worst 380 pistols

I own two of them, and they have turned out to be the highest quality most reliable firearms I own. We saw your review and write up. According to our peers, here are the six worst pocketguns, from less awful to worstest. I have 2 of them. Personally, Id avoid far more than just the bottom six. Check out the 380 showdown in GunWorldin 2012all 3 Keltecs broke and wouldnt run right. You want an example of why internet polls are not representative? Get real. Its definitely not perfect but it is far from the worst gun Ive owned. Total joke. I chose. Or the Springfield EMP (Though mine runs awesome, they are known for manufacturing problems). As far as the magazine release, its perfect for my needs. The trigger seem to be the trouble people have with it. But if carry options are limited to just a pocket carry for you (i.e. These guns shoot any ammo I have fed it. But that is just learning curve and a trade off when they removed the problematic safety from the earlier models. (I call the SCCY, my Sunday go-to-meeting piece. This gun is selling better than ever years later. Happy ending. My advice. You get two shots, a single-action-only It covers the trigger guard of the pistol and has a hook and sticky material to stay secure in your pocket so it is easy to draw the pistol from your pocket without bringing the holster with it. They were remarkably accurate and soft-shooting, too. Sure you can spend $500 on a Glock or what ever else you want to list but the specs on this gun make it a easy choice and hell I can buy two for the price of most good guns. I had 4 LCPs that went down with cracked grips, frames, broken take down pin, split rails etc. How many times do you change magazines in a self defense situation? Im not going to bash talk the CPX-2 , but its going to take me a while to get use to it. 3) SCCY Industries CPX-2(4.3 stars 0.4, 99 votes). I have several friends who own Picos and swear by them. Great little pistol. His post show that he is just posting without knowledge of the firearms. You sound smart. I find that many pistols jam because of a defective magazine thats not feeding properly. The SCCY has one of the best rating out of these guns on your post. No aluminum. Its easy to see why: .380 pistols are typically small enough to carry in the pocket, they are unquestionably smaller and lighter than competing 9mm single stack autos or .38 snubnose revolvers. We indicate sponsored content as such. Certainly one of the ugliest pistols ever manufactured, this weapon made the list of worst military pistols because its dangerous design easily surpassed its repellant appearance. Got the CPX-2 for about half price new. They are kind of like the Nancy Pelosis in the outdoor industry. I would have bet the farm that the Ruger LCP was the worst small pistol ever created. Built like a tank. They fall apart with any kink of volume down range. Extremely Mild, Plus P rated, Modular design, mags that look like Custom 1911 stainless steel. Zero malfunctions in 300 rounds including pocket lint coverings. until you find a way to weed out braindead haters who vote based on their idiotic and unedumacated feelings all of your results will be skewed by gun store rednecks who dont know what the word ballistic even means. Taurus 738: Price $355.66. Yea James, if you look the SCCY gets like 4.3 stars the best out of this bunch and has the one of the higest vote stats and whats the comment from the author oh this gun stinks based on what? I shoot pocket guns all the time. I would even venture to say its a 50/50 gamble when buying a Kel Tec. I love the Pico. Its not a range gun, and should not be treated as such. In a fight you wont notice it. OMG! It feels good in the hand and the materials and workmanship are fine. And I especially enjoy its clever name. You do not get a small light pistol without trade offs. Like a great car or movie, a great firearm can become a true classic. Thats a problem for a pocket gun. based on what your stupid opinion? http://www.waltherarms.com/handguns/ppk/ Well, youre in luck, because your fellow Americans have voted, and for some pocket guns, the results arent pretty . That could happen with any gun someone didnt ,maintain and hadnt tested out at the range. At 10.2 ounces, the trim Taurus 738 is a very light pistol, and with an overall length of just 5.25 inches its easy to conceal even under light The Hellcat II was cheap when purchased new, and you can find one used for around $100. IO stopped making them and moved to Florida. .380 Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP) This ammunition round was first introduced by Colt back in 1908, to use in its new Colt Model 1908, which was a compact, hammerless semi-automatic pistol. He paid people to review his book on Amazon. To each his own . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Oh not to mention Sccy has great Examples of popular small pocket .380 autos include the original Ruger LCP, Taurus TCP, Smith & Wesson Bodyguard .380, and the Kel-Tec P3-AT to name a few. We both agreed, the TCP trigger was superior to the LCP. If you actually carry a gun in your pocket, even in a pocket holster, its gonna get dirty. The SCCY model CPX-2 is a fine lightweight pistol that shoots a stopper round 9mm. Small, accurate and reliable. As a back-up weapon to a larger pistol, the LCP II would also be a great choice as it has a very similar manual of arms to larger pistols such as Glocks while also being small enough to easily conceal carry as we have just seen. I have been shooting pocket guns for years. In contrast to this, the original LCP did not lock back on the final round. Its fun to shoot really, PS: visited the site again, feeling slightly guilty for harping on the polling validity-. Maybe something like this? I alone will take up the Masterpiece banner, carry it aloft, plant it on the nearest peak and proclaim, Get thee 6 extra recoil springs and thou shalt have a decent pistol for a year or more, even.. I am surprised high point 380 & 9mm werent included in your list. In 2017, SIG Sauer produced a unicorn of a pistol in the P365. And of course not break down like they do with high volume shooting. Sure just No warning shot, no shoot to wound. Worked fine til the last shot on the second reload. Hey, look Anonymous reviews should be taken VERY suspiciouslyof all product, not just guns. Ive owned a CPX 2 for about a year and we shoot every weekend. Thats not exactly The TRUTH About Guns. Overall, the trigger on the LCP II makes it infinitely easier to shoot than the original LCP. Whatever-everything else pops inand their FB page is odd too. I have SCCY CPX2 Best gun ever Just keep it clean 400 rounds down range 400 rounds on target Ill bet my life on my cpx2. Otherwise you will just get a ton of, Wait, that gun is not a GLOCK! +1. Basically I hate these guns because I hate these guns, and you should too because I do. This is the closest I have ever been to accusing TTAG of pandering to the highest advertising contributors (i. e. not a SINGLE Taurus gun on here? No problem for me but then I have fired well over 100,000 rounds in 50 years. Springfield operator: 5.2 It is not some junker throwaway, but a solid, well machined piece with a heavy but smooth DAO trigger which emulates a DA revolver, by design and makes the piece perhaps a bit more safely carried and handled for many that may feel uncomfortable with a light, short pull SA. around $219 plus S&H and ffl fees. As long as you shoot the recommended ammo and keep your weapon cleaned, oiled properly, and replace any defective parts you will get much better performance. But, it doesnt like to be dirty. Wouldnt take much time for an employee or contractor of one of these manufacturers to buff up the ratings, or down rate a competitor. I know I hated my PF9 and would NEVER EVER buy any Keltec pistol again. There is an author named John Lott, who became a best seller from an unknown very quickly by doing exactly that. Even a novice can see the better build quality of the Pico. Therefore, if you want the slide to lock back, you need to use the magazines that were made specifically for the LCP II. My Gosh folks, this is total BS, read the directions. Glock 42 4. Funny. Did anybody take the poor performing guns to a reputable gunsmith and have them tuned up? I love my CPX-1. Note that I said voted and not have ever even touched the gun at a pawn shop, let alone fired it.. (2) You have no idea who the reviewers are and what their qualifications to rate a firearm areeven if they tell you. Still, if youre looking for a all purpose value like pistol then look no further (hesk Ive seen them for $200 NIB out the doorAnd yes, Kel-Tec got copied yet again! I limited this list to the bottom six guns to reduce room for disagreement and keep it simple. Trash. check the ammo?? These arent big enough vote pools anyway. None. And I dont know why Keltec lets Ruger & SCCY(and the defunct hellcat) slavishly copy their designs. Most often the issue is people dry firing, or using hollowpoints. What really won me over was the quality and operation, even on the bargain CM. Take down the Pico. ! Silver tip p+ for carry, or whatever local law enforcement carries. Or has been suggested earlier you can just go snub nosed revolver. The S&W MP EZ 380 read the reviews even on the Glock site they praise the SW MP 380 EZ One now has over 4,000 rounds of flawless ammo down range the other now over 1500 and have never broken a firing pin. Jimenez was one former name for Cobra also Loren was also a former name . It would likely be more meaningful. Ruger sought out to remedy much of these problems with the LCP II. I have 100s of rounds through both my kahrs with zero fails. The only thing about that bill is that allows those in a govt approved marksmenship program to buy them first. The one I had was utter shit. S&W Bodyguard .380 7. I shoot a lot of pocket guns. LMFAO!!!! Any failure rates? Its not Remington R51 bad, but its a pretty lousy firearm. I think the wheel guns are less likely to have a problem. I dont see it. Every one of these pistols are incredibly easy to conceal in your pocket. AMEN . 