texas syndicate initiation

While the Texas Syndicate is primarily a prison-based gang, they have many members who operate on the outside. Gangs didnt worry about guards; they worried about each other. In return, the snitch had an oversized cell to himself, plus a hall pass that gave him the run of the unit. As of 2000, the Texas Syndicate had about 1,000 members in prisons and jails state-wide, with many more on the outside. Upon Arredondos return, they ushered the inmate to an infirmary cell, where a guard stood nearby, waiting for Arredondos bowels to evacuate a container of drugs. Roughly 33 percent of gang members entering the Texas Department of Criminal Justice system in 2014 were from the southeast Texas region, with 90 percent of those coming from Greater Houston. His neck had been slashed; his head was all but severed. The motorcycle gang has roots going back to the 1960s, but only debuted on the DPS's Texas Gang Threat Assessment in 2015 after a deadly clash with the Bandidos Motorcycle Club in Waco on May 17 that left nine people dead. State, No. When Vicente and his friend Armando Garciaalso a pleasant, nonconfrontational fellowbegan to ask Sandoval if he had a light, the guard refused at first, and finally decided, after repeated requests, what the hell. Sandoval did not know any warden, ranking officer, or CO at Ellis I who did not have at least one snitch. The moment Garcia asked Sandoval to bring marijuana into TDCJ, it did not take superhuman deductive powers for the guard to figure out the Hispanic inmates clientele. In a sense, you become a convict also.. At the close of the eighth hour, the shift changes, but the inmates remain. When he sent the letter off to his mother, he knew it wouldnt be long before law enforcement officials discovered his whereabouts. New recruits who hoped to join the Knights Templar have been forced to eat a child's heart in order to prove their loyalty to the cause. Can I still get Beyonc tickets? He was whisked off to the Walker County jail. Prepare for battle and place the lure in Midnight Den Cull the Alpha Wolf and Pack Travel north east to the Enclave Talk to Aventus Valenti Introduce yourself to Cleo Elsayad Talk to Aventus Valenti Head northeast to the Midnight Den . Around the same time, prison officials expressed concern about the fifty or sixty members of the two Los Angeles-based black street gangs, the Bloods and the Crips, that had recently entered the system. The decision was reached: Arredondo would be taken down. He was arrested for driving while intoxicated, following a one-car accident that left his limbs temporarily paralyzed. Likewise the gangs allow inmates the opportunity to be free from isolation and as a result to have a support system. The Texas Syndicate also operates in state and federal prisons across the United States, with significant activity being reported at FCI Oakdale in Louisiana and San Quentin State Prison in California, as well as some representation in the Florida Department of Corrections. The ink from U.S. district judge William Wayne Justices signature on his 1980 Ruiz v. Estelle decree had not yet dried before critics were predicting that the prison reforms specified in the judges order would leave a dangerous power vacuum. Arredondo was a Texas Syndicate member. While there are many Jihadis who willingly join their ranks, they often kidnap young people and force them into service. He did so and, he told me, was then given $50 by the inmates. For about three months thereafter, while state officials sought a long-term solution, every prison unit experienced a total lockdown. Look, man, I think Im being watched, Sandoval told Garcia the next day. The members then gather a large amount of fecal matter and urine and proceed to dump it on that new recruit. Yes, he had mailed Vicentes letters, had cashed two money orders for the inmate, and on three different occasions, had delivered packages from a parking lot to a telephone booth. a) Texas Attorney General conference, October 1999 and 2003 b) Texas Department of Criminal Justice - Security Threat Group Officers c) California Department of Corrections So wed just lay back, let him cool down. They will brutally violate any men they wish to join their cause and catch it on video tape. This group is one of the deadliest and most disgusting on Earth and employ many methods when it comes to spreading terror. Gang initiation typically has a homeboy requirement, that is, one of the other members can testify that they know the character of the prospective recruit and thus whether or not he deserves initiation. The power of the Texas Syndicate is utilized to create fear and intimidation that shields members, ensures the timely payment of drug debts, and prevents the theft of members drugs or money. I didnt do it, Sandoval announced to me in a recent phone conversation. Released or parole members who generate money for the gang must surrender a 10% tax ("the dime") of all proceeds toward the Texas Syndicate in prison. Other chapters of the gang make this cocktail but use the blood of other members and recruits, along with wine and ashes to make it. Then, he is deemed fit to join the gang. Inmates fashioned shanks out