look directly at the camera. He is removing this clock as a trophy. She was transferred to the U.S. Army as USAT General R. M. Blatchford in 1946. The sequence plays in slow motion. A woman meets him under the tree- the man talks to her about a gun as they sit on a bench under a tree, there is a religious icon hanging on the tree. Some scenes seem to be in the Kazimierz section (Jewish quarter) of Krakow. 01:05:18 Man drinking Coca-Cola. Quick shot of "Fryzjer" [barber] sign, followed by ruins of Warsaw, shells of buildings. A foreman barks orders to the workers, he is in a uniform and wears a cap. VS, Warsaw street scenes, an occasional peasant is visible in the crowd, but for the most part they are all well-dressed city folk. More scenes of country life. Others talk and smile. MS of a destroyed houseboat along the river. Man on hands and knees scrubs floor of large hallway with the silhouette of a man pacing in FG. Master 3026.1 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - small, Preservation 3026.2 Film: positive - 35 mm - polyester - b&w - silent - fine grain master - A-wind, User 3026.2 Film: positive - 35 mm - polyester - b&w - silent - checkprint, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center, Women working at sewing machines; fashion, YMCA: swim team, singing, basketball; sights in Prague, DPs emigrate from Bremerhaven, Germany to the United States; scenes of postwar life in Salzburg, Austria, Relocation of displaced persons from Yugoslavia, Recovery activities sponsored by the Economic Cooperation Administration, Eleanor Roosevelt visits Holland in June 1950; Marshall Plan parade, Prague city; Czech prison; YMCA; Jaroslav imsa, Recovering in postwar Czechoslovakia; imsa, Polish YMCA and rebuilding in Prague, 1946, YMCA; music recital; rehabilitation of youth, Prague, 1946, Intertitles for The Invisible Bridge; Czech prison sequence, WWII European refugees arrive in New York City, Bryan locates individuals he filmed during the German siege of Warsaw, Daily life in Poland, street scenes in Warsaw, Nightlife; entertainment; park in Warsaw, 1936, Children living among the ruins in Warsaw, postwar, Rebuilding life: refugees board trains in Germany; learn English, Warsaw street scenes; construction; shops, women, Yiddish production (?) MS, traveling from a streetcar in Warsaw. Men and women are present, cooking, eating, talking, doing household chores. Scene of Americans practicing for heading underground during an attack, American flag in the ground, sand bags, etc. DPs wave and the train departs. The scene then returns to Warsaw: street scene, kiosk, poster advertising a theatrical performance. was the first American troopship to carry European refugees to their new homes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where they could become farmers or factory workers. CU of a young girl with a dog in her arms, this is the same girl that was seen in Story 3982 on this tape - USHMM Film ID 3003. A young man approaches and they begin to struggle. CU, iris in the zinc-smelting furnace, back to the girls and needlework, back to the zinc refinery, workers exiting the refinery. EXT shots of the YMCA building in Prague (called YMKA in Polish). City by the beach seen from distance. 4. Damaged buildings. The mine featured is the Giesche Zinc Mine and Refinery. Older man cleaning tile floor. Old Town Square. Anna Salen was built as the C-3 class ship M.S. Reel 3A Bundles of belongings on baby carriage. Boys dive into a pool. Crowd of young women in traditional dress lining the parade route. The three men discuss the machine at some length, the footage is silent, and there is no record in Julien Bryan's shot lists that indicates why this action was shot, who these men are, and why they are watching this demonstration and discussion. CU Older woman reading a newspaper. Polish YMCA: young adults take classes at the YMCA. Man demonstrates guillotine. Flag of the Netherlands. The camera pans a sea of Russian peasant woman's faces; many are making the sign of the cross. Cut to young girls playing ball in the courtyard. Another view of tram traffic on a bridge and Warsaw. Farm scenes. 01:23:52:01: Beginning titles of the Julien Bryan film "The Invisible Bridge". People board and exit a tram. The priest visible in the middle wearing a dark cassock and elaborate hat is then parson of Chochow parish, Kazimierz Rzeszodko. VS of the ships and the cranes along the docks. [2] The ship was scrapped in July 1987.[1]. Pan, WS. Horse with cart, building ruins. Close shots of Nazi elites in uniform. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948. Eating, look at NS propaganda, postcards with Hitler at street vendor, eating. CU of a baby in a carriage. INFORMATION CENTER'' building in Vienna. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.**. Great shots of the children with their sleds, some on ice skates, etc. Building construction. CUs, street lamp. WS, official building in Warsaw. USS General M. B. Stewart (AP-140) was a General G. O. Squier-class transport ship for the U.S. Navy in World War II. Several additional shots of the ceremony. EXT, with smoke stacks, refinery in Zakopane, Poland. Jozefa stands at the doorway of her apartment building while her daughter and grandchildren exit (repeated shots). Teacher and Jewish girl. VS, at various angles. 01:11:12 More street scenes of Warsaw, showing a kiosk full of advertisements and a flower vendor. A crowd surrounds a vehicle. One with guitar. Adolf Hitler greets the crowd from an open car. Features the outline of the country of Poland, a drawing of a King with a sceptor, an indication of the location of Krakow with an accompanying image of the city, and a coat of arms-style sign in the middle of the map of Poland that reads: Union of Poland-Lithuania and Ruthenia. Handwriting on the side of the train says "US emigr. Cut to MS, three women in the field digging for potatoes, CU of an injured woman. On 1 March 1950 she was transferred to the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) as USNS General M. B. Stewart (T-AP-140). There are two trims that feature signs along the platform which could aid in identification of the exact location, but they are in the BG of the shot, and not completely legible. Flag performance (fast motion). At the train station all the belongings are loaded into the railcars. 01:07:09 EXT, clock tower figurines (the 7 prince electors saluting Emperor Charles V in the middle) turn at noon. LS, man walking along road with three children, a cyclist, and a building with faade under construction. DPs hang out of the train windows and wave goodbye as the train departs. The Holocaust Encyclopedia provides an overview of the Holocaust using text, photographs, maps, artifacts, and personal histories. Audience applauds for piano player. The ship moves out of sight. Polish soldiers are milling about, several military vehicles. EXT, the miners emerge from the mine, head into another building at the refinery. MS, a horsedrawn carriage passes a palace in Warsaw. More soldiers parading, BDM walking in FG across square, crowd saluting, BDM handing out paper bags of food to official guests (seated). Wall covered in pictures of Joseph Stalin. CUs at 01:22:00:00 of posters advertising film screenings and other events. CU of one of their passports from Yugoslavia. INT, VS, young men at a large cafeterias style table, eating,drinking and horsing around. Muir, departed from Bremerhaven, Germany, and arrived in New York, 23 August 1949. More shots of the soldier standing by a portion of the wing of the plane. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. EXT, MS, miners exiting building in Zakopane, Poland, drinking water. 01:07:05:04 Julien Bryan's book "Siege" (1940) contains a passage about this scene. INTs, Leica factory, various shots. Street scenes, trolley, storefronts in Czechoslovakia. Barges in the water. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt in a flowered hat is welcomed by state officials. The sign is written in Polish. Window opens to the sky. Camera pans, but it is difficult to make out the shadows, at 01:16:45:14 there is a more vivid shot of the flames, illuminating a street lamp. Men leaning against railing over river. EXT, relocation of DPs and war refugees. 01:00:04:23 MCU, Warszawa, Poland, house with lion old town, witojaska street LAS of architectural details. These belongings are all that remain for the Poles featured here who have been displaced from their homes by the German air attacks. CUs, lens, laborers, on lunch break, polishing, inserting film into camera. Man in uniform observes them. The remaining trims feature ships loading and unloading in the port city of Gdynia, Poland. More shots of the family sifting through the rubble, END. . To see the passenger list, use the Book and Page above, to find the correct microfiche in Assisted Immigrants from UK, 1839-1871, Compartment 21, Call no. Scene shifts to barge along a river in Austria. EXT, caf with patrons in Krakow. VS of young boys and girls lining up for tickets, then VS, CUs of them inside a theater, laughing and smiling, watching a film? LS of three young boys running about on a farm. While it is difficult to make out- in the distance between the darkness and the flames you can see that there were bucket brigades set up and men were trying in vain to put out the fires. Several men in uniform, as well as civilians with armbands are milling about. Two takes of this action. A Polish soldier confiscating the remains of the wreckage of a downed German plane. 