6) IO Hellcat II (2.9 stars 0.6, 32 votes). The Pico is one of the best firearms in its class out there period. I had a CPX-2, functionality and reliability i couldnt complain about. WebMAC Website & PrimaryArms website link: http://www.militaryarms.orgJoin Patreon and support MAC! Painful to shoot, yes, but thats what you get when the gun barely weighs more than the bullet it fires. Bodyguard were well rated. I. You also do not understand how to use the mag release or what it is intended for. Unfortunately, each of these pistols and others in their class suffer from a number of serious flaws. Im glad it ended well, but if he hadnt scored a first round hit he would have been screwed for real. The cobra looks very similar to a firearm my mother owns. Actually, the KelTec P11 is the same size, came first and holds two more rounds. Id never heard of the site; wanted to check it out to see how much I want to buy the article at face value. A 9mm shouldnt be slower than a .45. WebThe .380 Auto (ACP) Pistol is most often used for self-defense, and is a particularly good choice for concealed carry thanks to its small size. Keltec P-11 listed as 10+1 on THEIR website. The Beretta Pico is probably one of Berettas biggest blunders. I own a SCCY CPX-2. Im thinking about getting a second one to keep in my truck or with my bow hunting gear. Bersa Thunder 5. Or did all those voters fly to Russia to test them out? My God, have you really shot or even handled one? No problems when used within its limits. Try posting a survey asking for votes on Glocks, for instance, and you will get a very polarized response . I had huge issues with a Kahr, so they will never get my money again. I really think you never did anything with the Pico other than Picking one up and then getting of the internet and posting without any knowledge of how to use the firearm. And buying likes is one definite way to abuse it. BTW except for the cobra all these little guns got good reviews at various timesFWIW. Never jammed on me or on my daughter who went to the range with me. TTAG is the Roseanne Barr of reviews. It jammed after the first shot, but he hit the intruder in the chest. Im in the habit of buying less costly weapons and fully expect to tinker a bit with them to produce a smooth running hot brass pile maker. You can read about well known problems on reddit, Amazon, etc, for ranknings and customer ratings abuse. My NAA .380 ACP with Novak 3 dot night sights has been 100% reliable with every ammo tried and as accurate as I am. Granted, .380 pocket autos are not guns that you take to the range for fun. TTAG has some of the worst reviewers in history. Sig without question is the "Caddilac". They pretty much invented the theory of if you get a good one its good, but when you get a bad one its bad. Or having the mag cleaned and inspected? I dont know if I should believe anything guns3x has to say, he is clearly insane. I have received grief for it as well. If there is what looks like an empty hole its uncocked. The Recoil spring is a one spring like almost any other. Man, all I can say is when you mentioned the Pico, you sure messed up on that one. Top 5 .380 Pistols Our Top Pick Glock 42 .380 ACP Sportsmans Warehouse (Check Price) Palmetto State Armory (Check Price) Primary Arms (Check Only drawback is the 2D trigger. Sean, I cannot find documentation of John Lott having bought reviews on Amazon. Caveat: I bought mine used, so I dont know if the previous owner had done any tweaking to get it that reliable or not, or whether a factory-fresh one would need any sort of break-in period. I carry in the front pocket and have trouble with the stupid buttons that accidentally release the mag. Baby glocks seem like an attractive option as at least they have a somewhat normal trigger w/ a normal length of pull. Oh well the TCP I had isnt top 5-it ran good for me. He may want to trade the SCCY with the safety in for one of the newer ones without a safety. They claimed to have test fired it after repair. You can hire chinese brokers to buy likes on Fakebook, and twitter followers by the thousands. Encountered types on the old KT forums that whines like a little girl. I own and have tested both the CPX1 (manual safety) and CPX2 (no manual safety). So I returned it to them, they replaced several worn parts and returned it. You need to learn more about handguns before posting such nonsense. Go to the Beretta form Pico and the gun is loved by many. I was glad not to see Kel Tac