why are brass knuckles illegal in illinois

It is illegal to carry knives inside or within 1,000 feet of schools, public housing, public transport, public transportation facility, courthouses, school buses, government buildings like banks, and post offices. Are you allowed to carry or have in your possession an automatic knife if you currently have a valid FOID card. Metal knuckles can cause severe injuries to a victim. I imagine you could do a lot of damage to an attacker with something within legal definition (or no weapon at all, or a makeshift implement off the street) and be in deeper waters depending on the amount of harm done to the attacker than if you were to cause severe harm with a 3.1 blade? I have an Illinois CCL and was wondering if I could also carry my Kabar. Hmmm not sure I buy that. If the knives never leave my home, is it illegal? However, there is no clear statements about what can be concealed and blade length seems to be an issue. Some knives that are considered illegal have specific exceptions depending on the carrier. How old do u have to be to carry a balisong (butterfly) knife, there are no age restrictions on a sharpened blade weapon. Youll still be subject to municipal laws which may differ from the rest of the state (as in Greater Chicago). Thus, would it be construed that Im carrying a knife for the purpose of harming another? Is it illegal to own brass knuckles in the US? (2) A person who violates subsection 24-1(a)(1), 24-1(a)(2), or 24-1(a)(3) in any school, regardless of the time of day or the time of year, in residential property owned, operated or managed by a public housing agency or leased by a public housing agency as part of a scattered site or mixed-income development, in a public park, in a courthouse, on the real property comprising any school, regardless of the time of day or the time of year, on residential property owned, operated or managed by a public housing agency or leased by a public housing agency as part of a scattered site or mixed-income development, on the real property comprising any public park, on the real property comprising any courthouse, in any conveyance owned, leased or contracted by a school to transport students to or from school or a school related activity, in any conveyance owned, leased, or contracted by a public transportation agency, or on any public way within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising any school, public park, courthouse, public transportation facility, or residential property owned, operated, or managed by a public housing agency or leased by a public housing agency as part of a scattered site or mixed-income development commits a Class 4 felony. If you know how to use a katana, you have probably also heard that a weapon shouldnt be seen until its used. However, for what its worth, Id say your situation is a bit touchy and a police officer who may find you with an actual sword, would surely question you. Its probably ok but I would recommend something a little more standard that would raise less questions. The 4 inch blade is considered a dangerous weapon but can be carried as long as you dont intend to harm others. -Justin M. Keep in mind that we may receive commissions when you click our links and make purchases. If it doesnt look like youre trying to hurt anyone in a suspicious situation, then you should be okay (as I read the law). Its not a standard thing to be carrying on your person so it would raise more questions unless you worked for the railroad or something. If you are caught with a pair of brass knuckles, you could be facing up to a year in county jail and a fine up to $2,500. If youre outside of Metro Chicago, you can pretty much carry anything. You can also be charged with a Class 4 felony for possessing brass knuckles. Does the certain grip from two retention rings imply it might be construed as a stabbing weapon (ie: a weapon for inflicting harm) thereby baking in intention of use or can we expect a less subjective reading of how the knife is defined and be able to rely upon the objective standards stated in the definition?In short, is that particular knife line Illinois legal? Limits on Carry Kakushibuki are way more useful. Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. I live in Illinois and was wondering if I can keep a fixed blade knife in my truck? Thank you. Copyright 2023, Thomson Reuters. Used on one hand or both hands, brass knuckles are generally illegal in most states. Changing or fabricating non-factory grips will likely still end up with a conviction for a longer than 3 blade. We have partnered with BladeHQ to offer the best deals on high-quality knives for our readers. I dont want to break any laws but I do want to be able to protect myself against gang members that might have guns (yes, I know you shouldnt bring a knife to a gun fight but its better than trying to try throw my boot at them). Learn more about FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy. Never use brass knuckles while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Would these be problematic in that sense to carry or does three inches (and under??? Good thing I dont live in Chicago, seems like they are strictly bad in that area. Pay close attention to the limits on knives sectionLooks like you cant have ANY knife on your person if youre at a school or public park, or on any public way within 1000 ft of a school or public park. Of course, every case is different so you should consult with an experienced Unlawful Use of Weapon criminal defense attorney about your specific case. You can face gun possession charges for having a gun without a permit or license, but you can also face criminal . Thanks! Signed into law in August 2017, i think Illinois has updated their laws..i believe automatic knives are legal now you may want to check up on it. Knives are one such type of tool that is essential for multiple purposes. But obviously a gun would be more effective in warding off an attack if you have enough time and space to do so safely. Thats my opinion as always, only a licensed legal counsel in the state of Illinois can confirm anything official. - It's illegal in Missouri to own brass knuckles but today a lawmaker introduced an amendment to change that. August of 2017 I believe that changed and they are now perfectly legal to own in the state of Illinois. Weird, open carry on a suburban or city street with your knife is illegal in the woods its legal, To my comment a min ago I looked all over the net and still cant find any answers. They are also among the most used by reputable knife manufacturers. See 730 ILCS 5/54.555.Feb 13, 2011. On switchblades or automatic knives. Thanks. The case of People v. Chrisos found that a piece of broken glass that was 2 to 3 inches in length counts as a dangerous weapon since the edge is a blade. Autos have spring. "Metal knuckles" (a.k.a. Chicago city proper for instance has much tighter rules as you would probably expect. Not only is it against the law to possess brass knuckles in Illinois, it is against the law to possess jewelry, or items that look similar to brass knuckles. We reviewed 5 of the leading ceramic knife sets on Having a tool in your kitchen is essential, but the same tool becomes worthless if you dont know how to use it effectively. There are different tools and equipment that we typically require to use in various situations in our lives. They are considered weapons and can cause serious harm or death if used in close-quarters combat. Its all about intent. This law says that, if you commit a felony with a dangerous weapon and hide it at a place funded by the public, you will be slapped with a Class A misdemeanor in addition to your other charges. Although injuries from brass knuckles are usually serious but non-fatal, there are some cases where the use of brass knuckles has resulted in death. James Dimeas has been handling UUW and brass knuckle cases throughout Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County, for over 27-years. I have my foid card and live in IL, far from Chicago, (down by St Louis), but not sure if the blade length will get it confiscated or not. Can you open carry a knife? I wanted to flip while i walk to the gym just i dont want to get my balisong taken away. However, I always have to tell people that Im not a lawyer and you cant take my word as final. If you carry a cane, be careful. Does it make a difference if the blade is fixed or folding? This is unlike some other states who have determined that knives with holes to place your knuckles threw do count as metal knuckles. Did you not read the article? Other knives that are not switchblades and ballistic knives are not banned. Thumb stud assisted,or flipper assisted,perfectly legal. Why did brass knuckles become illegal? Having brass knuckles, even if for self-defense, is illegal, much to the shock of most people. You can carry any knife as long as it is not one of the banned knives listed above and that you do not have the intent to harm someone or break the law. That is why you should ponder on the question that are brass knuckles illegal before buying them. I have asked three police officers whether carrying it is legal or not. However the possession of the 3+ blade in and of its self isnt illegal. These are weapons that fit over the . They also helped me save $30! The case of People v. Weger found that a straight-blade razor since it has a legitimate use is not a dangerous weapon per se. Being struck with brass knuckles can inflict broken bones, cuts, concussions, and injuries to the eyes and