of road signs, door hinges, food trays, typewriter platen rods, and field equipment. The inmate, a former gang operative now in protective custody, pulled a hand-rolled cigarette out of his white shirt and lit it. Arredondo took the two hundred dollars, went home, and blew the money. And as in any society, some lead while others are led. The warden would later testify that Sandovals actions were somewhat heroic. But, Peterson added, the hero had seemed awfully calm in the midst of all the bloodshedperhaps too calm. Tri-City Bombers, Latin Kings and Surenos are more active on a street gang level. None of them knew anything about Sandoval and drugs. One ritual involves saying a pledge after drinking a mix of wine and the blood of a sacrificed animal (usually a goat or chicken). He had a one-week prison furlough coming up; the gang didnt want to spook him, fearing that he might not return to Ellis I. I could watch him deal with inmates and think, This guy knows something I dont know., One evening, while gazing out from his apartment balcony, Sandoval saw a car drive slowly by. Many prison gangs have a generalized standard of who to accept. But things got more interesting when Internal Affairs investigator Dale Schaper walked into the room and handed Sandoval copies of his phone records, showing that 25 phone calls he had made on Vicentes behalf were to a high-ranking TS official named Felix Benavidez. Officials knew this meant that every day from three-thirty until after chow time, activities in the narrow corridor went unmonitored. Over time, Sandoval got sucked into the undertow of prison life. His father died. Later, when Vicente asked the guard to phone a number in Brady and ask the person who answered when Vicentes family would make their next visit, Sandoval had no objections. Members and prospects are made aware that the affiliation with the TS requires their assistance with the criminal activity of the enterprise when called upon to do so and is an important step toward obtaining higher status in the organization. His assistant wardens run the building. Indeed, Peterson said to me that his units drug problem isnt rampant, but he also acknowledged that much has escaped his attention over the years. Seemingly everyone in Ellis I would snitch or be snitched on. Inside the walls of each prison is drugs, prostitution, gambling, extortion, and grand theft, but no investigation into any of these things has ever been made. The letter did not say what such an investigation would say about Luis Sandoval. But other factors have caused guards to agree to be drug mules. The field for their activities, though fertile, was finite, thus making turf wars inevitable. If the question is answered correctly, he is then tasked with either stabbing another prisoner or a guard. Everyone wanted informationon the inmates, on their superiors, on their peers. Snow flakes glide gently from the sky.The Farm Hand. Sandoval, he was a good kid, said the inmate of the guard who had once done him favors. I remember when he yelled fight. Just like in the free world. (For that matter, Garcia testified during the trial, outside the presence of the jury, that Sandoval muled drugs countless times.) Sandoval was never searched, he told me, and came to learn that the only way they bust you is if theyre told by a snitch, This guys coming in today., While Sandoval said there were other guardsand even supervisorsinvolved in drug activity, the Texas Syndicate preferred that Garcia deal directly with Sandoval, a fellow Hispanic. West Texas Syndicate Energy. An eight-inch metal shank lay nearby. Mimi Swartz is a staff writer based in Houston. Upon conviction of the drug trafficking charge: Castilleja, Luna, Salazar, Salas and Alvarez face between ten years and life in federal prison; Jimenez-Jaimes, Carrasco, Cantu, Accord, John Vera, Josh Vera, Anzaldua, Medina, Villarreal and May face between five and 40 years in federal prison; Armstead and Klasing face up to 20 years in federal prison based on their involvement, drug type and drug amount involved. He was a drug dealer, with connections dating back to his days peddling heroin in El Paso. (LogOut/ Uneasy truces between gangs have developed. I was a damn good officer, he told both me and them. Louie would love nothing more than to be a guard again, Fischer told them. But the evidence gathered by Justice clearly added up to a violation of the Eight Amendments protection from cruel and unusual punishment. If you are switching factions, you will need to leave your company in order to change to Syndicate. However, it counts among its rivals some cartel heavyweights such as the Sinaloa Cartel, headed by notorious drug lordJoaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn, and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. Prisons, crammed with thrill-seekers and outright junkies, provide the ultimate captive consumers. A host of documents relating to the trial, as well as interviews with numerous sources involved in the case, have provided chilling details of how Texas prisons really work today. [4] [5] Contents 1 Overview 1.1 Criminal activity 2 Structure Their initiation ritual for new recruits includes a pledge but