on the bottom list. And then the gall to refer to Jeremy who by the way did not bother to report that the upgraded model fixed all the issues with the first run. I own a SCCY CPX-2 personally and it has been a flawless gun. All guns I would have avoided anyway, except the Pico. Mine works, has worked, continues to work, and has never not gone bang. capacity. But I have no interest in any Keltec pistol-unlike several rifles. Years ago a mentor and I were at a range with an iron 30 plate/gong at 270 yards. I bought a SCCY CPX-2 a few months ago . And of course, they criticize all the brands that dont advertise with them. Kahr CW 380. I dont know the story behind why but we can only guess. I actually have the cm9 and cw380 both and never an issue with either one. Of all the firearm purchases you may make in your lifetime, a pocket gun is probably the one you can least afford to screw up. They are meant to be defensive arms that can be easily carried in the pocket. I must be the unicorn master then, because I own each of the firearms listed, except the Hellcat, (I have never heard of it before this article) and have never had an issue with any of them. Did he shoot various ammo or run them for accuracy. . They are well known for their % of guns that have failure rates compared to the ones that dont. Far too many people have shot themselves or objects in their house loading a NAA revolver because they didnt pay attention to safety instructions. My other gun is a Beretta PX4. Man this Truth about guns article really burns me up. Women need to be told about the woman in Birmingham who was being robbed and pulled out a gun. People cant make crap up in their comments? I love shooting it, and I get closer groups than with my Kel-Tec P-11. All semi auto weapons will jam at one time or another, and dont feel the same in everyones hand.. I have a KAHR CM40 and a CW40 and for their intended purpose they are great. I carry the SCCY more often and have cycled quite a few rounds through it. And surely have not shot one or very little. The problem with the group wisdom line of thinking is that you cannot separate the people with actual hands on experience with the firearm in question from actual users, which is always a problem with new guns. Nicer than the price would indicate. From what I have heard the folks at SCCY provide great customer service. There are many different 380 pistol options, but our favorites include the following: Ruger LCP II, Walther PK380, Kel-tec P3AT, Taurus Spectrum, and M&P Shield EZ. Though my CW380 was also unreliable and pinched my finger after firing. Ruger sells the LCP II with a neoprene pocket holster (which has the Ruger logo on it), and it actually works quite well. I understand its not for everyone but its a good quality firearm with excellent customer service. There is nothing copyrightable in those designs. But unlike those highly rated guns, the Hellcat IIs rating is in the toilet. I am a Pocket gun enthusiast. There are two primary uses for the LCP II: concealed carry and/or as a back-up pistol. I like its feel in my hand. But still, Im sure there are worse ones. Ill take more objective reviews from knowledgeable shooters. Im a Glock 27 guy, so I dont mind recoil. This is NOT a target gun. The warranty cant be beat. The double 1911 also has ratings. I carry it about as often as I carry a Glock 19 mainly based upon clothing/belt shortcomings in dress scenarios. It is not made for quick magazine changes. I have literally spoken to no one that has said anything positive about the Pico. With a much lighter trigger, enhanced slide serrations, wider grip, impressive stippling job, and the ability to slide lock on the last round, the LCP II is a definitive improvement over other comparable .380 pocket guns. You must not even be able to read. good amount of rounds it is a damn good carry gun. I fell for the Pico hype. In the case of the SCCY they are worth it. Kim Kardashian and POTUS are best two examples of known abuse. The Ruger LCP II, released by Ruger at the end of 2016, sought to remedy many of those downsides. I will run the Pico side by side the Kahr any day and have. Wecantdislike shooting it so much that well never practice with it. As a long, and I do mean long time P3AT owner, you must be one of those anti Keltec trolls that hated them from the start. Theres room for disagreement, but probably only because some peoples pockets are bigger and can hold bigger guns. Given how clannish and brand-loyal a lot of gunners are, it wouldnt shock me if about half the votes against the SCCY were cast because it wasnt a Glock 43, or something equally biased and stupid. I met Leghorn at a Range Day last year and he knows little about handling a weapon. At my handgun review and rating site, gunsgunsguns.net, we offer star ratings on a scale of 110 for every gun featured on the site. I would very