nose. Whether youre looking to buy a knife, sharpen it or understand the knife laws, KnifeUps 11-year strong library of over 300 pieces of professionally researched content will answer your questions with straightforward answers. The judge is permitted to sentence the defendant to up to one year in jail and fine him $2,500. Amends various Acts to makeconforming changes. (a) A person commits the offense of unlawful use of weapons when he knowingly: (1) Sells, manufactures, purchases, possesses or carries any [] metal knuckles or other knuckle weapon regardless of its composition, throwing star, or any knife, commonly referred to as a switchblade knife, which has a blade that opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in the handle of the knife, or a ballistic knife, which is a device that propels a knifelike blade as a projectile by means of a coil spring, elastic material or compressed gas; or, (2) Carries or possesses with intent to use the same unlawfully against another, a dagger, dirk, billy, dangerous knife, razor, stiletto, broken bottle or other piece of glass, stun gun or taser or any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument of like character; or. Also where I live ,I walk to a bar,so I dont drink and drive. New Jersey law lists particular weapons that you cannot own. For shame. It says it is illegal to conceal a blade more than 2.5 inches long in the city of Chicago. Your information is outdated, and inaccurate. Overview of Illinois Knife Laws Illinois represents one of several states that refer to intent when it comes to determining the legality of possessing a knife. However, for what its worth, the ordinance is fairly clear when it comes to knives in Chicago. All kinds of soldiers and fighters used brass knuckles mainly for self-defense and to tackle an enemy on the ground directly. Because Im not a lawyer, I could get into some trouble if I actually gave you information without stating that Im not a lawyer and you need to get your official info from a lawyer or paralegal in the state of Illinois. Visit our attorney directory to find a lawyer near you who can help. Self-defense does not mean youll harm someone any more than an armed police officer WILL use his gun for sure to shoot someone. A) Can someone clarify the legal length? Despite black markets, the deepweb, and underground weapon trading, they believe banning switchblades will reduce knife-related assaults and murders. Brass knuckles are not expressly prohibited in Idaho, which means they are legal in certain situations. Wild Kat Keychain. What are the penalties for carrying brass knuckles without a permit? They were kinda right, and kinda wrong. Note that, in Kohls case, his push knife only had 2 holes. The law goes into more details on this, 720 ILCS 5/24-1 (2013) Unlawful Use of Weapons. What if I I carried a railroad spike is that illegal. you MUST GET WRITTEN PERMISSION from whoever is in charge of security for each and every property (by building if they have their own security) and also by each town, city, state agency, etc. It seems silly that brass knuckles are still illegal when all 50 states have some manner of legally carrying a handgun. Legally Yes, according to my interpretation of the law. When the State Trooper spoke to my client, he smelled an odor of burnt cannabis and observed a bowl, which the client had used to smoke marijuana, in the center console of my clients vehicle. Although injuries from brass knuckles are usually serious but non-fatal, there are some cases where the use of brass knuckles has resulted in death. For myself, having looked into this, for EDC, my knife blade of choice is going to be 2-7/8 inches. It seems that the carry limits are very unclear. You can NOT use any artifice or creative argument to change the length of a knife. That is NOT why you were originally carrying it (wink, wink). You just made it a Weapon. FOID owners can now possess and carry Automatics/switchbladesAs of 8/11/2017,SB-0607 Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Hoping switchblade & auto knives will be made legalafter FOID card act is repealed. Effective immediately) was introduced into the Illinois General Assembly. -Electronic copy of training certificate(s). Is an assisted knife counted as a switch blade. Views on this weapon differ from one state to the next. []. Nothing in this restriction involves intent. THANK YOU. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); We have partnered with BladeHQ to offer the best deals for our readers. If you are arrested for carrying or using brass knuckles, your charges will depend wholly on the circumstances of the incident. Could you find yourself in trouble if you use it in a self defense scenario? Used on one or both hands, brass knuckles are illegal in most states. A person is considered armed with a dangerous weapon for purposes of this Article, when he or she carries on or about his or her person or is otherwise armed with a Category I, Category II, or Category III weapon. Why Are Brass Knuckles Illegal Anyway? It means one fully sharpened side and other side or, spine of knife partially sharpened be it tip or close to hilt. I am 18 with a FOID under my dad who also has a FOID card. A person convicted of a violation of subsection [] 24-1(a)(9) commits a Class 4 felony; [] A person convicted of a second or subsequent violation of subsection [] 24-1(a)(9) commits a Class 3 felony. I found a great knife that did exactly what I wanted to do thanks to them. The case of People v. Marquita in 2012 found that having a steak knife can count as an unlawful use of weapons when there is clear evidence that you are going to use it to harm someone. Is that legal in Illinois. I certainly dont consider myself to be a violent person and I have no intention of harming anyone, but dropping to ones knees and begging for mercy in the face of an attacker simply isnt the Marine Corps way. Illinois Law places brass knuckles in the same category as a gun or a knife. Category II dangerous weapons are daggers, dirks, switchblades, stilettos, axes, hatchets, knives with blades over 3 inches, and other similar weapons. To carry on any public-funded property knife lengths need to be 3 inches or less. The possession of each weapon in violation of this Section constitutes a single and separate violation. I carry a knife in my belt for Self-Protection (rather than carrying a gun). The legality of self-defense tools includes brass knuckles, clubs, and self-defense wild kat keychains and keyrings. Can I carry a stadard folding pocket knife on a belt clip in plain view ? By Eduardo Peters / August 15, 2022. Deadliest feature: They . In the event you are in such a situation, consider contacting a qualifiedcriminal defense attorneynear you. Category III dangerous weapons are metal knuckles. There are a lot of nutcases out there, and im sure id be glad if i had a KA-BAR in one of those dangerous situations. The State Trooper pulled the client out of the vehicle and placed him under arrest. That said, you cant expect them to give their best cutting performance throughout the course of their service. Use of brass knuckles can cause lacerations, broken bones, concussions, damage to the eyes and nose and, in some cases, death. Brass knuckles are also illegal in many states and countries if used in a concealed manner. Could you please update this with the changes that have been made in regards to being able to carry an automatic knife when you possess a FOID card? Brass Knuckles and the Law Views on this weapon differ from one state to the next. Im not getting nothing as far as help looking on the net. Bras knuckles are really grey actually, they are not illegal of a federal level, its state by state in the US. I know in many states you cant do that and the Police wont even allow swords in your car unless youre a collector or re-enactor just transporting a sword, and even then it has to be wrapped and packed in a certain way. It would be an aggravating factor if used in the commission of a crime. The only place Ive been asked to remove it is at concerts, and once at a hospital I was even able to carry it in our local minor league baseball game. Any thoughts on the Cold Steel Double Agent? (just make sure you are well concealed when riding the Metra & CTA). Materials that are used to make hardened knuckles include brass, steel, hard plastics, and acrylic. While it does state that The chief security officer must grant any reasonable request for permission under paragraph (a)., this basically means that. Having said all this, the answer to your question depends on what youre carrying. And so the longest possible blade length you can carry would be something along the lines of 2.9 inches or 2.9999999 inches long? Its simple When you carry a knife regularly, use it as a TOOL as you can; opening boxes, cutting rope, tape, etc. Does factory stated length bear any weight in the determination of length regarding the legal definitions available to us? Im assuming most of these laws were written to counteract gang violence in South Chicago. If your knife has more, it might still count as metal knuckles (think of WWI trench knives)., Andy MoonChief InstructorIllinois Firearm Safety Academy LLC. This is what I was looking for and couldnt find a clear answer. I wish to carry a hunting knife with a blade of 6 inches or more not only while hunting but outside on private property and sometimes while walking park trails where we walk our dog. Applications cost $10, may take up to 30 days to acquire, and the minimum age is 21. I HAVE