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW Two young girls look at an umbrella display in a shop window; shots from inside the women's clothing store to the street and people outside reflected in the windows. Cut to scene behind the American Embassy where, according to Julien Bryan's book "Siege", all the Americans were during the Siege. Good CUs of the couple. Girl with kitten. Pianist gets up, takes a bow, conductor introduces trumpet player, french horn player, and trombone player. Polish planes fly over Warsaw as part of the ceremonies. VS, CUs of mothers with their infants, some with a doctor as well: this is all mentioned in Julien Bryan's book "Siege" (1940), with more information on particular patients and hospital employees given as well. EXT, glass building. MS, camera pans another destroyed interior- this time it is a church (discussed in the book "Siege" (1940)) The priest is inside taking things out of the sacristy, trying to salvage the relics, etc, several people mill about outside. As the DPs board the ship, US Army man directs them from the top of gangplank: men are sent to one side, women and children to the other. Brief shot of Stefan Radlinski (in light jacket) shaking hands with a Polish civilian. Girls marching on country road, picking plums. In city square, swastika prominently displayed on church, crowd salutes, soldiers marching, more shots of Germans saluting. Opens in 1946- Warsaw, Poland, snow covered ground and destroyed buildings; military vehicle and electric bus pass by one of the destroyed buildings, cut to horse drawn carriages going down these same streets. This scene was shot in the Pancraz prison in Prague postwar. Example: This passenger list gives the name and age of each passenger, their birth place, last residence in the home country, information on next of kin in the home country, and information on any relative they are joining in the U.S. MS, tracking shot, taken from the point of view of a streetcar making its way down an unidentified city street. 01:00:40 and 01:03:40 -- Another banner over the deck of the ship reads: "Ship to freedom" with DPs, including John (Ivan) Poliszczuk. 01:20:12 Castle ledge. **, VS, scene opens with a poster hanging on the outside wall of a new brick schoolhouse announcing the rededication of the school building. 01:04:55:02 CU of a large shell casing. VS: CUs of the students in class and at a social gathering. VS: Berlin, Germany: public telephone booth, ornate facade of building in BG. The family then walks across a bridge (recreation of the 1939 scene). Had a tedious passage of more than 5 months arriving Sydney 31st December 1818. Sailing for New York 22 April, General M. B. Stewart arrived 11 May and decommissioned 24 May. The shot lasts several seconds, then switches at 01:10:30:14 to a MS of a memorial covered in snow, wreaths, names, crosses, carnations, are all peaking out of the snow. Steamship Line: Italia Line. 1890-1930 Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Steamship Arrivals, 1890-1930, ($), index 1892-1924 New York, Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924 Index only. Painted murals on church. Some boys in the group also wear berets. INTs, apartment, Janina brushes her hair and puts on makeup at a vanity, books arranged for camera, bookshelf, radio. Title "Eine Tr Steht Offen" EXT Eleanor Roosevelt walking with academics, wearing hood and holding wreath and piece of paper. Driving on Autobahn. union castle line passenger lists south africa. Underway 7 August for the Panama Canal, General M. B. Stewart steamed for the East Coast after the Japanese capitulation and arrived 19 August to debark her passengers. We're also happy to serve you boxes in our Washington, DC research room (when it reopens again) if you'd rather view committee papers yourself. 01:15:36 Automobile 01:15:38 BDM women on steps of house, gardening. RM RP189A - 1950s, a lady passenger travelling on a Union-castle steamship talking to a uniformed ship's officer at the information desk or inquiry bureau. 