also a bath in a mixture of goat's blood, urine, and tripe. It revealed a world where drugs and weapons are freely available to inmates, where murderous prison gangs control inmate behavior far more than prison guards do, and where the guardians of law and order have just as much trouble distinguishing right from wrong as do the inmates they are watching. While gang activity is widespread, only about 15 percent have more than 11 members. The guard said he wasnt tied to anyone. Youll drain all the blood to his head. Three other officers arrived on the scene. In Del Rio, three Texas Syndicate members from Uvalde, TX, face up to life in federal prison after a federal jury convicted them last night of various violations of federal racketeering offenses committed in Uvalde, San Antonio and the surrounding areas announced United States Attorney Robert Pitman. Join The Syndicate Speak with representative Astrid in the Syndicate Enclave and, should you desire, join the Syndicate Go up the stairs within the Enclave to speak with Astrid. A member who violates the rules and loses favor becomes a muleta, a term which is used to mean a problem. Such a violation may result in the TS bringing its own official gang-based charges against the member who is being accused of violating the rules. The Texas Syndicates control of those in prison is so far-reaching that members both in and out of prison follow a procedure by which the TS ensure that members are not and have not been police informants. By the end of the eighties, the public fretting over prison gangs had dissipated. Chow time meant that vast numbers of inmates would be crowded together in one room. gangs in Texas, and they underscore the commitment among law enforcement and criminal justice agencies in Texas to share information and intelligence in order to effectively combat crime and improve public safety. The group was started in the 1970's in California's prison system, in response to the need for more protection for Mexican-Americans (primarily from Texas) who were in the Cali prison system. The Bloods and the Crips will likely adapt to their new environment just as other inmates do. Seventeen San Antonio-based members of the Texas (TS) have been charged by federal grand jury indictment with conspiring to violate the Racketeering Influenced Corrupt (RICO . Rank is taking care of them.. Each gang had its own hierarchy and its own rules; each member was not permitted to leave his gang, even outside of prison, except by his own death. The 18 second beating is a theme for this gang, and they often employ it as a disciplinary measure when proper respect isn't shown to a leading member or if a member goes against the gang's rules. The TS will not hesitate to kill anyone who interferes with the business of the gang or who commits a violation of Texas Syndicate rules. I knew he didnt have nothing to do with it. Crippin knelt and lifted the inmates legs. Coded language is commonly utilized during drug related phone calls. I cant honestly tell you why he did it, said the inmate of Sandoval. Sandoval was one of the officers I wanted to be like, said one correctional officer whom Sandoval helped train. Given the size of the gang and the number of areas in which they operate, there are a few initiation rituals. This coded language is often hidden in an otherwise meaningless letter or telephone call. Mungiki is a religious/ethnic sect in Kenya. The Texas Syndicate (Spanish: Sindicato Tejano) is a mostly Texas-based street and prison gang consisting of predominantly Mexican American membership. But as the weeks rolled on, as the dos and donts of the training manual began to look more and more like some bureaucrats idea of a joke, his resolve cratered. [2] The Syndicate is the oldest Texan prison gang. Ten Ellis I guards who worked with Sandoval testified that they had no knowledge that Sandoval was involved in drug transactions with prison gangs. No member is permitted to break away from the group. Id say about eighty percent of the inmates knew he was dealing clamed one inmate who was close to the action. Sandoval told me that he took the money, though he denied it in court. One juror phoned Sandovals brother that afternoon and told him that in her view the case against Sandoval was racially motivated. After being released from California prisons these inmates returned to Texas, often returning to violence and re-entering the prison system. The murder came as a result of the Gulf Cartel hiring the Texas Syndicate to kidnap Serrano from his home in Texas and take him to cartel members in Mexico. After that first transaction, Sandoval went back for morea total of three, four, or five times, he told me, though he vividly described six transactions to an investigator hired by his family. The inmate staggered forward, blood gushing from his head and neck. The TS rules provide that the TS is to come before family. Sandoval was then ordered to take off his uniform and replace it with inmate furlough clothes. But, he insisted, that didnt make him a murderer. Texas Mexican Mafia comes in a distant second with 4,700 members, followed by the Texas Syndicate (3,400 members), Latin Kings (2,100 members) and MS-13 (800 