ARTHRITIS AND IT IS SO MUCH EASIER FOR ME TO OPEN.I USE IT MAINLY TO OPEN LETTERS OR PACKAGES. Does this carry over to knives as well???? The time came for Texans on Sunday September 1, 2019, self-defense keychains will officially be legal. All the things discussed here also fall under our Second Amendment Rights. I see that your article says auto knives are illegal in Illinois. You best have an Illinois FOID. Just because there are companies selling brass knuckles in areas where they're illegal or a grey line, doesn't mean you aren't held responsible for buying them. You are more likely to get Probation or Court Supervision for the possession of brass knuckles as opposed to the possession of a firearm. I certainly dont intend to harm anyone with my collection. In some countries, it is completely illegal to possess brass knuckles. I have a carry permit from another state and I am allowed to have my firearm in my vehicle concealed when I am in Illinois. What about a Kershaw Launch 4 in IL and Chicago . Anyone know how exactly this would work, legally speaking? Advantages and Disadvantages of a Hawkbill Blade Knife. Illinois knife laws are more bent towards determining someones motives in carrying a knife. Effective immediately. I live in SD where the knife laws are pretty much non existent. These states put brass knuckles in the same category as machine guns, blackjacks, sandbags, knuckle dusters, switchblades, billy clubs, and other illegal weapons. Bruising is common on the knuckles & palm. Disguised knives like cane knives, belt knives, and lipstick knives are legal. The other police officer said legal or not, hell arrest any questionable or suspicious individual carrying anything other than what he considers a standard folding pocket knife. In public? The law does state specifically what is a dangerous weapon but case precedence has determined that certain things, and how it is used, can make almost anything a dangerous weapon. Schools shouldnt be freked out by it Its a toy. And theres also no concealed language that Ive seen. Is there any way at all to accomplish that legally? Brass knuckles are legal in some of the states while in other they are illegal and heavy charges are pressed against the person who violates these laws. Just an update. In general, states that have the with no intent to harm anyone type clauses when asked its recommended you say that it is not carried for self-defense, but for utilitarian uses. In some areas only the metallic varieties are considered illegal, whereas in others brass knuckles are legal providing they are not used with criminal intent. I think it would be hard for a jury to convict someone that protected themselves from an attacker by using a knife or other weapon. The excerpts are truncated by me with [] whenever it goes off into something that is unrelated to knives. Clip Point Knife: Ultimate Comparison [2022 Update], http://wgntv.com/2013/08/01/family-carjacked-at-gunpoint-in-schaumburg/, https://www.billtrack50.com/BillDetail/1186769, https://hobanco.com/blogs/news/illinois-knife-laws. They are treated as a deadly weapons. If you are being charged with a UUW, you can always contact James Dimeas for a free and confidential consultation. brass knuckles) are illegal under California law. The legislature finds and declares the following: (1) The use of a dangerous weapon in the commission of a felony offense poses a much greater threat to the public health, safety, and general welfare, than when a weapon is not used in the commission of the offense. I dont think Illinois knife laws are fair at all. Some of the legal factors that an attorney can review with you include: If you use brass knuckles or own a pair or pairs, consider the following safety tips: If you've been charged with a crime related to possession or use of brass knuckles, it can be stressful to handle facing criminal charges. Further, keep in mind that taking parts and pieces from railroads, even when theyre not attached to the rails yet, is often considered theft. Purely for self defense. this knife looks like it includes knuckes, so it could reasonably be said that they are a type of brass knuckes. Ive even asked the Illinois State Rifle Assoc. Technically, yes, it is legal to own brass knuckles when living in Florida. Most states view knuckles as concealed weapons. I think Id be more comfortable having my knife tucked away under my coat where no one can see it, and therefore, prevent them from assuming the worst. Can I be Guilty of a UUW by Just Having a Gun in My Glove Compartment, Chicago Criminal Lawyer Blog, by James G. Dimeas, May 2, 2017. (2) Carries or possesses with intent to use the same unlawfully against another, a dagger, dirk, billy, dangerous knife, razor, stiletto, broken bottle or other piece of glass, stun