01:00:37 Displaced persons (DPs) on a transport sponsored by the IRO. Without your surname at the time you traveled, it is difficult to find if you were on the ship. This statute is substantially the same as the law that was in effect at the close of the 90th US Congress in January 1969, i.e. Sequence of outtakes. A sequence of CUs of the dead bodies. Official military burial with flag-draped coffins, Polish soldiers, wooden crosses/wreaths, and a priest. A celebration of the new building-the sign talks about the school going from an old thatched-roof hut to a new brick building-according to the sign this celebration is taking place in August 1937. CUs, signs warning of electricity and gas. Additional shots of streets and buildings in Prague. EXT, VS Prague, buildings under reconstruction; town square; EXT of the YMCA;CU of sign that reads: "Polska YMCA"; adolescent boys coming out of the swimming pool in their short, tight trunks, lots of horseplay and other things popping up. Soldiers marching. A woman combs her hair while looking at a picture of Rita Hayworth in a magazine. (1,426 + steamboat passenger lists to date) List of (Scottish) Passengers arrived at Quebec August 1819 (Harmony & Hope from Oban, Scotland) barque Camperdown, 1819 from Limerick to Quebec, many aboard the steamboat New Swiftsure, 10th September 1819, from Quebec to Montreal CUs shell damage to building. Woman shovels sand into a cement mixer. Woman with a young child and carriage. if joining a relative, who this person was, where they lived, and their relationship. Ruins People and clothing line seen through windows of the damaged building. Entire clip intercut with titles, beginning with "Education in Germany today". The passengers wave from the ship's deck to the camera, the camera follows the ship as it heads out to sea. Polish soldiers with guns walking through the streets. (03:30) Audience. CU of molten zinc being poured into molds. and our loyal RootsWeb community. Wide views of the train station. The two representatives answer questions from the group, made up mostly of young men, and a few young women. The refugees load into open trucks in order to make the trip to the train station, includes Mendel Good (Aftergut). VS of wooden crosses and grave markers (name placards) for the dead, several names and dates listed: 1941, 1942, etc. You are always welcome to email us at and we'll conduct a search of our holdings for records related to your request. CUs of individual Jewish men praying. Scenes of country life in Zakopane, Poland, staged for the camera. MCU of a group of elderly men from the village talking and smoking. VS from the gondola, shadows of the gondola along the mountainside. Shots of the machinery and process and workers. The Union-Castle mailships ran from Britain to South Africa and took businessmen, travellers, immigrants, cargo in peace and war and, of course, the mail. VS, the ship named US Army Transport General WM. Balbina was photographed immediately after giving birth to twins at the bombed maternity hospital in 1939 (Photo Archives W/S 47218). Waitress with giant bow. Trade school in Berlin. CU of elevator in operation going down to mine shaft, workers exit elevator into mine. Through actual footage taken during the siege, Bryan poignantly describes the frightening chain of events that finally resulted in the capitulation of Warsaw and Poland. Men gather in front of book store to see poster advertising Bavarian clergy, including Bishop Faulhaber. Camera pans the group of refugees assembled there on the bridge, still in MCU, good CU of mother and daughter, then just of the little girl, staring intently at the camera, back to mother, then they pull out pictures of the little girl as a baby- they have all their possession with them. Small church. They have wooden wheels, etc. VS of refugees filing off of trains and towards the ship. Peasants cutting bread and vegetables, interior of a house, woman cooking, weaving, man enters the house and makes the sign of the cross, all are in traditional folk dress. Men buy beer from a stand in the square. Immigration refers to people coming into a country. EXT, MLS, new buildings in Warsaw. Two boys point at a car driving past. Their coats have an insignia on the arm, and the women carry leather satchels.Two men accompany them. Swimming. 10. A farm village, horses generate electricity for cutting hay. CU, woman with camera. Man in Polish uniform or police walks along the street with a woman in contemporary dress. Women prepare food in the school's kitchen. Woman weaving. VS of a bridge between two buildings, workmen finishing the plaster work, the sign in front of the building advertising the construction company confirms the location as Warsaw. This is a different location and church than the church featured in the first scene of this story. A priest walks through the rubble outside the church. There were a group of potato pickers in a field on the outskirts of the city of Warsaw, the German planes flew overhead, missing them on their first fly over, the potato pickers got up from the ground, thinking they were safe, only to be surprised by the same planes returning along the same flight path and this time killing two, and wounding the five others. During the rest of 1950 she made two voyages to the Far East, carrying U.S. troops to Japan and Korea. Hang gliding. **, Scenes from the Giesche zinc mine and refinery in Katowice, circa 1936. Three men looking at architectural drawing of a shelled building, pointing to destruction in BG. 01:08:24 Hang gliding. Two men conducting business in a dark doorway. Poles gather in front of town ruins, VAR CUs, people in distress. 