much like to see your proof/examples. Their Reviewers have alot of feed issues due to lack of knowledge of proper grip. Have owned and shot most of them. So now I have a paperweight in the shape of a gun ! YES, of course Id rate the G19 at least from a practical, hardcore perspective an obviously more robust, serious combat-capable CC piece, but when you think about it, here I am comparing a Glock 19 to a SCCY CPX-2 for certain situations and that HAS to be a compliment to the SCCY, in an offhand way (and dont accuse me of being a Glock fanboy I own diverse alternatives, and was actually very slow by choice getting into the Glock game.) How many times does anyone complain about a bad trigger in a self defense situation? When he says the People have spoken who the heck is that? This guy most definitely does not have one clue about the Pico. But again, the people have spoken: the Pico sucks. I would think a pocket gun would be best kept in .380 or 9mm. The first generation CPX-1s had some problems and gave the company a bad rep starting out, but the company was so adamant that they fixed their second Gen guns that you can send any of the old ones back (they shipped in red boxes) and they will replace them with brand new Gen 2s (which ship in blackish gray boxes). Ill definitely be checking it out. He says it is a blunder. That would be TTAG, and a handful of others. Do not yank the magazine friends. Which is good compared to many overpriced semi auto pistols which are not as dependable. I also feel the cw380 has very minimal recoil vs other small 380s in its same size. My hands are simply too large for the tiny Ruger. BATTLE OF THE RUGER .380S: LCP VS. LCP II. Ive been fortunate enough to be able to shoot a big variety of different .380s. The best one, so far, that I have shot with the least amount of re Forget about dropping the mag with the shooting hand, cause it aint happening. Everyones hand size and perception of recoil is different and therein lies the beauty of having choice. However, they are among the worst guns for concealed carry. Here is some news for you. And I have not shot one better then these in the same weight and AOL class. BUT! Jed Henson runs the handgun review and rating site gunsgunsguns.net. Im not saying every single person who votes needs to leave a full, detailed review, but encouraging people to at least leave a couple pros/cons would be most helpful. Its teeny, accurate, and easy to handle. Both types are not recommened by the maker for the guns. customer service should you need it that transfers with the gun. Web.380 Automatic Colt Pistol (ACP) was one of the many calibers created by legendary firearms designer John Browning, dating back to 1908. But with 99 votes in, the math is clear: the CPX-2 stinks. Its a sharp designed pistol with a great price . I have thousands of rounds through both and they keep on trucking One gun has 5000 rounds with just one failure with all kinds of ammo and that was a bad primer strike, which by the way the Pico has double strike capability which took care of that. But if ultimate concealment is the need, then just accept that it will need to be .380. Lol, it is more than obvious that John Hope does not have a clue about the Beretta Pico. Uh no. Her gun was unloaded while the thugs were not. Worst Guns Ever Nambu: The Nambu is one of the worst pistols ever designed. Sold it and picked up an LCP off a friend for $150. Funny mine have always worked. The gun works incredibly well if you use the recommend FMJ ammo as listed in the manual. Very small would suggest either real fanboys or real haters. Even the author of this article merely speculates, at times, as to why the readers voted as they did. I called the factory and was accused of limp wristing. IT is NOT stiff at all. Super gun, works every time. Nemesis pocket holster, and 1 spare mag, goes everyehere. I use the site SlickGuns a lot to shop for deals and they ran into the same problem with upvotes and downvotes people vote something down just because they wouldnt personally buy it makes no difference if it is a good deal, good product, etc. Will eventually add a CW380 as a BUG and for times when the CM40 is just too big ha ha. The biggest improvement, by far, is the trigger pull. My son made sure I carried a SW9VE for daily use. He didnt even require them to be positive. and wrote the entire line off. Here are some basic facts for the Ruger LCP II: In conclusion, the Ruger LCP II simply represents the beginning of the evolution of the .380 pocket pistol. I think you would be hard pressed to find any thing this good for that price. You can get these on line at times for Io Hellcat II ( 2.9 stars 0.6, 32 votes ) son made sure carried... Sure messed up on that one spring is a fine lightweight pistol that shoots a stopper round.! 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worst 380 pistols