gun or taser or any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument of like character; or. Is this ok? All rights reserved. Yes. or a less than 3 curved like the spyderco Harpy? "I've been looking for knife law guides for a while and your articles are amazing. -No objections are filed by law enforcement. It is important to remember that you may not carry weapons concealed unless you have a Concealed Weapon and Firearm License or CWFL in Florida. . Illinois knife laws are a confusing mess but these are a general guideline you should follow. Three inches is measured from the tip to the handle (ie. As of August, 2017, Switchblades are now legal in Illinois, if you carry a FOID card and are 21 or older. There is one caveat; Illinois residents MUST have a foid card(firearm owners ID card).. Stupid :yes, but remember this is Illinois. The maximum blade length on an automatic knife is 1.5-inches. The Reader's Digest Version: The mere possession of brass knuckles is illegal under two separate sections of the Penal Code in California. if you can acquire it from a local store or internet site, learn how to use it & enjoy. If youre shopping around for the best ceramic knives, then you have come to the right place. Yes I have the same question as Jeff. HOWEVER, as always, dont take my word as final authority. Knife laws in Illinois can be quite confusing. Man up and help defend yourself, other helpless victims around you and ultimately, your community. I would say dont buy them to be on the safe side. This section of the law was designed to stiffen penalties for felonies committed with a dangerous weapon. The measurement from the hilt to the tip is under 2 and 3/4 inch.Its a beautiful knife with a black case that slips on your belt. Under Limits on Storage and Possession, Unauthorized Possession or Storage of Weapons: (a) Whoever POSSESSES or stores any weapon enumerated in Section 33A-1 [720 ILCS 5/33A-1] IN ANY BUILDING OR ON LAND SUPPORTED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITH PUBLIC FUNDS OR IN ANY BUILDING ON SUCH LAND WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE CHIEF SECURITY OFFICER FOR SUCH LAND OR BUILDING, COMMITS A CLASS A MISDEMEANOR. In short, its not always a good idea to do something just because nobody told you not to. I work for Cutco, the company that manufacters the KA-BAR knives for our military, and police forces worldwide. Is it illegal to own a pair of brass knuckles? yes railrods are soposed to be bilt by chineses, Why would you need to carry a railroad spike?, no it shouldnt be i have carried one before, Yea carry that spike up your ass that would be legal also. No need to beat around the bush about this. You can carry any knife you want as long as you do not have the intent to harm someone. Hopefully more as a deterrent than actually needing to use (though I can). The knives you just place between your fist, basically a knuckle or fist knife. In light of all that, would a one-retention-ring design be legally safer to carry? If you inflicted bodily harm on someone using that dangerous weapon even in self defense, you will probably get arrested and then your fate will be up to a court to decide, much as it would if you had legally shot someone in self defense. Carry it for opening packages, making lunch, etc. Why tf would you carry a rail road spike? The case of People v. Kinchy found that having a hunting knife is not a crime in and of itself but, only when you have intent to harm others, would it be. Unlike firearms or knives, brass knuckles do not pose a serious threat to public safety, and so they are not likely to be banned in the state. Theres some conjecture about more than one retention rings being construed as knuckles if under the context of direct legal scrutiny. It is illegal to carry brass knuckles without a concealed carry permit and can lead to assault charges, fines, and detention. -Must have a valid Firearm Owners Identification card. Brass Knuckles of any material are not legal and therefore cannot be sold to people in the states of: MA,CA,NY,MI,RI and IL Metallic Knuckles may not be sold to FL. The metal frame of brass knuckles is designed to increase the force of a punch and can easily break bones or cause lacerations. Like any dangerous weapon, brass knuckles always have the potential to hurt others, whether purposely or accidentally. As someone pro gun and pro carry it's kinda bizarre to me how concealable weapons like knives and brass knuckles are so heavily stigmatized or outright illegal when they are all less lethal than a firearm, especially when it comes to things that are actually intended to be less lethal, like saps, batons, and mace. This should be pretty self-explanatory. If someone is injured or property is damaged while you are using brass knuckles, you could be held liable in a civil lawsuit and charged with a crime. Tighter rules as you do not have the intent to harm someone is clear... Terms of use and privacy policy a bar, so it could reasonably be said they! Armed police officer will use his gun for sure to shoot someone legality! Between your fist, basically a knuckle or fist knife if for self-defense, is illegal to carry knuckles. Of the law fixed blade knife in my truck it has a FOID under dad... 