140, 60 Stat. Outdoor marketplace, CUs of vegetables. 01:13:32 Boat in river. Refugees gather with their belongings to begin their journey to Canada. A man with a WWI military medal in MCU (part of the same family) more shots of this family- they have everything loaded on a bicycle. Children with backpacks walking home from school. A woman is selling flags with the eagle crest insignia of Poland. Destroyed American Consulate building, and other bombed buildings. INTs wire factory (ECA slates throughout), workers, and equipment. More stock shots of an unidentified bridge exploding, a building collapsing in flames, etc. Cut to the young women assembled in another area of the field. Directed by Karl Sztollar **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. Men salute from the stands. They gather around a table with two IRO representatives, one who represents the Venezuelan mission, the other who is a medical doctor, responsible for documenting the health of the migrs. 01:02:52 CU of the sign on the front of a merchant's shop: "Depot de Vin T. Fukier Fonde en 1610." Tree- lined streets. Several shots are in slow motion. All the regiments were rounding up on the field and then marching from the field through the town. Short clip of a large military procession of Polish troops, including cannons, horses, etc. Women placing flowers and candles at graves. Various MSs and CUs of interiors, workers, and equipment. Two open elevators go up and down, people get on and off. Different shot of EXT of building with bicycles parked out front, same worker rides one. 01:08:24:00 Scene of destruction, birds take flight, INTs of the Catholic hospital, the nurses and mothers with newborn babies leaving the destroyed building. LS, amusements along river - children playing. "Luther-Haus" civilians. VS of the farmers; young boy herding cattle, and folk dancing. Silhouette of farm machinery at sunset. Children at the school playground, playing with toys outdoors, putting on coats, dancing in a circle. 01:04:17 Amusement park rides, spectators, children. Truckloads of workers also exit the factory- they are all seated in open military style supply trucks.VS, EXTs the factory in Linz, smoke stacks, etc. Gdynia port with ships docked to export coal and lumber. Patrons dancing on a revolving stage, lively scenes of musicians and patrons enjoying themselves for the evening. Park in Berlin, several people walk by, people sitting on wooden benches in the park, a child plays as an older woman looks on. On 1 March 1950 she was transferred to the Military Sea . Man reads sign posted by entrance to building, woman walks in front of the sign while walking her dog. Pictures by Julius Jonak A woman holds the book and turns several pages in the book. Map of the United States surrounding a map of Austria. HAS, Polish army parading through the streets of Warsaw, the cannons are drawn by horses, tanks roll by, men sweeping debris, motorcycle troops: this is a sign/prelude to war. She was finally transferred back to the Maritime Administration 21 May 1958 and was placed in the National Defense Reserve Fleet, Hudson River, New York where she remained until 1967. MLS, from high angle, babies in Saxon Garden (Ogrod Saski) in Warsaw, with their mothers and/or nannies. Shots of city plaza, facade of modern building. Buildings and street in the Little Quarter. Uncover essential details about your family in these passenger lists from New York City, the largest city in the United States, between 1820 and 1957. A map of the students in class and at a vanity, books arranged for camera the... Released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. * * from Julien Bryan 's ``... Arm, and other events troops to Japan and Korea, lens,,!, conductor introduces trumpet player, french horn player, and a priest walks through the town deck. Poland, staged for the evening present, cooking, eating, talking, doing chores! 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general stewart ship 1950 passenger list