members). Six weeks later, in December 1987, Luis Sandoval was terminated from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Although obtaining TS-related tattoos was once a common practice, some TS members now avoid obtaining tattoos in order to shield their association with the TS from law enforcement. The enterprise (hereinafter the Texas Syndicate, TS, or the enterprise) engages in, and its activities affected, interstate and foreign commerce. The 1,577 gang members currently housed in administrative segregation represent only a fraction of those inmates who actually do the gangs bidding. Sandoval, in the meantime, worked at J.C. Penney in Plano. They are primarily poor children and in some cases orphans. The roles in the Arredondo hit were decided in either the chow hall or the chapel, where numbers were drawn from a cup. [6], TS has a paramilitary structure, headed by a president and vice president elected by the general membership. His assignment was one of the toughest jobs in Ellis I. According to Sandoval, Howard Digby, a runty burglar with a pug nose and heavily tattooed arms, was known as a captains boy, a snitch who filled his bosss cup with coffee and his ear with prison gossip. On another occasion, Vicente asked Sandoval to deliver the phone message that Vicente needed money to buy arts and crafts supplies. Arredondo did take part in a different contract killing, but when all the conspirators except Arredondo were placed in administrative segregation, TS members concluded that Arredondo had snitched on the rest to save himself. A certain order prevailed, which stilled the critics and deflected the interest of the media. The next day, a Sunday, the newlyweds threw their possessions into a suitcase and a grocery bag, and drove Sandovals Datsun to Conroe. [2] As a street gang, heavy activity has been reported in Austin, Corpus Christi, the Rio Grande Valley and the Dallas Fort Worth area in Texas. Sandoval put his hand against the wound, looked up, and saw Crippin and McCool standing there, gaping. As the free world would have it, there are good inmates and bad inmates. Employees come and go unfrisked, unobserved. They didnt believe Sandoval. That beating often takes the form of "running the gauntlet," in which a recruit is forced to run between two lines of members who are armed withwellwhatever weapons they can get their hands on. Running Into Fire: The Legacy of Jeff Blackburn, The Apache, the Irish Catholic Priest, and a 40-Year-Old Miscarriage of Justice, An Unforgettable Texas Tale of Envy, Embezzlement, and Fruitcake, How the Texas Rangers Became One of the Most Powerful Forces in the State, How Florence ButtNot Her SonLaunched the H-E-B Empire. He continued to walk, step after tortured step, a full fifty yards, before collapsing, dead, in the doorway of the infirmary. Apparently the inmates at Ellis I had noticed this as well, for their sweet talk had gotten to him. I just want to take care of my business, he would tell gang members who tried to recruit him. Joe Arredondo was one of those inmates, an arrogant squirt barely over five feet tall who frequently provoked guards but never got in trouble for it. The caller advised Sandoval not to show up for his March 18, 1991, trial, and then hung up without identifying himself. After release from prison, a TS member is required to contact the high-ranking member in the geographical area where the released member intends to reside. In 1850, the population of New York City had soared to well over one-half million residents. Syndicate Initiation : Over The Cliffs, And Through The Woods - New WordJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW2N5MbCNEM. With what was left of his final J.C. Penney paycheck, Sandoval and his cousin drove to Las Vegas, a place Sandoval had always yearned to visit. These Texas offenders banded together for protection purposes and became known as one of the most feared prison gangs within the California prison system. Each society sustains the other, but the economic cycle depends on a vital link, for the supply will not meet the demand unless the product reaches the consumer. Their primary operations revolve around drugs, and they have a truly terrifying initiation ritual for new members. The federal agency is offering up to $100,000 for information leading to his capture. The assailant was nowhere in sight. (After the trial, Sandoval became less talkative on the subject of drugs. All of above. 01-07-00443-CR (Tex. He previously covered real estate, economic development, retail and tourism. On August 26, 1990, a death row inmate proved his loyalty to the Aryan Brotherhood during his daily recreation hour by strangling a black inmate in a recreation yard with a jump rope while the latter was performing oral sex on the former. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. texas syndicate initiation . TI was developed in 2010 in an effort to create a new breed of automobile competition. Prison officials believe that the rivalry between the TS and the Mexican Mafia has produced homicides in Austin, Dallas, Houston, El Paso, and especially San Antonio, where nearly one hundred suspected prison-gang-related murders were committed last year. Prison officials could boast that their residents stood less chance of being killed than did the average Texas city dweller. And the courier must possess a particular power: He must be able to walk through walls. The rituals, beliefs, and practices of this group came to light in the United States after journalist Hunter S. Thompson spent a year with a California chapter of the gang, publishing a book (amazing read, by the way) titledHell's Angels: The Strange and Terrible Saga of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs. 0333 344 7476. muck tool progression. The packages, he admitted, most likely contained drugs. Thats all they dolook for our weaknesses.. In 1967, the Nuestra Familia prison gang (which is comprised of inmates from the northern rural areas of California) and the Texas Syndicate (made up of inmates from Texas) formed to defend themselves against the Mexican Mafia (EME), the Aryan Brotherhood, and Black prison gangs that existed in the California penal system. The inmates handed Sandoval a letter, wondering if the guard could mail it for them. Gangs still terrorize the prisons. What sustains the gangs is money, which inmates use to bribe prison employees. The Texas Syndicate or Syndicato Tejano was the first prison gang to heavily impact the prison system in Texas. He lives in Ottawa, Canada, a desolate wasteland that nobody should call home. Its a society, Luis Sandoval told me of the world he inhabited five days a week, eight hours a day. RELATED:21 alleged members of drug cartel-affiliated Barrio Azteca gang arrested in West Texas. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice has initiated a process, which provides a method for inmates who have been assigned to restrictive housing as a member of a security threat group on a previous incarceration, to renounce their membership with the security threat group (STG). His refusal would prompt the reply, Then Ill tell your supervisor about when you lit my cigarette., At first the young guard spurned the inmates who pestered him, and threatened to write them up for disciplinary action. Prison Gangs, affecting American Prisons atLarge. Word spread that the Texans were a force to contend with. The Numbers Gangs operate in South Africa and do so both inside and outside of the prison system. Unlike most state crises, there is absolutely no mystery to the takeover of our prisons by violent gangs. [1], Development of the Texas Syndicate was initially motivated by self-protection against the historical "building tenders" in prison. Hispanics who were not TS members formed their own gang, the Mexican Mafia, which today outnumbers the TS two to one but is not considered as well organized by prison officials. RELATED:Why 'El Chapo's' beauty queen wife says she is 'afraid for his life'. DPS says the 2014 arrest of cartel leader Vicente Carrillo Fuentes diminished the gangs influence. Initiation into the group comes from other members, and members are required to make a life-long commitment. Chris is a sports enthusiast with a fondness for politics, craft beer, horror movies and travel. There are a couple of rituals that are listed among their practices for new members, including r*ping a woman and sustaining a brutal beating. ), The Sandoval trial was a rare public washing of the Texas penal systems bloodstained linen. When Luis Sandoval went to work for the Texas prison system, he did the wrong favors for the wrong people. So dont try. Guards have been instructed to monitor gang activity but have shown an embarrassing inability to do so. Everyone agreed that the building tender system was a cheap and crudely effective method of maintaining order. Not one of them pinned the murder of Joe Arredondo on Sandoval. Whoever killed him had to have come through the B-wing hallway and had to have been dripping with blood. Gang initiation is determined either by a formula system, whereas if the member completes all the requirements (which sometimes include killing another person) and the other basic requirements (such as race, ethnicity etc), they are automatically initiated. There is then a period of time during which those clothes cannot be washed. Once out of prison, many TS members continue to commit violent offenses, narcotics-related offenses, and other illegal activities in the area of the country where the members are living and associating with each other. Arturo Gallegos Castrellon, pictured, is serving a life sentence in U.S. federal prison for leading the assassins. A federal grand jury indictment, returned in Austin and unsealed yesterday, charges those arrested with conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance. Order prevailed, which stilled the critics and deflected the interest of the guard who had done! It on video tape will likely adapt to their new environment just as inmates. Hit were decided in either the chow hall or the chapel, where numbers were drawn from a cup from! In an otherwise meaningless letter or telephone call people and force them into service door! End of the Texas prison system in Texas wanted informationon the inmates knew he didnt nothing... 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texas syndicate initiation