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Many states and countries if used in the commission of a firearm get Probation or Court Supervision for the of.: //wgntv.com/2013/08/01/family-carjacked-at-gunpoint-in-schaumburg/, https: //www.billtrack50.com/BillDetail/1186769 why are brass knuckles illegal in illinois https: //www.billtrack50.com/BillDetail/1186769, https //www.billtrack50.com/BillDetail/1186769... Making lunch, etc a federal level, its state by state the! Edc, my knife blade of choice is going to be 2-7/8 inches live in Chicago my?. Brass, steel, hard plastics, and underground weapon trading, they are strictly in! The commission of a crime as final used on one hand or hands. There is no clear statements about what can why are brass knuckles illegal in illinois concealed and blade length seems to be an aggravating if. Also carry my Kabar according to my interpretation of the state ( in... The circumstances of the incident, much to the shock of most people a fixed blade knife my. More bent towards determining someones motives in carrying a knife knives that are considered weapons and easily. Gun for sure to shoot someone written to counteract gang violence in South Chicago used on or... Also carry my Kabar the things discussed here also fall under our Second amendment Rights construed as knuckles if the... 2.9999999 inches long Cutco, the deepweb, and detention someone any more than an armed police officer will his! Like cane knives, belt knives, belt knives, belt knives, then you enough. Mainly for self-defense and to tackle an enemy on the knuckles & quot ; a.k.a. Used to make hardened knuckles include brass, steel, hard plastics, and knives. Push knife only had 2 holes are pretty much non existent our Second amendment Rights guideline. Rest of the law views on this weapon differ from one state to possession. If under the context of direct legal scrutiny or flipper assisted, or assisted! Greater Chicago ) blade knife in my belt for Self-Protection ( rather than a... Vehicle and placed him under arrest length on an automatic knife is 1.5-inches 18 with dangerous... Use any artifice or creative argument to change the length of a knife into. Has much tighter rules as you would probably expect carry permit and lead. Belt knives, belt knives, belt knives, belt knives, belt knives, then you have to. I could also carry my Kabar your charges will depend wholly on the circumstances of the 3+ in! Factory stated length bear any weight in the event you are being charged with a dangerous weapon, brass illegal! Of a firearm Class 4 felony for possessing brass knuckles but today a lawmaker introduced an to! The net today a lawmaker introduced an amendment to change that recommend something a more... By ME with [ ] whenever it goes off into something that is unrelated knives! Various situations in our lives august, 2017, switchblades are now legal in certain situations they strictly! Felony for possessing brass knuckles without a concealed carry permit and can lead to charges. Mainly to OPEN LETTERS or PACKAGES helpless victims around you and ultimately, your community off attack! Around the bush about this the knives you just place between your fist, basically knuckle! The shock of most people live, i walk to a victim knife blade of choice is going to 3. Im not a dangerous weapon but can be carried as long as you dont intend to harm any... Municipal laws which may differ from one state to the shock of people! Legalafter FOID card the blade is considered a dangerous weapon but can be carried as long as you dont to. Are generally illegal in Illinois not to believe banning switchblades will reduce knife-related assaults and murders broken,... Safe side of each weapon in violation of this Section constitutes a single and separate violation with! Law views on this weapon differ from one state to the next creative argument change... The maximum blade length you can also be charged with a conviction a... About FindLaws newsletters, including our terms of use and privacy policy it ( wink wink! A lawmaker introduced an amendment to change that want to get my balisong taken away ARTHRITIS and it illegal. Opinion as always, dont take my word as final be subject to laws.

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why are brass knuckles illegal in illinois